Obama Campaign 2012 Ads

"You ain't seen nothing yet!"
This is what happens when the Obama Presidential Campaign rhetoric heats up after the Republican Party picks its candidate!
For the first time ever, U.S. voters will see how much overall spending by all candidates in 2012 is predicted to eclipse an astounding $8 billion Election Price Tag.
What does $1 Billion dollars of Obama campaign funds buy in the 2012 Presidential Election? $7,526.61 per vote cast regardless of party. That's based on $1 Billion/132,862,082 total voters, excluding all government costs for election precinct equipment and facilities, administering voter ballots and post-election tally counts.
For Obama to win, the percentage of Democrats, Republicans plus Independents ballots cast would be 50% of the voters, the cost per net voter is then $15,000 per ballot cast ($1 Billion/66,431,041 voters = $15,053.22) - That is 28% of all registered voters. Do the math!
The Republicans have not publically projected as yet what their campaign war chest will hold until their own candidate is chosen. But, it will be definitely up there with Obama.
Bottom Line: Look out! ...All this shit will hit the fan and splatter everyone!
U.S. Voter Turnout in Federal Elections: 2000 - 2012
The U.S. Census Bureau projected the total population to be 312,939,644 as of 01/31/12.
2012 Voter Age Pop: 240,256,931 Voter Turnout: 132,862,082 (55.3%)
2010 Voter Age Pop: 235,809,263 Voter Turnout: 90,682,968 (37.8%)
2008 Voter Age Pop: 231,229,580 Voter Turnout: 138,212,580 (56.8%)
2006 Voter Age Pop: 220,600,000 Voter Turnout: 80,588,000 (37.1%)
2004 Voter Age Pop: 221,256,931 Voter Turnout: 122,294,978 (55.3%)
2002 Voter Age Pop: 215,473,000 Voter Turnout: 79,830,119 (55.3%)
2000 Voter Age Pop: 205,815,000 Voter Turnout: 105,586,274 (51.3%)
NOTE: 2012 - Projected Voter Forecast
VOTE 2012! ~
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