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Obama - A 4th Place President

Obama Claims Title as The 4th Best President In History...

After his interview on 60 Minutes with correspondent, Steve Kroft, Obama's comments on being the fourth best ever President in his own opinion was edited out of the aired CBS broadcast, but CBS left it in for the online edition, "60 Overtime", in its entirety as shown in the 1 minute, 16 second video clip.

Carney Defends Obama as The 4th Best President In History... 

This would have been even better if Obama hadn’t conveniently interrupted Carney before he really answered the correspondent's question - it is, however, a telling 28 second video clip that suggests that a very paranoid Obama was impatiently waiting in the wings for the que, ready to go on the defensive, and showing insecurity by not letting his own staff handle the news media during a routine daily briefing and questions in the White House press room.


Obama can Debate on being The 4th Best President In History...

It will be interesting to hear his debating skills; after all, he will have to defend both sides of his mouth. Obama has pandered different tales to different audiences traveling across the country to amass votes. Can he stay on message during this campaign season?  Hopefully, the voters will see past the speeches with fancy rhetoric, sound bites with no substance and photo opportunities within a planned script to act out his messages.




 VOTE 2012!  ~


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