"Beam Me Up Scotty" has a New Meaning

The Department of Defense revealed its Active Denial System, a nonlethal weapon used to disperse crowds, secure perimeters, and even protect ships against pirates. It is one of the military’s safest non-lethal capabilities, having been developed over 15 years and was briefly deployed in Afghanistan in 2010, but never used in an operation or utilized in the field.
The device is neither radioactive nor is it a laser beam. The waves can fire up to 1,000 meters, or .6 miles, away and are designed to target the subject in the line of sight. A truck which can aim this beam at many attackers which is capable of getting the part of their bodies it touches really hot so that they move. You can’t see it, hear it or smell it. There are no lasting effects, just an irresistible urge to run away from whatever was causing the sensation. It is described it as a method that allows them to “Shoot first and ask questions later. Normally you can’t do that.”
Some say, "It felt like 1,000 degrees when hit with the heat ray" or “I’ve never been inside a tub that somebody dropped a hairdryer in, but I would imagine that’s what it feels like”. After about 1.5 seconds, 1/64 of an inch of one's skin is 130 degrees, but the DOD says there aren’t any lingering effects. There’s no cancer risk, there’s no risk to a fetus or reproductive capability. It’s just heat. In order to avoid accidents, the operation’s trigger automatically shuts off after just three seconds which provides the safest means and also provides the greatest range.
"Some still have concerns about the weapon’s safety, particularly surrounding what differentiates this device from a microwave, and if it is almost “cooking” these people for three seconds, like what would happen in the kitchen."
"According to Stephanie Miller, a researcher who measured the system’s radio frequency bioeffects at the Air Force Research Laboratory, this is not at all the case. She said that the system has a frequency of 95 gigahertz, which is absorbed “very superficially,” only touching the top 1/64th of an inch of a person’s skin, not their entire body. The result is that a person’s “pain nerves” are activated, making them want to run, but not causing any real or lasting damage."
I wonder if a few hots dogs and a wiener could be cooked at another Occupy Protest Movement, during a bowel movement over an American Flag that is...........
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