Obama - Sex for Sale

Alms for the Poor - Obamacare in Action!
Folks, here's a "FREE" condom for your Vote?
The giving of 'alms' is an act of charity toward thoseObama takes women's issues seriously - Sells $5 condom TShirts less fortunate. So, thank the Lord for the generosity of the Federal Government Obamacare coverage to offer everyone free condoms to keep people safe from STDs and unplanned pregnancies. So if we screw up, literally, we can get free abortions to kill unwanted babies and provide medical treatment for STDs to every woman. What a great generous country that women live in, huh? Is this issue "real" and "big" for women in the 2012 U.S. Election? ...I think not!
Since we lose our souls for Obamacare benefits, can we also sell our souls for votes to keep Obama in office too? Is this now how cheap a woman's vote has been devalued down to these days?
The Obama campaign led by Obama's spokeswoman, Sandra Fluke, has kept all their women voters concentrated on looking up under their own dresses, between their legs and into their uteruses. What do they see anyway? Not much when their whole focus really should be centered on what is above the neck, like a mind where one uses a head to think and reason out choices. What women should then focus on is the national budget and how much is available to pay for their programs instead.
Believe it or not, both candidates have supported women's healthcare differing only on how programs will be structured and what is included in their budgets. A woman said, "Obamacare has been passed to get beyond the fog of controversy so everyone can see what is in it." So Nancy Pelosi, what is in it?
Nancy, Harry Reid and Barack Obama still haven't told anyone those details yet.
VOTE EARLY - Nov 6, 2012! ~

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