Donald Trump Gets Genuine with Jimmy Kimmel

It’s called ‘Winners Aren’t Losers’
Jimmy Kimmel and his writing staff upped the ante on Donald Trump jokes one night as The Donald takes it in stride as all in good fun.
The ABC late-show host and crew wrote a fake children’s book to lampoon the real estate mogul—and then Kimmel read it to him: YOU CAN FAST FORWARD TO HEAR & SEE IT: 3Min. Mark for Button.
Time: 05:11
The “book,” titled Winners Aren’t Losers, comes months after Trump skipped out on a scheduled Jimmy Kimmel Live appearance, sparking the comedian’s ire.
Kimmel and company drew heavily on Dr. Seuss with a story following a cartoon Trump teaching two children lessons about winning and losing, at least in a capitalistic sense.
“Winners aren’t losers. They’re winners—like me!” the book opens. “A loser’s a loser. Which one will you be?”
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