When Islamic War is Not Terror - Really?

The War of Islamists as declared in a 1991 Muslim Brotherhood internal document, "It is a grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands … so that … God’s religion [Islam] is made victorious over all other religions.”
We are all familiar with Aesop's Fable of "The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing" where a wolf covers itself with a sheep skin and is able to infiltrate a herd of sheep to catch unawares and devour one of the sheep. And maybe you remember the moral of the fable: "appearances can be deceptive." Real life enactments of this classic fable have occurred often in the Islamic Terrorist attacks in the United States and around the world.
Islamic Terrorists have turned political cross-dressing into an art form; first, fundamentally their single goal is to destroy America and turn it into a Muslim nation by the practice of da’wa — proselytization which consists of “inviting” non-Muslims, or “infidels,” to join the Islamic faith; second, strategically they have laid claim to a moderate Muslim religious tolerance which includes interfaith activism that should now be a cause, “a norm”, as are the environmental or women’s rights movements.
So, the Islamic terrorist wolves have slipped under their cloaks of lambs wool - pulled the wool over the eyes of the "infidels" - and are leading the lambs to slaughter! ...or so it seems by all the politically-correct, PC officials defending these violent attacks as non-terrorist which should not be considered as any different than day-to-day criminality. They are all missing the point what the Islamic Movement is about…. The end goal of everything I was talking about is the establishment of, the reestablishment of, Islamic form of government without regard to any of the United States Constitutional Laws, only Muslim Sharia Law.
Below is another news pundit, from London, who still does not report the truth fully as hisSoldier beheaded - body in street & head on sidewalk country is going down while it loses its sovereignty and identity to Islam domination - Cheerio & Toodles, as they say in jolly ole England!
The idiotic editorial below appeared the next day in ITV News. It is about the young British serviceman who was literally beheaded in the London streets by an Islamic Terrorist who attended daily a radical Islamic Mosque in London. He got "group indoctrination" and "group training" and then went out as a "lone terrorist". How does anyone assume "he acted alone" because "he did it alone"? Why won't anyone call this "lone act as an act of terrorism" too?
Should lone attacks be considered as terrorism?
by Tom Bradby - Political Editor, ITV News - London, England
Whilst the Government is not ruling out the possibility that the Woolwich attacks were part of a wider conspiracy, as far as they see it tonight there is no sign that that is the case.
Politically there may end up being broader questions about this - even to the extent of whether it should be classed as a terrorist attack at all.
People will be asking whether people acting on their own, mouthing an incoherent political philosophy, should be considered as any different to day-to-day criminality that we see in the courts on a regular basis.

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