The Real News on The Nightly News Shows

David Rhoades, the current president of CBS News, is the brother of Ben Rhoades, a White House national security advisor. If Ben's name sounds familiar, that is likely due to his reported role in the editing of the now infamous Benghazi talking points.
Claire Shipman, a senior national correspondent at ABC News, is married to no other than Jay Carney, the White House Press Secretary.
If those ties between the Obama White House and ABC News aren't disturbing enough, the president of ABC News, Ben Sherwood, is brother to Dr. Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall, a special advisor to Barack Obama.
Virginia Moseley is a CNN Vice President and Washington Bureau Chief married to Tom Nides, a Deputy Secretary of State under Barack Obama.
What is especially interesting is that three of the White House officials listed here, who are related in some way to mainstream media big shots, have ties to the Benghazi scandal. Tom Nides is at State, Ben Rhoades was part of the talking point debacle, and ..."Send in the Clown"... Jay Carney Clownie spent over a week repeatedly making false claims about terrorists not being behind the September 11th anniversary attack on our diplomatic outpost.
This might help to explain why the media spent the better part of a month in the run up to the election blasting Mitt Romney for his comments on Benghazi as opposed to the Obama Administration for their bungling and lying about Benghazi.
The only network missing from this list is NBC. They of course were owned by GE when Obama first became president, and Obama has cozied up to GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt. He still sits on Obama’s board of advisers today. Even though Comcast bought a majority stake in NBC/Universal, GE still owns a significant minority share in the propaganda network.