Obama Concedes Enrichment - Gives $7 Bil. to Iran

Stop me if you have heard this latest Obama joke on voters, most have not due to Obama's best efforts:
Obama screams for European nations to stop Iran and other Islamist Regimes by "imposing economic sanctions" - So why in the Hell is Obama giving Iranians back billions of dollars if they would just please, please, please talk to John Kerry? --That's not really funny at all!
In 2003, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) first reported that Iran had not declared sensitive enrichment and reprocessing activities. President George W. Bush insisted on 31 August 2006, that "there must be consequences" for Iran's defiance of demands that it stop enriching uranium. He asserted "the world now faces a grave threat from the radical regime in Iran. The Iranian regime arms, funds, and advises Hezbollah. President G.W. Bush passed harsh U.S, and U.N. sanctions to force them to a nuclear agreement. Iran has continually said defiantly it believes Iran has a right to enrich uranium on its soil.
Kerry gives away $7 Billion in U.S. Sanctions to Iran
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry spoke to the media after July, 2014 closed-door nuclear talks on Iran taking place in Vienna.
Obama Moves Iran Talks so Voters don't see Failures.
"In exchange for agreeing over the weekend to extend nuclear talks until late November [after U.S. Elections], Iran will be given another $2.8 billion in unfrozen assets, the White House told reporters over the weekend [perfect time to drop a bad news story to bury it], after President Barack Obama decided to extend the talks past their July 20, 2014 deadline.
"The United States already returned to Iran $4.2 billion in unfrozen oil assets during the past six months of the interim nuclear deal and has now agreed to provide another $2.8 billion in exchange for an extension in the negotiations."
The United States will give Iran access to another $2.8 billion over the next several months and appears to have conceded to Iran’s demand that it be permitted to domestically enrich uranium, the key component in a nuclear weapon, according to senior Obama administration officials.
White House officials also appeared to admit that U.S. negotiators have told Tehran that they will allow it to preserve some of its domestic enrichment capabilities, something that Congress has opposed.
“As part of the JPOA [Joint Plan of Action] extension, Iran will be allowed access in tranches over the next four months to $2.8 billion from its restricted overseas assets,” a senior administration official told reporters on a conference call over the weekend. “Those assets, which are largely unavailable to Iran, are more than $100 billion.”
These frozen assets have “actually increased” over the last six months due to increased oil revenues flowing into Tehran as a result of sanctions relief provided by the United States."