Keith "Overbite" ...err Olbermann Update

I guess when a guy like Keith Olbermann just keeps sticking his fingers into his own eyes and ears, he becomes blind and deaf to what everyone knows. Please read on what the great unwashed said in the NY Post comments section:
"Well, when you have a guest like Janeane Garofalo on your show (on Al Gore's network), and call a respectable man like Herman Cain "a black Uncle Tom with Stockholm syndrome", you have made your point clear as a bell - you are a racist a-hole, Keith Olbermann."
"...Olbermann is out of his padded cell? He looks overmedicated."
"HAAAA HA! The frothing at the mouth Liberal Olberfool will be on a soap box in Washington Square Park (Greenwich Village) soon doing his worst person in the world skit to the squirrels and the Homeless, (pretty much the same audience)."
This New Post Article stated everything very well.
Olbermann at loose ends
April 19, 2012
Unemployed, perennially confrontational talking head Keith Olbermann aimlessly wandered around Central Park South earlier this week, seemingly looking for a friend or a purpose.
Our spies snapped unflattering pictures of Olbermann decked out in a giant red pullover and clownishly baggy jeans as he strolled 59th Street near Seventh Avenue, smelling the roses — or, in this case, the horse manure, allergens and aromas from a nearby food cart.
Spies said dejected Olbermann parked himself on CPS and stared into space for several minutes before slinking off by himself.

But in contrast to Wednesday’s schlumpy appearance, he looked ready to take on the world again yesterday, when he declined to speak to The Post outside his Upper East Side pad. A clean-shaven Olbermann, in sunglasses and a blue golf shirt, politely waved at a reporter before quickly walking the other way. He didn’t return calls from Page Six, and his manager, Michael Price, didn’t return e-mails.
Olbermann last month was fired from his $10-million-a-year Current TV job, where he hosted “Countdown.” He joined the channel last June after his departure from MSNBC in January 2011. He filed a wrongful termination suit against Current TV seeking $50 million to $70 million, and the network countersued.
Olbermann’s MSNBC protégée, Rachel Maddow, said she couldn’t believe they axed him.
“Totally shocked,” Maddow said. “I did not know it was coming, it was crazy.”
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