It Doesn't Take A Psychic To See Obama's Future

Question: Haven't you seen people that you know what they're going to do before anything happens? Sounds psychic, mystical
Carnac the Magnificant and clairvoyant; but in practice, it's just the art of listening! So, put down your smart phones, tablets, iPods and pull out your ear buds to listen to what is being said directly to you, the electorate.
You are being warned repeatedly by this President about his threats to the checks and balances in our Constitutional Government. The United States was never intended to be a parliamentary system and yet Obama ignores the two other branches of government - the Judiciary and Congress.
Dictator Benito Mussolini - "Il Duce" ("the Leader") Created the Fascist Party in Italy.Obama is rebalancing the system toward a "national-leader model" that is alien to the American tradition. It is Meta-leadership, a model to build government connectivity, overarching leadership that intentionally connects the purposes and work of different organizations or organizational units. Thinking and operating beyond their immediate scope of authority as the titular head, the meta-leader entirely provides guidance, direction, and momentum across organizational lines that develop
into a shared course of action and a commonality of purpose among people and agencies that are doing what may appear to be very different work to leverage system assets, information, and capacities, particularly critical functions for government. It is not democratic governance by or for the people, but autocratic leadership merging into unbridled totalitarian rule that imperiously seeks to control all aspects of public and private life whenever necessary for the common good of all the people.
A "national-leader model" is not a constitutional democracy that is constrained and limited by ingrained bureaucratic patterns of behavior. A constitutional democracy has a judiciary branch of justices making decisions based on constitutional laws and a legislative branch of representatives of the people who are proposing, passing and signing into law legislation that is mandating, establishing or regulating society as a check and balance to counter the powers of the President in the executive branch who is administering the legislation to uphold the will of the people.
So, Obama's vision of our nation's future is devoid of any individual constitutional rights, infrastructure or guidelines, a country that truly is without misconceptions - what you see is what you get - and it ain't much, as the government excesses and largess drains its treasury to rob its citizens of their wealth, freedom and future. It is a battle of redefining the government's role as a servant of the people verses growing the over-powerful, ever-oppressant, bloated, centralized federal nanny-state bureaucracy redistributing wealth.
Relying on many to forget, it was just back during the 2010 State of the Union Speech that Obama denounced the Supreme Court Justices seated in front of him. Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. winced at Obama's accusation and muttered, "Not true" under his breath, as he respectively remained quietly seated. Obama was extremely rude many said; an act of intimidation of one branch of government by another. Obama's repeated flouting of their decisions on labor issues and voting rights with Eric Holder are undermining its institutional authority, as Obama intended.
Obama and the punditocracy, his opinionated expert savants, branded House Republicans as "GRIDLOCK". This condemnation is true about "The House of Representatives", the one branch of government "representing the views of all Americans", which is chosen by this electorate to vote for them - So Obama is directly blaming the American people for all his gridlock problems with the code word "Congress".
Obama criticizes Congress, which is the American people themselves, as he mocks them over and over again by saying things like they have: "the endless parade of distractions", "political posturing", "made things worse", "ignored problems", "manufactured crises" and "created phony scandals". Obama excoriates his "Congressional bogeymen" while standing arms length away from their supporters in order to still pander for their votes in the upcoming mid-term elections - it will be a big game changer if Obama loses his political clout, his cache', in attracting voter turnout and more donations.
Obama has at least four references in a recent speech to his intent to act on his own authority, as he interprets it: "That means whatever executive authority I have to help the middle class, I'll use it." (Applause.) And: "We're going to do everything we can, wherever we can, with or without Congress." (Applause.) (July 24, 2013 speech at Knox College in Galesburg, Ill.) It's very painful watching an audience applaud as Obama punches them in the face by attacking their chosen, duly elected "Congressmen" that Obama now has deemed to "put party and politics over the nation interests". Twisting the facts to the contrary, however, will not deny that it's still the will of the people's "Congressional Representatives" who are putting the national interests first over Obama's own party and partisan politics.
But in this administration, Obama is now free-wheeling on his own Presidential fiat that guarantees him open range on whatever he decides to do. That is up to and including dumping any laws as passed by congress or whether he is obligated to execute any laws either.
An unchecked, unbalanced Presidential system finally arrives!
Is the U.S. a Democracy or Obamaocracy?