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Entries in Iran (2)


The Muslim "N" Word is the new "F" Word 

Language is a collective memory or cultural history so the meaning of words are defined by society. Just as words in English have no meaning to people that don't speak English, the words can have certain meanings in certain sub-cultures or circles.

Anti-racial cartoons in publications.Actually in the Muslim world the "N" word in Arabic is "Nikah". In Arabic it is equivalent to the "F" word, it is a word from the Quran when offensively taken basically means pejoratively "to have sex." The typical Islamist counter-argument states, "Even though this is completely false when silly Christians say that, [the term] "Nikah" is a proper and not offensive word to use." and added, "It is true that "Nikah" could sometimes also refer to sexual intercourse so it does not only have to necessarily mean "to have sex", it could also mean marriage." So in another words, this word does not have a double entendre, double meaning, when uttered or written outside the Quaran? ...Ah yeah, gotcha! So that's words like ass or cock and what sinful act they do together that's mentioned in the Bible that can't possibly be used pejoratively? 

In war torn Iraq the conquering Islamic militants have decreed that it is death to the Christians if they don't convert to Islam, pay a dhimmi tax (Sharia dhimmitude to allow infidels to live), or leave homes to flee insurgent-held areas by the end of July 2014. Christians were estimated to be a scant 5%, 1.2 Million, of the 23 million Iraqi population and have emigrated in mass since the insurgencies began late last year.

According to Abu Faris, a local Christian leader from Mosul, the Islamic State Fighters began marking the Iraqi Christians properties with the Arabic letter "N". The protesters in France show the profane symbol against Christians as they march to denounce it. 

It is reminiscent of the Nazis marking businesses and homes with the "J" word for Juden (Jews) during WW2 in Germany. It marked them as undesirables which eventually identified where to find them for transport to concentration camps for extinction. Where are over six million Holocaust Jews today? Dead.

Muslim Brotherhood

What some people call regular mainstream "Moderate Muslims" it's as if that modifier means being anything different than the "Radical Muslims." 


We hear a lot of qualifying statements about “moderate Muslims” when “radical Islam” is mentioned. Now, certainly, one can imagine that the majority of Muslims, are most likely people who just want to get on with their lives and that in western countries in particular, many keep a low profile and just live their lives with a low current of religiosity. Like people everywhere, they are trying to get through the day, and not start a revolution or ignite a war.

Even so, most are sympathetic to radical concerns or issues, even if they are not entirely seized with passion for the cause. It is generally reported that 10-15% of the Muslim world population are true radicals supporting jihad which is calculated from 170 to 225 milllion terrorists. The United States currently has a total population of 330 million citizens. So, these moderate Muslims' passive attitudes really just feed the heated passions of radical Islamists which just encourages them even further. 

Other Muslims are completely against radicalism, but 'stay on the down low' and don’t make waves. Then, there are the Muslims who become leaders and actually attempt to impress some kind of moderate change on the current situation within Islam. Many of these high-profile moderates or liberal Muslims don’t get as much press as the radicals, but they do exist, and often they live their lives under threat of death from their co-religionists.

While the world’s population is projected to grow 35% in the coming decades, the number of Muslims is expected to increase by 73% – from 1.6 billion in 2010 to 2.8 billion in 2050. In 2010, Muslims made up 23.2% of the global population. Four decades later, they are expected to make up about three-in-ten of the world’s people (29.7%).

By 2050, Muslims will be nearly as numerous as Christians, who are projected to remain the world’s largest religious group at 31.4% of the global population.

So what is the answer? It's obvious, and some will not like it--we either have to co-exist, which is totally unacceptable by the majority of Islamists or we will be reduced to dust in warfare - literally, unless we do it first to the Iranians. So, anyone heard of or have any ideas or solutions? Otherwise, let the ethnic cleansing continue until Islamists have killed every infidel or unbelieving Christian and Jew.

--isn't time to stop kidding ourselves and turn around things?


Obama Concedes Enrichment - Gives $7 Bil. to Iran 

Stop me if you have heard this latest Obama joke on voters, most have not due to Obama's best efforts:

Obama screams for European nations to stop Iran and other Islamist Regimes by "imposing economic sanctions" - So why in the Hell is Obama giving Iranians back billions of dollars if they would just please, please, please talk to John Kerry? --That's not really funny at all!

In 2003, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) first reported that Iran had not declared sensitive enrichment and reprocessing activities. President George W. Bush insisted on 31 August 2006, that "there must be consequences" for Iran's defiance of demands that it stop enriching uranium. He asserted "the world now faces a grave threat from the radical regime in Iran. The Iranian regime arms, funds, and advises Hezbollah. President G.W. Bush passed harsh U.S, and U.N. sanctions to force them to a nuclear agreement. Iran has continually said defiantly it believes Iran has a right to enrich uranium on its soil.


 Kerry gives away $7 Billion in U.S. Sanctions to Iran

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry spoke to the media after July, 2014 closed-door nuclear talks on Iran taking place in Vienna. 


Obama Moves Iran Talks so Voters don't see Failures.


"In exchange for agreeing over the weekend to extend nuclear talks until late November [after U.S. Elections], Iran will be given another $2.8 billion in unfrozen assets, the White House told reporters over the weekend [perfect time to drop a bad news story to bury it], after President Barack Obama decided to extend the talks past their July 20, 2014 deadline.

"The United States already returned to Iran $4.2 billion in unfrozen oil assets during the past six months of the interim nuclear deal and has now agreed to provide another $2.8 billion in exchange for an extension in the negotiations."

The United States will give Iran access to another $2.8 billion over the next several months and appears to have conceded to Iran’s demand that it be permitted to domestically enrich uranium, the key component in a nuclear weapon, according to senior Obama administration officials.

White House officials also appeared to admit that U.S. negotiators have told Tehran that they will allow it to preserve some of its domestic enrichment capabilities, something that Congress has opposed.

“As part of the JPOA [Joint Plan of Action] extension, Iran will be allowed access in tranches over the next four months to $2.8 billion from its restricted overseas assets,” a senior administration official told reporters on a conference call over the weekend. “Those assets, which are largely unavailable to Iran, are more than $100 billion.”

These frozen assets have “actually increased” over the last six months due to increased oil revenues flowing into Tehran as a result of sanctions relief provided by the United States."