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Obamacare's Free Patient Birth Control Services

Holy Homilies Your Popeship!

Given Free with Tithes in Offering Plate - 1 Dozen pk.

Washington, DC - February 10, 2012 - Obama loudly proclaimed that Government mandated Obamacare coverage is now provided by the Insurance Companies at no cost to patients for anHappy Condom is a 9 yr. old boy's pal - no STDs.yObamacare King kinds of contraceptives, "morning-after" abortion pills and sterilizations through faith-based entities such as churches and affiliated organizations. This is merely protecting the rights of all women regardless of Catholic Church objections to the contrary.

Don't forget all kids down to 16 yrs. old can now receive these same services mandated by the the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). These privacy laws don't require asking parents or guardians for any permission to get them or medical service providers to tell them about services either. 

So, now what is the Big Dealeo anyway? It's a win-win thing -- isn't everybody happy now?

The Insurance Companies were surprised and certainly not happy without first being consulted before Obama's speech that Insurance Companies would pay for this program Oh, Whoopsie Barak! 

The program costs in actuality, however, will be billed out to other patients through healthcare providers to shoulder all of these huge rate increases. The insurance companies will pay nothing, the taxpayers again get hosed instead.


 VOTE 2012!  ~


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