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Entries in Obama Dirty Politics Tricks (4)


Obama Bernays Sauce Spices Up His Bland Dishes

The Snoopy Dance

Although tempting as it has been to get up and do a celebratory 'Snoopy Dance' as Obamacare is falling apart, grandstanding and self-congratulatory backslapping at the moment will not help to settle our nation's healthcare problems.  I do offer, though, a hearty congratulations to the American public for finally waking up to this so wrong-headed liberal progressive social engineering in a Federal government healthcare program that robs the treasury and usurps our Constitutional rights.

The Obama White House now continues its downhill slide politically and substantively as the President's bandwagon wheels are falling off while the Democrat Party is jumping off to distance itself from Obama's mounting self-inflicted disasters. As more revelations unfold daily to many supporters about Obamacare, it now appears that it's a disparate Presidential vanity act to help build the Obama Administration's historical legacy contrary to mainstream narratives needs more political advertising hype.

Now the Washington D.C. propaganda machine has been turned up full blast to blow smoke and gas to obfuscate the truth and distort the facts using techniques from Edward Bernays, 1891-1995, a liberal progressive; whose uncle, ironically, was the renowned psychologist, Dr. Sigmund Freud. Bernays masterminded many successful advertising campaigns over the twentieth century. They ranged from introducing 'bacon and eggs' breakfast, shaving with safety Gillette blade razors, women smoking cigarettes, using underarm deodorant, selling the public on President Woodrow Wilson's 'Efforts for Freedom' Program to enter WW1, drinking fluoridated water and as a cold war anti-communism fear tactic weapon shaping public policy opinion.

Joseph Paul Goebbels, the Nazi Propaganda Minister under Hitler, read Bernays' book, Propaganda, which he found very instructional in formulating his propaganda program. Goebbels said, "Not every item of news should be published. Rather must those who control news policies endeavor to make every item of news serve a certain purpose." "It is the absolute right of the state to supervise the formation of public opinion." Hmn... Looks like Obama has been reading the same text book!

Bernays' successful techniques are still being applied today in the government manipulation of propaganda programs to control the 'mass mind' of the public. It's like a tasty 'bearnaise' sauce as a cover up or added flavor to make any dish easy to swallow, just like 'Bernays' propaganda campaigns.


Time: 02:53 


Obama: Caught Up In His Own Tangled Web

1941 'The Maltese Falcon' - Humphrey Bogart & Sidney Greenstreet CLICK ON PHOTO TO VIEW VIDEO FILM CLIP - Time: 04:13"What is at issue here is not some sacred moral value, such as "In God We Trust." Domestic politics or the affairs of nations are not an avocation for angels. But the coin of this imperfect realm is credibility."

"Sydney Greenstreet's Kasper Gutman explained the terms of trade in the 1941 film, 'The Maltese Falcon': "I must tell you what I know, but you won't tell me what you know. That is hardly equitable, sir. I don't think we can do business along those lines." Bogie was rebuked and so he angrily stormed out of the room. So then how do two sides conduct a one-sided negotiation amicably? They don't, just like in the movie. But in Obama's case, he is the world leader on the world stage acting like a two-bit actor that's all show, no go and no real act.

"Bluntly, Mr. Obama's partners are concluding that they cannot do business with him. They don't trust him. Whether it's the Saudis, the Syrian rebels, the French, the Iraqis, the unpivoted Asians or the congressional Republicans, they've all had their fill of coming up on the short end with so mercurial a U.S. president. And when that happens, the world's important business doesn't get done. It sits in a dangerous and volatile vacuum."

The Maltese FalconObama has foolishly squandered his own moral capital. Despite appearances, politicians and governments care deeply about people's moral judgments, for these provide the moral capital they depend on for survival and effective functioning. Obama stupidly burned all of his bridges as he never learned an important axiom: “An honest man's word is as good as his bond.” - from 'Don Quixote de la Mancha' by Miguel de Cervantes. Obama has deservedly earned the distinction that he cannot be trusted to give or keep his word, period - how many times is too many to finally cross the 'red line'?

"The next major political event in Washington is the negotiation over spending, entitlements and taxes between House budget chairman Paul Ryan and his Senate partner, Patty Murray. The bad air over this effort is the same as that Marco Rubio says is choking immigration reform: the fear that Mr. Obama will urge the process forward in public and then blow up any Ryan-Murray agreement at the 11th hour with deal-killing demands for greater tax revenue." 

"Then there is Mr. Obama's bond with the American people, which is diminishing with the failed rollout of the Affordable Care Act. ObamaCare is the central processing unit of the Obama presidency's belief system. Now the believers are wondering why the administration suppressed knowledge of the huge program's problems when hundreds of tech workers for the project had to know this mess would happen Oct. 1."

It is apropos to say, "Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive." - by Sir Walter Scott, 1808.  It certainly describes not only Obama but his untrustworthy partners' motives both inside and outside government circles.  He has consistently demonstrated his contempt for our Constitutional governance, our capitalist country and our people--witness Obama's burdensome socialist programs and prolific Federal government spending projected to shoot over $20 Trillion at the end of his term. And, our government has still not cut spending or set up any budget--isn't it about time now?


It Doesn't Take A Psychic To See Obama's Future

Question: Haven't you seen people that you know what they're going to do before anything happens?  Sounds psychic, mysticalCarnac the Magnificant and clairvoyant; but in practice, it's just the art of listening! So, put down your smart phones, tablets, iPods and pull out your ear buds to listen to what is being said directly to you, the electorate. 

You are being warned repeatedly by this President about his threats to the checks and balances in our Constitutional Government. The United States was never intended to be a parliamentary system and yet Obama ignores the two other branches of government - the Judiciary and Congress.

Dictator Benito Mussolini - "Il Duce" ("the Leader") Created the Fascist Party in Italy.Obama is rebalancing the system toward a "national-leader model" that is alien to the American tradition.  It is Meta-leadership, a model to build government connectivity, overarching leadership that intentionally connects the purposes and work of different organizations or organizational units. Thinking and operating beyond their immediate scope of authority as the titular head, the meta-leader entirely provides guidance, direction, and momentum across organizational lines that develop into a shared course of action and a commonality of purpose among people and agencies that are doing what may appear to be very different work to leverage system assets, information, and capacities, particularly critical functions for government. It is not democratic governance by or for the people, but autocratic leadership merging into unbridled totalitarian rule that imperiously seeks to control all aspects of public and private life whenever necessary for the common good of all the people.

A "national-leader model" is not a constitutional democracy that is constrained and limited by ingrained bureaucratic patterns of behavior. A constitutional democracy has a judiciary branch of justices making decisions based on constitutional laws and a legislative branch of representatives of the people who are proposing, passing and signing into law legislation that is mandating, establishing or regulating society as a check and balance to counter the powers of the President in the executive branch who is administering the legislation to uphold the will of the people. 

So, Obama's vision of our nation's future is devoid of any individual constitutional rights, infrastructure or guidelines, a country that truly is without misconceptions - what you see is what you get - and it ain't much, as the government excesses and largess drains its treasury to rob its citizens of their wealth, freedom and future. It is a battle of redefining the government's role as a servant of the people verses growing the over-powerful, ever-oppressant, bloated, centralized federal nanny-state bureaucracy redistributing wealth.

Relying on many to forget, it was just back during the 2010 State of the Union Speech that Obama denounced the Supreme Court Justices seated in front of him. Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. winced at Obama's accusation and muttered, "Not true" under his breath, as he respectively remained quietly seated. Obama was extremely rude many said; an act of intimidation of one branch of government by another. Obama's repeated flouting of their decisions on labor issues and voting rights with Eric Holder are undermining its institutional authority, as Obama intended.

Obama and the punditocracy, his opinionated expert savants, branded House Republicans as "GRIDLOCK". This condemnation is true about "The House of Representatives", the one branch of government "representing the views of all Americans", which is chosen by this electorate to vote for them - So Obama is directly blaming the American people for all his gridlock problems with the code word "Congress".

Obama criticizes Congress, which is the American people themselves, as he mocks them over and over again by saying things like they have: "the endless parade of distractions", "political posturing", "made things worse", "ignored problems", "manufactured crises" and "created phony scandals".  Obama excoriates his "Congressional bogeymen" while standing arms length away from their supporters in order to still pander for their votes in the upcoming mid-term elections - it will be a big game changer if Obama loses his political clout, his cache', in attracting voter turnout and more donations.

Obama has at least four references in a recent speech to his intent to act on his own authority, as he interprets it: "That means whatever executive authority I have to help the middle class, I'll use it." (Applause.) And: "We're going to do everything we can, wherever we can, with or without Congress." (Applause.) (July 24, 2013 speech at Knox College in Galesburg, Ill.) It's very painful watching an audience applaud as Obama punches them in the face by attacking their chosen, duly elected "Congressmen" that Obama now has deemed to "put party and politics over the nation interests". Twisting the facts to the contrary, however, will not deny that it's still the will of the people's "Congressional Representatives" who are putting the national interests first over Obama's own party and partisan politics.

But in this administration, Obama is now free-wheeling on his own Presidential fiat that guarantees him open range on whatever he decides to do. That is up to and including dumping any laws as passed by congress or whether he is obligated to execute any laws either.

An unchecked, unbalanced Presidential system finally arrives!

Is the U.S. a Democracy or Obamaocracy?


Obama Thumbs Nose 

NSA has 5 Zettabytes Storage = 100 Yrs Worldwide Storage

Within the many agencies operating under the Obama administration, the lack of trust generated in its totality demonstrates how people have reacted to Obama's high-handed tactics that trample on Constitutional rights. (It would make anarchist, liberal Sol Alinsky proud of Obama, his student.)

NSA Thumb DriveThumbs down for the largest "thumb-drive" in the world from the National Security Agency, NSA, that can plug in, store and track every American citizen's personal electronic data with little regard to any constitutional rights and civil laws.

Obama accused George W Bush of making a “false choice” between liberty and security. He has now found himself caught carrying on a “fourth Bush Presidential term” after being caught red-handed spying on private citizens too. Obama insists that his NSA spying was authorized by Congress and kept under strict oversight by the special FISA courts. Both, however, are misleading weak claims due to sparse oversight notifications to Congressional members where some were not aware of the broader covert intelligence scope.

Obama has defended his FISA court search warrants and the record-breaking numbers issued growing underObama & Holder his watch while he claims them valid based on the fact they surprisingly had a small number of judicial rejections. Public records showed this trend forward through the end of 2004, 18,761 warrants were granted, while just five were rejected and this pattern was continued on into his present administration. It is also rare for FISA warrant requests to be turned down by the court. Another reason, however, may be much more plausible too since it's apparent that routine "rubber stamped" FISA court approved warrants could effortlessly circumnavigate meaningful judicial reviews of the Justice Department requests.

Creating a "privacy vs. security" balanced system must be brought out to the light of day in order to discuss implementation without the "Big Brother" elements. It would help to understand the behemoth size of the National Security Agency and its general capabilities, but not the top-secret capacities that would compromise our security. We have to remember that the U.S. Constitution is our ruling document and not a treaty between nations; therefore, to say it is constitutionally bad and abusive to spy of others living outside the United States is ludicrous. Since time memorial, historically sovereign countries have spied on each other and will continue.  The radical Muslim terrorists operating without borders or countries will also persist in spying to wage their holy war, Jihad, around the world too. So why is Obama crowing loudly that the war on terror is won, who gave up and when?

The NSA Utah Data Center is a data farm that will begin harvesting all emails, phone records, text messages and other electronic data in September 2013. The estimated power of those computing resources in Utah is so massive it requires use of a little-known unit of storage space: the "Zettabyte". as the amount of data that would fill 250 billion DVDs.

The NSA's Utah Data Center will be able to handle and process five zettabytes of data, NSA Utah Data Centeraccording to William Binney, a former NSA technical director ."They would have plenty of space with five zettabytes to store at least something on the order of 100 years worth of the worldwide communications, phones and emails and stuff like that," Binney asserts, "and then have plenty of space left over to do any kind of parallel processing to try to break codes."

Despite its capacity, the Utah center does not satisfy NSA's data demands. Last month, the agency broke ground on its next data farm at its headquarters at Ft. Meade, Md.   But, that facility will be only two-thirds the size of the mega-complex in Utah.