Obama Bernays Sauce Spices Up His Bland Dishes

The Snoopy Dance
Although tempting as it has been to get up and do a celebratory 'Snoopy Dance' as Obamacare is falling apart, grandstanding and self-congratulatory backslapping at the moment will not help to settle our nation's healthcare problems. I do offer, though, a hearty congratulations to the American public for finally waking up to this so wrong-headed liberal progressive social engineering in a Federal government healthcare program that robs the treasury and usurps our Constitutional rights.
The Obama White House now continues its downhill slide politically and substantively as the President's bandwagon wheels are falling off while the Democrat Party is jumping off to distance itself from Obama's mounting self-inflicted disasters. As more revelations unfold daily to many supporters about Obamacare, it now appears that it's a disparate Presidential vanity act to help build the Obama Administration's historical legacy contrary to mainstream narratives needs more political advertising hype.
Now the Washington D.C. propaganda machine has been turned up full blast to blow smoke and gas to obfuscate the truth and distort the facts using techniques from Edward Bernays, 1891-1995, a liberal progressive; whose uncle, ironically, was the renowned psychologist, Dr. Sigmund Freud. Bernays masterminded many successful advertising campaigns over the twentieth century. They ranged from introducing 'bacon and eggs' breakfast, shaving with safety Gillette blade razors, women smoking cigarettes, using underarm deodorant, selling the public on President Woodrow Wilson's 'Efforts for Freedom' Program to enter WW1, drinking fluoridated water and as a cold war anti-communism fear tactic weapon shaping public policy opinion.
Joseph Paul Goebbels, the Nazi Propaganda Minister under Hitler, read Bernays' book, Propaganda, which he found very instructional in formulating his propaganda program. Goebbels said, "Not every item of news should be published. Rather must those who control news policies endeavor to make every item of news serve a certain purpose." "It is the absolute right of the state to supervise the formation of public opinion." Hmn... Looks like Obama has been reading the same text book!
Bernays' successful techniques are still being applied today in the government manipulation of propaganda programs to control the 'mass mind' of the public. It's like a tasty 'bearnaise' sauce as a cover up or added flavor to make any dish easy to swallow, just like 'Bernays' propaganda campaigns.
Time: 02:53

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