NLRB Scandal - A Devil Wind Whirling!

Obama's constant, unyielding, oppressive rule over everyone's lives andIn one word, unpredictable. livelihood promises no abatement or end to its severity. He is like a maddening dust devil wind, a whirling dervish with frenzied energy as it twirls out of control in any random direction across the hot, dry desert sands.
Adding to more scandals, one that has been on the back burner is coming fast to return into national attention. Although seemingly a partisan issue in South Carolina during the Presidential elections, the National Labor Relations Board, NLRB, had stepped in to regulate the Boeing Aircraft Company as it built a new factory outside of Washington State.
The background chaos was that Obama secretly made a political appointment during a senate recess to the NLRB which avoided a hostile senate confirmation hearing. Obama filled the seat which then created a quorum and left-leaning majority to rule and pass its own decisions. Obama wanted a Democrat party, Union made Presidential win in South Carolina. The NLRB went after Boeing to force unionization.
So Carolina Boeing PlantThe NLRB contended that Boeing was Union busting because it moved a plant to a "Right to Work" state that allowed workers to work without being forced to join a Union and pay dues. Fortunately, Governor Nikki Haley stood firm against this government-dictated economic larceny and the Federal courts ruled in South Carolina's favor. The Boeing Aircraft Company's second line of 787 Dreamliners is being produced in North Charleston. It was a win for people and businesses and a loss for the labor unions, which rely on coercion, bullying and undue political influence to survive.
AFL-CIO President TrumpkaThis scandal now grows even bigger because not one, not two, but three Obama recess appointees were invalidated because Senate was in session, not in recess as Obama asserted which violated Constitutional Law. The U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals further ruled that the NLRB appointees jeopardized all their rulings since they technically were never a legal quorum, with over 1,200 decisions to be deemed invalid dating back years.
Yet, the Illegal Obama NLRB keeps issuing rulings as if it operates in its own legal universe ...and any thinking voters don't get it by now?

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