Rick Santorum Bolsters Conservative Plans

Rick's Plan - Alternative to Romney
The Ideal Candidate must get all the right qualities to win the race!
Rick Santorum has lagged in the primaries held since his Iowa win in early January. The three-state sweep on Tuesday, February 7, 2012 will bolster his argument that he, not Newt Gingrich, is the GOP's top alternative to Mitt Romney.
"Conservatism is alive and well in Missouri and Minnesota," Rick Santorum said at a victory rally in St. Charles, Mo. "I don't stand here to be the conservative alternative to Mitt Romney," he said, prompting loud shouts of support. "I stand here to be the conservative alternative to Barack Obama."
A Liberal Left-leaning Website (rackjite.com) spews out mantra that defines their differences from "Conservative thinking". Witness their own "question and answers" as proof to those absurdities. (My comments are in parenthesises)
"Does SMALL GOVERNMENT really mean no safety net for Black People and Hispanics? (How about a safety net for other ethnicities too or is this question laced with race-baiting?)
We have an unemployment rate of 8%. (The “real rate" is 15% which includes those discouraged and no longer actively seeking work and part-time workers who would like full-time employment). So by Conservatives needing smaller government - which really means less taxes for things (Like more government hand-outs?) other than war and prisons, (Like wars to fight our enemies and prisons to lock up bad criminals?). What about the 8% who cannot find jobs that do not exist? (Obama stopped the privatized pipeline project and others, then chooses which companies he wishes to invest in and fails). Or the 15% who cannot find jobs paying enough to support themselves and their families? (Why did the Obama economy fail them?) Or the 46% on the edge of poverty? (Obama has to spend more effort on job creation and less on class warfare)
The most Christian of us, Bachmann, Santorum, Gingrich, Paul say, "No work, no food." Pretty much the Republican line... But what about my math? (I did your math: 8% Unemployment + 8% No Jobs Available + 15% Paid too Low + 46% Edge of Poverty = It adds up to 77% Total). If there is no work... Something is very very wrong with Republicans, way down deep wrong. (Big problem in their final conclusion by combining unemployed workers with welfare recipients on the poverty edge to boost percentages for argument to show the Christian Republicans are bad deep down)."
Also cited in the website was this study. Brock University in Ontario, Canada has released an in depth study about Conservatives following the lives of three groups of people, two in England and one in the "Untied States". Published recently in Psychological Science, the review can be found at the website Live Science: Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice.
A George Carlin Thought
This is another study which finds to only confirm what everyone already knows to be true. (Hmn...why do I think this opinion indicates biased research?). However they are defined - social conservatives, the Republican Base or Evangelical Christians - they will completely ignore this because it is "a study" and "studies" are like "science," just a pile of theoretical Godless crap. Here are some of the findings:
- People who give in to racism and prejudice may simply be dumb.
- They found that what applies to racism may also apply to homophobia. People who were poorer at abstract reasoning were more likely to exhibit prejudice against gays.
- Anti-prejudice programs encourage participants to see things from another group's point of view. That mental exercise may be too taxing for people of low IQ.
- Strict right-wing ideology might appeal to those who have trouble grasping the complexity of the world.
The negatives and outright B.S. already thrown out in this election year certainly show what Rick Santorum will be facing as he goes ahead in the race. The personal attacks are ready to go full steam ahead!
VOTE 2012! ~

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