Looking For The Enemy? ...Did You Vote?

POGO - Earth Day 1971 - "We have met the enemy and he is us!"
Just as Pogo clearly states in a famous vintage 1971 poster, "...the enemy is us," it was a cautionary warning about ecology over 43 years ago which said that we all must take personal responsibility for our own earth. It's still true today, but forgotten by many only two generations removed in 2014.
Nearsightedness or myopia is a vision condition in which close objects are seen clearly, but objects farther away appear blurred. As a community organizer, Obama has only laser focused on campaign fundraising for the upcoming midterm elections. Obama can't see any further because national and world affairs have politically overwhelmed him. He barely understands Domestic policy day-to-day issues due to his very limited practical experience in business and government.
Even Obamacare, his ‘touchstone’ achievement is disintegrating before his eyes. As a testimony to his self-aggrandizement for a Presidential legacy was by shoving his shoddy program down people’s throats which only proved an uber-ego disconnect—and with no ‘across-the-aisle’ votes. Obama said it was all 'partisan politics as usual' forgetting to mention the electorate was not informed and the Democrats did not read the bill before the vote.
Admittedly, the mainstream media and press corps have shielded this President during his tenure as President. The cover copy shouts media bias and attacks anyone who dares criticize Obama as dumb. How clear can that be to everyone?
Doesn't everyone now see what is the big problem?--it is us. If we first shoot ourselves in the foot, then would we do it again? ...and so we actually did it again in the last Presidential election cycle. Are we going to do it over again when the world is now spinning out of control under this President's party leadership? It's time to stop the blame, stop beating ourselves up and stop unlimited government spending--let's vote to change Washington in 2014!