The Obamanomics Lessons

The Bad Math Still Does Not Add Up!
During the debate, I was waiting for Obama to have another "Blame it on Bush" moment during the debate and it never came, or so I thought. However, in reviewing the energy policies issues, it stuck out like a sore thumb. How could I have missed it?
Do you remember Obama calling out Romney for stating that the gasoline prices doubled during his term in office? He then admonished Romney by implying it was unfair to compare the low prices when he came into office to now. Obama made the case that Bush's bad economy caused those low prices. If you use that logic the economy is even worse now, so then shouldn't the prices be lower yet?
If Obama inherited such a bad economy that caused the gasoline prices to soar, then why has it continued upward in spite of his own stimulus programs? Is it because Obama has turned everyone's attention away from the real reason: The Obama Green Energy Program? The fuel prices are up higher due to the harsh EPA rules Obama pushed which cut the drilling permits down by 65% on public lands and 35% on private lands. (Econ 101 Principle: Prices go down when supply is up.)
More Obama Math Problems
Source: White House Office of Mgt & Budget Office ~ N.Y. Times - March 29, 2009
White House Office of Management Budget Office 2009 Analysis
The differences between the estimates from CBO and the White House budget office are attributable to different baselines and economic assumptions, and a big reason CBO expects the deficit to spike sharply under Obama's budget is that CBO's baseline assumes all the Bush-era tax rates will expire at the end of 2012. Obama's budget would increase the size of the national debt held by the public from $10.1 trillion in 2012 to $18.8 trillion in 2022, according to CBO.
White House Office of Management Budget Office 2012 Analysis
As 2012 ends, the CBO was way off in their 2009 forecast for the CBO debt of $10.1 trillion in 2012 since the U.S. Debt now stands much higher today in their actual 2012 CBO debt of $16.0 trillion and still growing more.
...and what fiscal idiots don't see that Obama is clueless!
~ Bad Math = Out of Business ~
VOTE EARLY - Nov 6, 2012! ~

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