The True November 2016 Surprise is Here Now!
Don't believe what the mainstream press is printing and putting out as facts, they hide the unknown knowns!
Don't believe what the mainstream press is printing and putting out as facts, they hide the unknown knowns!
Why do people always ignore the very obvious facts when trying to figure out just what next is going to be happening around them?
Mark Twain once said, "A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way." Isn't that how we are now learning the same lessons from Obamacare too?
If any of the electorate does not feel like they have been mauled and scratched up by now, then just expect it when the Obama Presidential executive orders on all deferred groups expire in 2016--ironically, it's just after all the Democrats got Obama's political cover-ups on the real costs during the 2014 mid-terms lasting until the 2016 Presidential election cycle is over too--go figure!
With the joint failure of both Hillarycare and Obamacare, is the 'single-payer' socialistic medical plan the next grand insurance Federal program being foisted upon the American people? Duh, does anyone really, really need to ask what is obviously happening next?--if so, just 'Grab the cat by the tail' again!
Until the private free-market is back in place without "Federal oversight, fines and imprisonment" along with back-door price-fixing "Big Pharma sweetheart Deals", we cannot achieve affordable healthcare insurance reform like:
All the Democrats have always blathered on about is the Republicans being the "Party of No," No Ideas. And in reality, under Obama with Harry Reid's partisan leadership the Democrats have blocked all Republican sponsored bills so as not to even make it on the Senate floor for any debates. The Democrats are the "Party of No," No Debates.
So now what's stopping the newly elected majority leaders in the Senate and House, Mitch McConnell and John Boehner, now? ...Still another Presidential election?? ...Stop your B.S. politics now!
Well, there are four solid points I offered above that everyone can work on from both sides--"Make nice now!" ...and get going along all you kids! ...Or get voted out in the next election!
"What is at issue here is not some sacred moral value, such as "In God We Trust." Domestic politics or the affairs of nations are not an avocation for angels. But the coin of this imperfect realm is credibility."
"Sydney Greenstreet's Kasper Gutman explained the terms of trade in the 1941 film, 'The Maltese Falcon': "I must tell you what I know, but you won't tell me what you know. That is hardly equitable, sir. I don't think we can do business along those lines." Bogie was rebuked and so he angrily stormed out of the room. So then how do two sides conduct a one-sided negotiation amicably? They don't, just like in the movie. But in Obama's case, he is the world leader on the world stage acting like a two-bit actor that's all show, no go and no real act.
"Bluntly, Mr. Obama's partners are concluding that they cannot do business with him. They don't trust him. Whether it's the Saudis, the Syrian rebels, the French, the Iraqis, the unpivoted Asians or the congressional Republicans, they've all had their fill of coming up on the short end with so mercurial a U.S. president. And when that happens, the world's important business doesn't get done. It sits in a dangerous and volatile vacuum."
Obama has foolishly squandered his own moral capital. Despite appearances, politicians and governments care deeply about people's moral judgments, for these provide the moral capital they depend on for survival and effective functioning. Obama stupidly burned all of his bridges as he never learned an important axiom: “An honest man's word is as good as his bond.” - from 'Don Quixote de la Mancha' by Miguel de Cervantes. Obama has deservedly earned the distinction that he cannot be trusted to give or keep his word, period - how many times is too many to finally cross the 'red line'?
"The next major political event in Washington is the negotiation over spending, entitlements and taxes between House budget chairman Paul Ryan and his Senate partner, Patty Murray. The bad air over this effort is the same as that Marco Rubio says is choking immigration reform: the fear that Mr. Obama will urge the process forward in public and then blow up any Ryan-Murray agreement at the 11th hour with deal-killing demands for greater tax revenue."
"Then there is Mr. Obama's bond with the American people, which is diminishing with the failed rollout of the Affordable Care Act. ObamaCare is the central processing unit of the Obama presidency's belief system. Now the believers are wondering why the administration suppressed knowledge of the huge program's problems when hundreds of tech workers for the project had to know this mess would happen Oct. 1."
It is apropos to say, "Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive." - by Sir Walter Scott, 1808. It certainly describes not only Obama but his untrustworthy partners' motives both inside and outside government circles. He has consistently demonstrated his contempt for our Constitutional governance, our capitalist country and our people--witness Obama's burdensome socialist programs and prolific Federal government spending projected to shoot over $20 Trillion at the end of his term. And, our government has still not cut spending or set up any budget--isn't it about time now?