Burt & Barack Sings Duet of Obama Swan Song

I had to laugh again when I reread a Wall Street Journal editorial page about 'What the Songwriting World Needs Now', an opinion article, January 2014, by songwriter Burt Bacharach. Apparently, Burt was really incensed that the antiquated 1941 federal licensing laws governing vinyl records still prevail over the current world of ubiquitous headphones that can access 30 million tracks through any mobile device. Under federal consent decree only two groups, Ascap and BMI, can negotiate and collect fees for songwriters from businesses. If the parties disagree, the Federal Judges are the arbiters that set the value of songwriters' work--instead of the open free marketplace. Hmmn... sounds like Burt is a little too greedy here? Those big Hollywood liberals sure scream when government regulations affect their pocketbooks. How do liberals think that is any different with private insurance companies setting their values through government regulations with Obamacare?
At an annual Grammy Awards Show Burt Bacharach said, "I've never seen times like we've got right now. I'm really upset. This is the future I'm leaving behind for these [my] kids, and I'm concerned. I think we've really made a mess of it. If the president had just gotten up and said, 'I made a mistake. I take full blame for it. There are no weapons of mass destruction; our information was wrong. Bear with me and we'll get through this together.' But to be stonewalled--" Bacharach shook his head, "I never like to be lied to by a girlfriend or an agent. And certainly not the president of the United States."
The Liberal Daily Kos blog then commented: "More importantly, I think Burt gave us a nice sound byte/meme to spread: "We don't like it when they are lied to by friends and family. And we certainly don't like it when we're lied to by the President."--Lather, rinse and repeat as necessary." [It deserves saying over and over again]
Disclaimer: Those comments, by the way, were spoken at the 2006 Grammy Awards Show during the Bush presidency--I wonder why six years later Burt, or the Daily Kos at the least, hasn't attacked our current President Obama about his multitude of lies when Burt met President Obama at his Gershwin awards dinner at the White House on May 9, 2012. Burt had sung a medley of favorite songs.
Burt's medley should have sounded like:
- Barack always says "Promises, Promises" are "Any day now" while...
- Barack is "Always something there to Remind me" of empty words that...
- Burt swears "I'll never fall in love again" after this last 2012 election when...
- Barack finally "Knows when to leave" as "The house is empty now" while...
- Burt sings "I'll say a little prayer" for America because...
- It's "What the world needs now" is a new President in the White House.
Now those are songs everyone can sing after the 2016 Elections!