Climate Changes are not a Climate Change

Climates change, but do not change Climate. Politicians blame what is happening through anthropogenic (man-caused) global warming. Joe Bastardi, a highly regarded Meteorologist with the National Weather Service, states, "Blaming Turbulent Weather On Global Warming Is Extreme Nonsense." and, "Part of that appears to be attributable to very short memories concerning times past, and even shorter media attention spans. It seems that 'worse' is always more newsworthy than 'better'. The fact is that those alarmist claims simply aren’t true." So why don't politicians understand that scientific fact? After all, people only want pollution controlled, not pollution controlling people with 'Cap and Trade" laws that dictates how people should live.
Solar Flares bombard the Earth's atmosphere daily.
'Cap and Trade" laws regulate by the setting customer rates on how high the 'allowable Cap' is for each personal energy usage while subject to taxes for any excess overage. Of course, you can "Trade' your 'saved or unused' energy units for credits or sell them on a Federal energy exchange. All these "Cap and Trade" tax schemes are just political scams to fleece the people for energy consumption programs that save no energy or reduce any pollution with questionable net environmental impact.
The U.N. Agenda 21 contains an action plan under New World Order government environmental population controls that implement worldwide to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all energy, all education, all information, and all human beings in the world.
Smoggy Jet-streams are blowing all over onto our North American continent from the 'Big Five' polluters: China, India, Russia, So East Asia and Australia. With the world economies getting really dicey, they won't slow down their own flagging economies to correct worldwide pollution problems. A lot of lip service and the U.S. keeps giving up more market share with trade positions as these polluters jump ahead leaving the U.S. singularly to eat up all of their carbon footprints emissions to reduce overall worldwide carbon credit totals - not fair, not sustainable.
To hear complaints from the Sierra Club, Green Peace, et. al., they always paint the United States as the worst country on the planet although air pollution has definitely improved here during the past fifty years. Personally, I vividly remember living in the 1950's when the air pollution in the Los Angeles basin was a red, smoky thick haze that hung over the city. It burned my eyes, irritated my lungs and made it simply uncomfortable to play outside without my chest aching. Those were the good ole days; yeah right, sorta like Beijing and Mumbai, for instance, are today! Ugh!
So, the 'Big Five' could start to do something themselves. After all, their jet-streams blow through our North America atmosphere from their dirty smoke stacks and autos. The U.S. has not gotten much cooperation from them, however, and they will remain closed-minded unless their own citizens really start demanding overdue preventative smog programs themselves--it's a matter of life and breath!