Web Stealth Tactics - The Obama Assault

OBAMA "Net Neutrality" Internet Laws To Take Effect?
By the way, the book’s title is a verbatim quote – in the New York suburb of Hastings-on-Hudson, where to be a conservative was akin to being (the term of general usage at the time for George W. Bush) a Nazi. Somebody said it to the author at one of those dinner parties in the spring of 2008, when he dared to raise the issue of Obama’s lack of experience. So, it just seems to smack in the face of any good liberals that the conservative troglodyte [caveman] always need to be educated about his wayward thinking.
"Politics makes strange bedfellows"
Since 1870, the American essayist, Mr. Charles Dudley Warrens observation has not changed for over one hundred and forty-five years.
Uber-Liberal Billionaire Larry Page, CEO & co-founder of Google, runs the search giant and has been kept busy since September, 2013 deflecting accusations that Google supplied the U.S. government with users' data. Does it appear to be a little tight with the Obama White House? Maybe. I possibly might have gotten a litle glimpse through an unsettling coincidence that just happened with Google.
Without getting too over technical about website software mechanics, I just 'registered' two new Domain names: MyOvalOffice.com and MyBullyPulpit.com; then, I dropped them onto a 'parking page' while I designed my web pages for the new dot com names. In the course of designing my website programs, I tested their dot com addresses by clicking on the hyperlink names to see them go to the 'parking page'. They did work, but I was surprised on what I saw there: 'Obama' websites links were listed all the way down my 'parking' page. This meant that if I had parked my dot com addresses there and then took a month or whatever to develop my website those 'Obama' links would show only 'related links' to liberal Democrat sites. How could this happen?
My website registrar explained that, "Advertising is on all of our 'parking pages', and, "I am sorry, but advertisement cannot be removed from 'parking pages'; and no further explanation was given about the 'why' about that page's 'Ad content'. I realize it is a revenue income stream for the website server provider and that Ads by Google for sponsored links is everywhere too. However, I found it a little difficult to swallow that all of these hyperlink ads were just random picks for Obama topics only while NO conservative or Republican political links were listed at all. It was if the White House owned the Google Ad content and allowed only their approved sites to be shown to the masses. So if I had not paid my money to register my sites, those Obama hyperlinks ads would not have displayed? Who paid for those ten hyperlinks? Hmn...
And so this is how Obama's 2010 FCC 'net neutrality' law works? So, Yada. Yada, Yada! The law said, "that Internet service providers and governments should treat all data on the Internet equally, not discriminating or charging differentially by user, content, site, platform, application, type of attached equipment, and modes of communication"--yeeah...right!
Bob Kahn, co-inventor of the Internet Protocol [IP], has said, "The term 'net neutrality' [is] a "slogan" and states that he, "opposes establishing it." (The 'IP Address' is what identifies everyone's personal computer location on the Internet.) Thank God that the Obama FCC Law was not passed in 2010, proving again the free marketplace keeps the Internet and cable channels open and available for all.
Google's official public site information: (Appears innocent enough)
Ever notice "Ads by Google," "Sponsored Links," or the AdChoices icon
as you browse the web? Ads like these show all across the Internet. Advertisers can use AdWords to show Google Ads on sites that are part of the Google Display Network. You may come across such ads when you’re viewing a website, video, or app on Google’s Display Network or other partner sites. [Who makes that decision for ad placements?] In addition to seeing ads based on the types of sites you visit, you may also see ads based on your interests and more. [I certainly saw more than I wanted to see.]
This is what was actually displayed on my 'parking page'--notice any patterns here?
Domain names: MyOvalOffice.com and MyBullyPulpit.com
Barack Obama Mailing Address
Barack Obama President
President Barack Obama
President Obama Biography*
About Barack Obama
Obama Biography
Michelle Obama
Obama Muslim
Obama Speech
Obama Office Escape
*Hyperlink Program Code: http://myovaloffice.com/?ac=2&slt=8&slr=1&lpt=1&query=Obama%20Biography&afdToken=CnYKEwj70fm6zOC8AhWNFOUKHZxxAKgYASAFUIWYoQFQzNOZAlDBoa0pUO65rSlQqPvILFCu34ZgUL_D4GZQ0JTclwFQup7dxQJQp-XC9wJohZihAXFXK_eOp6jb940B8V4xTpEBZXbwrpbKqI2RARTd5C7Q6mTTEhkAnIUCSpU_pGW5Glq5AUmey-pRGZ6kDmF1 |