Obama - Unsafe at any Speed!

I remember during the 1960s when Chevrolet Corvair lead the list of
automobile recalls due to faulty designs which were quite prevalent due to an ambulance chasing, sue-crazy, gadfly lawyer named Ralph Nader. He put the smackdown on GM in his book Unsafe at Any Speed, noting that the Corvair's single-piece steering column could impale the driver in a front collision. Ouch, that hurts!
Admittedly, Nader has had a great effect on U.S. law and public policy and considered by many as the father of the consumer protection movement. Over the years, his litigating zeal has hardly diminished and he continues today in running towards other windmills like Don Quixote of Cervantes'.
So although I find some of his consumer protectionism causes grossly tilted attacks on some business leading to EPA controls toward epic proportions and unreasonable laws; aside, his candor to express himself honestly is one of his strong suits.
After many years in Washington politics, Ralph Nader has certainly worked both sides of the aisle and behind closed doors which offered him a look into the workings of national government. So recently on the Mike Huckabee Show, Ralph Nader was promoting a new book and interviewed about many different issues. One particular subject was mentioned, lightly skirted, and then the interview was over before more was said.
Ralph Nader described in passing the "selfish demeanor" as Obama tours various cities never mentioning or barely talking up the local Democrat congressmen in the district he's visiting instead encouraging voters only to vote for Barack Obama. This has been, up to now, an unmentioned aspect of Obama's Chicago-style raw politic that raises its ugly head. It has, indeed, been a backroom topic of discussion about the disillusion within the ranks of the Democrat congressional Obama minions.
Another "odd behavior" that Obama had shown on the campaign trail is that he seems to act
like he doesn't really need these Congressmen much either. It's as though that branch of government, the Congressional body, is not required or needed for Obama to carry on the running of the U.S. Federal Government. I would assume that all Barack Obama needs are "Executive Orders" to sign to circumnavigate Congress. Maybe, eventually like Hugo Chavez and Vladimir Putin Barack just cancels the other branches of government.
Does Ralph Nader have some plausible observations he identified that the rest of us in the United States don't see? After all, he recognized some flaws and problems in some automobiles. I guess Politicians, like cars, can be real "Clunkers and Lemons" too. In fact, as Ralph Nader's first big book title screamed out: "Unsafe at any speed!" ...Ralph Nader was just talking about cars. How about Presidents?
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