Internet Warning - Content Integrity Guidelines

Watch out for Bogus 2016 Presidential Campaign Internet Facts!
Recently, a 'news article' was emailed to me from a well intentioned reader as another example of a travesty happening around the world. So before I start to resend and spread any story myself, I always check out the facts. On occasion, I have slipped up in not checking and every time, every time, get bitten in the ass, and it's embarrassing. Have you ever thought about who gets hung out to dry?
Since the raw email article came to me without any credits for the editorial content or authorship noted, the pirated material took the name recognition away for those creative efforts. So have the creators and brains behind this content lost their identity and true intentions to possibly humorously entertain and not alarm people with misrepresentation of their clever imaginations?
It's important to note that when you go to one fact checking 'dot com or dot org' site, it is wise to check another site too. And, it never hurts for a quick "Google" of the subject that may bring up contrasting opinions and facts too.
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