Obama: Our National Groundhog Day Event

National Prayer Breakfast this year landed on February 2, Groundhog Day. How ironic is that? Just like in the movie, "Groundhog Day", Phil, a TV weatherman (Obama) is bitter, appallingly self-centered, and treats all of his co-workers (Congress) with contempt while convinced that national news stardom (the 2012 Presidency) is in his grasp.
Filmed in Punxsutawney, PA, where the citizens await the appearance of Punxsutawney Phil, the groundhog who will supposedly determine the length of winter by his ability to see his own shadow. a freak snowstorm strands him (Obama) in Punxsutawney, he (Obama) wakes up the next morning with the strangest sense of déjà vu: he (Obama) seems to be living the same day over again. The next morning it happens again, and then again. Soon, no matter what he (Obama) does, he's (Obama) stuck in February 2; not imprisonment nor attempted suicide nor kidnapping the groundhog gets him (Obama) out of the loop. But the more Phil (Obama) relives the same day, the more he's forced to look at other people's lives, and something unusual happens: he (Obama) begins to care about others, like being his Brother's Keeper? Is this Obama's epiphany, a sudden amazing insight? Nah, Read on!... It's like Groundhog Day All Over Again - Except, it's all about Obama's "Nanny State" Programs!
Barack Obama's Faith is Misplaced
Obama the Messiah, "The Anointed One"At the National Prayer Breakfast, February 2, 2012, Obama once again established his personal theological basis for everything from ObamaCare to taking on Wall Street to bombing Libya:
"[P]art of that belief comes from my faith in the idea that I am my brother’s keeper and I am my sister’s keeper; that as a country, we rise and fall together. I’m not an island. I’m not alone in my success. I succeed because others succeed with me."
Obama: Our Brother's Keeper
But is it true? Am I my "brother's keeper"? And if so, what should government do about it?
The specific phrase "brother's keeper" is used just once in the Bible -- the account of Cain and Abel. From the context of that verse and the meaning and usage of the Hebrew word "shamar" (to keep), "the answer is clearly no".
I find no biblical directives to "keep" another human being as implied in the Hebrew "shamar." Cain's use of the phrase was actually in his own defense. Instead, we are told first and foremost that God keeps us and that we are to keep His law. The "keeping" relationship is vertical -- God to man, and in response, man to God's ways. For one man to assume the role of "keeper" for another man is to interfere with the God-man relationship.
And that's exactly what Obama's Marxist liberation theology seeks to do -- place Communist Karl Marx gives the Peace Signman in the role of God.
This is not a small point. Obama is making his class-envy, statist philosophy the centerpiece of his campaign. He is bragging about the government's takeover of General Motors (even though it cost taxpayers tens of billions of dollars). He is openly attacking the free market and capitalism. And he is (wrongly) using theology -- the brother's keeper "principle" -- to defend his point.
Even if Obama were correct that the Bible teaches that one man has a responsibility to "keep" another man, Obama would then still have to justify that, under our Constitution, that government has a legitimate "keeper" role. The Constitution makes no such claim over the lives of "We The People". But unfortunately, that's what we have today -- a "Nanny" state that "Keeps" people!
Blog Credits:
D.K. Dickey http://rovalocity.com
"Obama Visits Punxsutawney Phil on Feb 2"
Steve Elliot http://grassfire.com/
"Barack Obama's Faith Misplaced"
"Obama: Our Brothers Keeper"
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