A Brokered GOP Convention? ...Really?

The is an Election, not a Selection by the Republican Party elite ...No more whining and bed wetting, get over it everybody!
The Republican Party is going to surpass the Democrat voter numbers this election year. The American voters go out to vote for something not against something, otherwise they simply don't vote. A Trump candidacy will not generate an anti-vote, it will only excite more people to get out and vote.
The basic question: Can the Republican voters see past their primary contest to see the real future ahead for the party in the White House? The answer is Donald Trump. Listen to the common sense answers that Mike Huckabee has for all voters.
Time: 05:54
Reader Comments (1)
While I agree that the Republican’s, Evangelicals, Libertarians and even some democrats, who might actually get it now, are angry about our precarious situation, and for good reason. But what specifically is it that we are angry about and how is Donald Trump truly an answer to the anger and outrage? Are we even angry about the same things? The way I see it there are several key things that are angering folks, such as: The economy and the lies that it’s doing better; or maybe it’s about the foreign policy or the lack there of with the current administration; or the lawlessness of illegal immigration with our southern border and how that ties back to our national security; or is it the enormity and bondage that we are leaving our posterity with the national debt?
My biggest red flags about Donald Trump are these:
Why does he care about running for president, is it really that he wants to “Make America great again?
What are the key principals that he believes once made America great?
What does he really love? I heard him use the word “love” several time very casually when he was talking about different people, such as the military.
What is his true character, what drives him at his very core?
What is the payoff for Donald Trump, how does he benefit by becoming president?
While there is no way to prove anyone’s intentions, even a court of law, there are some things that are really red flags to me. From what I can tell from his words and actions which to me deal more with his core character:
Donald Trump continuously talks about how great he is and everything he touches. Is there an ounce of humility in the man? I know that there are lots of egotistical folks in politics, but I’ve never seen one as full of himself and as arrogant as him, other than Hillary or Barak Obama, they just don’t play it as in your face as Trump does.
What I’ve interpreted from Donald Trump’s responses in the debates are these: Donald cares about money, respect and power a lot. He has used the corrupt system of political prostitution to benefit himself and his companies, but he stands there and talks about it as its wrong for all those “other people.” He says they’re business deals, but who did he make several deals with but the Clintons. Where are the “I care about America” principals and integrity that would make a person do that? All I can come up with is Money. He seems to have a bad memory or he’s showing some hypocritical tendencies, as if he was appalled at the language the Mexican leader Fox used when he said publically that “he was not going to pay for that (F-bomb explicit) wall”. Yet Trump dropped the “F bomb” several times in one of his primary speeches. Why the double standard? Once again it’s ok for Donald, but it’s not ok for others.
Donald Trump seems to already be inconsistent with what he is saying, he has back pedaled on issues, but he says as a leader one has to be flexible? Is there anything solid with Trump?
Donald Trump is a good at marketing himself and is good at describing the water that we are all drowning in due to the neglect of politicians to do the right thing for the country instead of themselves.
Again my assessment of Donald Trump, and I could be wrong about him, but this opinion is based off of my understanding of his words and his actions:
Donald Trump loves to talk about himself (egotistical).
Donald Trump Loves His Money (The root of all evil is not money but the LOVE of money).
Donald Trump wants respect through power.
Donald Trump makes deals (pays off politicians for his benefit).
Donald Trump points out the errors in other but does the same things himself (Hypocritical).
Donald Trump changes his story and his mind on what he’s going to do and makes big promises.
So my overall question really boils down to this:
What’s the difference in above description of Donald Trump’s character from an elitist establishment politician? I don’t see much difference.
The only way to know for sure about Trump is to watch to see what he does, but I’ve seen enough myself to know in my mind, that he is not the one and I’m not willing to roll the dice on what I’ve seen of him. This was the first year since Reagan, that I was excited about some of the candidates that were running because there was more than one decent option, but it has turned into a mess rapidly, largely due to Trump. People in my opinion have made their decision out of anger and not on principals.
Like I say, I could be wrong, and if Donald Trump does win the nomination, I hope that I am wrong about Trump, if not, God help us all.