A Simple 666 Solution for Borders & Terrorism

I have the immediate answer to completely reset the process of all the undocumented aliens in the immigration of people around the world!
Assignment of an exact unalterable, individual DNA I.D. match unlike our U.S. citizens' social security number, a lifetime government I.D. number, which can be altered, forged or changed. See the DNA World map showing how tribes historically moved over thousands of years to today.
It involves computerizing the total immigration process with the DNA of everyone. There are no duplicates or forged I.D. records because the records cannot be forged or changed. That permanent number is the international passport number and I.D. or the Mark of 666 as some call it. Get over 666, we gave up our individual rights when we always use the Social Security number for every important transaction we conduct daily.
Currently this service is available by Ancestry.com and their ads say, "Uncover your ethnic mix, discover distant relatives, and find new details about your unique family history with a simple DNA test with a cotton swab, a Q-tip to painlessly gather a drop of saliva from the mouth."
That initial cost under a government mandate would be trivial to the cost savings in processing hundreds of thousands of people who would be tracked with or without valid paperwork with DNA I.D. records. Their whole ethnic background tracing their country of origin would be really valuable in tracing these mass migrations, transmittable diseases or medical records. Government welfare programs could cut down on records duplication, administration costs and processing errors too.
At this point in history with so much at stake with out of control fraud and waste with everyone wanting to get everything for free it's about time to face reality. We must start tracking these unmarked masses of humanities that are roving the earth and drowning countries in unbearable debts and social hardships. It will also assist in tracking terrorist members too.
When is enough finally enough? A mandatory law to enforce DNA I.D. records will be the most efficient method to fairly distribute resources and services to all people trully in need of help. Otherwise, no entry or no benefits. It would also protect everyone from more terrorist groups too.
What do you think?

Reader Comments (1)
While I can appreciate the concern and the mechanics of why this might seem like a good idea. But this would be totally unconstitutional at the very basics of a level. Where are the checks and balances and who controls this system; that gets to decide whether to keep your id active or turn your id off? See and ID number gets put in a large Database, granted you can’t alter your DNA (yet), but your unique number get put in a bid Database. Where do your rights come from in a Communist or fascist world? The government gives the people their rights. Where do your rights come from in our constitutional world? From God, thus no man or government can take away those “unalienable rights”. Such big brother type ideas like this might sound good because we are angry about a situation, but this can cause us to react and make big mistakes. If you think there need to be this much TOP down control over individuals, then you might as well embrace the totalitarianism that you have just set the stage for.
I personally believe that Prophesy is the mold in which history gets poured (Dr. Glen Kimber). It is my personal belief that our largest problem in this country is the people who say “I’m religious” no matter what religion they are, but they don’t live the very principles that they profess to believe. See we don’t need big brother government, if we the people would live what we profess. Case and point, how bad would the drug problem in this country be, if people lived their beliefs that doing (illegal) drugs is wrong? No market, no money, no issues. I know that sounds idealistic, but it is the truth. If we want to country to recover, we ourselves have to get ourselves right with God and be the change that we expect to see. That’s when miracles happen.
Just remember, it’s always through some big event or some catastrophe that our rights have been and will continue to be whittled away. Illegal Immigration is just another red flag event to be used.
This is the most frightening election year I can remember. We are being played like a fiddle by the establishment with or without Donald Trump. Trump is a divider, he is firing at the establishment and people are jumping behind him as if he is the savior, but it is being played perfectly on the other side with Move On, funded by Soros to stir the pot. See they want civil unrest, riots that’s what the establishment hoping for, then they can justify bringing in their UN peace keeping forces to help us in our volatile state. We Riot, we play right into their hands. People need to pay attention to all of the whys and start connecting the dots… Be careful what you ask for, because you just might get it.