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Refugee Refuse - Human Garbage: Who picks it up?

Third World Invasion: An Eyewitness Description

An eye-witness pictorial account from Kamil Bulonis, a Polish travel blog writer, was present on the Italian-Austrian border on September 5, 2015 who wrote, "...swarms of Third World non-whites poured across the border to invade Austria and Germany..." (a literal description translation from the Polish text):  

"For those few thousand people nobody understood neither Italian nor the angielksu, or German, or Russian, or Spanish ... What mattered was right fist ... They fought for permission to move on and this agreement have - but did not realize that they have it! [EU nations all have open borders as EU agreements] The coach [car] of the French group [EU volunteers were bringing them supplies] hatches [doors] were open - everything was in the middle, within a short time has been stolen, some things lying on the ground ... Never in my short life I had occasion watch such scenes and I feel that this is just the beginning. On a final note, it is worth helping, but not at any price." 

These observations are well said truths by Kamil Bulonis about this whole humanitarian mess mainly caused by the weak, feckless U.S. foreign policies from an Obama administration that are a joke to our enemies. They are dangerously foolhardy and naive ideas for any American citizens to follow too.

Beware - These are all potentially undocumented, unknown, unskilled, uneducated, undetermined refugee status visa holders flooding to American shores under orders by Obama!

Please Note: All pictures are from the Hungarian-Austrian border.


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