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Entries in U.S. Foreign Policies (2)


Hamas Tunnel Vision Focuses On Jews

Stories From The Battlefield:

 Hamas Tunnels Used To Target Israel’s Kindergartens


By Mordechai Ben-Menachem

"Multiple media outlets report that Hamas’s offensive tunnel network – now known to have been composed of over forty attack tunnels dug underneath Israel’s border with the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip – was set to be activated during the Jewish High Holidays (September 24th) as a mass terror attack.

"The attack was meant to generate as many as ten thousand casualties, men, women and particularly children and hundreds of captives. Explosives were particularly placed underneath kindergartens to make certain that these “institutions” would be the first struck, even before any thing else.

"The IDF recently published the below map showing that tunnels were created in pairs, to empty out on both sides of nearby communities. The known cost of the infrastructure – each tunnel costs upward of some $1 million – clearly shows that Hamas was planning a coordinated mega-attack.  It must be understood that use of even one tunnel would inevitably trigger Israeli retaliation against the entire network." 

A map of a small portion of the tunnels meant to be used 9 weeks from now.

"Revelations regarding the planned tunnel attack magnitude played a decisive role in the Israeli government’s rejection of a ceasefire proposed late Friday by Secretary of State John Kerry.

"Unbelievably, Kerry actually proposed in his latest “cease-fire proposal” none of  which have been honored by Hamas so far – that Israel refrains from degrading remaining attack tunnels. This mind-boggling concept would necessarily be rejected by any sane government, of any country."

"Israeli security sources, citing information acquired in interrogations of captured brigands, described a scenario under which hundreds of heavily armed Hamas fighters would have spilled out into Israel in the dead of night and within 10 minutes been positioned to infiltrate essentially all Israeli communities surrounding the Gaza Strip. 

Waiting then in hiding until schools and kindergartens were occupied, the terrorists would then attempt to kill the children first, and then kill and kidnap as many Israelis as possible.  The plot was set to take place during Jewish New Year, on September 24.

“It’s like the Underground, the Metro or the Subway,” Israeli military spokesman Lt. Col. Peter Lerner said. “These tunnels are all connected. I would describe it as Lower Gaza.”

"Israeli Economy Minister Naftali Bennett said, “A whole city of terror tunnels has been found.  Without the ground operation, we would have woken up one day to an Israeli 9/11.” Except, the actual objective was to be five times 9/11."

This picture shows clearly the width of one of the tunnels, sufficient for wheeled vehicles to transverse it.  Hamas did not build a “subway” system for the Gaza residents. They built an infrastructure for one purpose, and one only, an industry of death.  

"Israeli military officials reported that the tunnels are all stocked up with tranquilizers, handcuffs, syringes, ropes and other materials used for subduing abductees, civilians and soldiers. The tunnels also had fantastic quantities of explosives and additional military materiel meant to be used in the up-coming mega attack. Much of these explosives had already been placed underneath Israeli kindergartens. Some of these tunnels were as deep as 30 meters underground."

Fantastic quantities of explosives were stored in every tunnel, meant to be used in a mega-attack on civilian communities and infrastructure.

"Sources say the Gaza Strip war, Operation Protective Edge, could serve as a prelude for a much more very extensive underground war with the Iranian-sponsored group of Hezbollah. But perhaps, not ‘just’ in the Middle East.

"The tunnels inside Gaza and under the Israeli border are not a secret project Hamas ran under the noses of Israel and the Palestinian public. Everyone in Gaza, knew that beneath Gaza, the City and all of its environs, a network of tunnels was being dug over the past five years, with an investment of tens of millions of dollars. Yet no one in Israel, public or military, was prepared for the scope of the tunnels – the danger that became clear in the past week or two."

Senior Hamas operatives show off their offensive tunnels to their spouses. Unbelievably, this is actually a picture of a Marriage taking place in the ‘place of death’.

"In order to create this monstrosity, Hamas needed significant professional help; and this help had to have come from a large organization or state entity. This is not just the monetary aid it received from Qatar, America’s ally. This is professional guidance for the performance of such an underground feat. Perhaps Hamas could have used experts from the tunnels dug at Rafah under the Gaza-Egypt border, but those were significantly simpler, and did not demand any extraordinary investment or effort."

A Hamas operative climbing upward in a pier of one of the major tunnels.  Notice the work on the sides of the tunnel. 

"Who supplied these quantities of material? Who planned what would be needed? How did Hamas acquire thousands of ampoules of tranquilizer, syringes and other additional drugs to be used? These are far beyond the quantities and variety of what is needed by any civilian medical service.

How was all this brought in to the Gaza Strip? The logistics of this planned attack are the work of a well-organised military, not that of a militia or club. This was no amateur plan.

"Observers note that attack scenarios lined up with recently revealed data about the sophistication, scope and nature of the offensive tunnel network. As previously reported here, this sophistication and know-how is being copied right now by Mexico-based Hezbollah agents along the Southern US border. Tunnels in Southern Lebanon, as in South US, are significantly more difficult to detect than those in the sandy terrain of the Gaza Strip.

“Hamas planned these tunnels for years, and planned to use them to kidnap soldiers,” Israeli military spokesman Brig. Gen. Mordechai Almoz said. “[Now] they see the tunnels collapsing one after the other.” For the last two years, the Israeli army has sought to develop skills and equipment to fight in enemy tunnels and bunkers. Hamas and Islamic Jihad have used tunnels to operate command and control, to infiltrate Israel and abduct soldiers, to fire rockets and to conceal fighters amid invasion of the Gaza Strip."


Mordechai Ben-Menachem is a former researcher/lecturer at Ben-Gurion University and an author of 30 book ranging from engineering to poetry. He is also an ordained clergyman and a former soldier.


U.S. Trade Competition Heats Up - Obama Lost It

The upcoming APEC meeting is in Beijing, China this November, 2014. APEC, Asian Pacific Economic Summit, comprising of twenty-one 'Pacific Rim' countries seek to promote their free trade area of the immediate region. Its goal is to bring up their standards of living and education through sustainable growth in agriculture and raw materials in spite of the declining demand in Europe as well as promoting regional area pride. Admirable and industrious as these people are, they are motivated more about Japan's industrial strength and dominance in the region too. 

It was certainly as some said a "oneupmanship" on Obama when China invited India to attend the APEC conference tooIn recognizing India as a regional powerhouse, China in the role of the conference host nation invited them to attend the meeting as an observer again in spite of reservations within the membership that exist for unresolved issues. Not physically situated on the Pacific Rim per se, India's strategic geographical position assures thoughtful consideration to their membership for continuing success in APEC nations transporting goods in the international ocean shipping lanes. China recognizes their important strategic role in APEC too. 

There is also a coziness between India and Russia which some Western observers interpret as incongruous.  However, upon closer observation, they are sympatico partners within a region that shares borders as well as partisan, nationalistic bickering that goes back decades, if not centuries, such as being wary partners of China at their borders. India has an active border dispute with China now. Another shared concern are the violent Islamic militant movements within both their countries to overturn these non-sectarian societies with solely radical Sharia laws and Muslim beliefs-- whether it be Atheism, Christianity or Hinduism.

In the recent Ukraine debacle the West opposed Russian encroachment intoObama leads with growing the U.S. debt owed to China? a sovereign country. India, however, supported Russia in her fight. Why? On the surface one appreciates an opposition view of it. However, if it is seen as an Indian then it becomes blurred. Pakistan comes to mind as India believes that it is an integral part of India's provincial boundaries like the Ukraine. 

India today is very different from the West despite being a liberal democracy. India’s narrative often does not fully buy into the current 'liberal world order' that Barack Obama supports. India proudly proclaims its own independent sovereignty. That may offer an insight about Barack Obama’s relative indifference towards maintaining a close relationship with India. Obama further does not fathom the interdependency of world trade issues involved with the United States or understand how to deal with its foreign affairs. 

At the recent BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, So. Africa) summit in Brazil, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi noted that “if you ask anyone among the more than one billion people living in India who is our country’s greatest friend, every person, every child knows that it is Russia.” As lovingly as it sounds, coincidentally, India needs Russia's future support to persuade China to back its bid for a permanent seat on the U.N. Security Council. India and China have rivalry for Asian influence and still are far apart on border disputes for the foreseeable future.  But, time will soon settle it as China has recently begun to reach out to India because, like Russia, it believes that a truly regional pan-Asian bloc like the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is only fully possible with India’s cooperation and membership. Russia advocates this united front as it relishes to stand up as a power economically against the West.

APEC 2013 Russia - Kerry lectures Putin.So, if I correctly understand this, these member SCO nations have individual agendas based upon mutual cooperation to fulfill their objectives aimed at growing their economies apart from Western markets to compete to the ultimate detriment of the United States. China is again proposing to change the position of the U.S. dollar as the main currency to their Yuan as trade payments which further affects U.S. currency markets and our economy. Where's John Kerry and our state department negotiations going on in this burgeoning trade competition? 

Is it any wonder that the United States has any friends left with the International relations shambles Barack Obama has created? As long as Obama doles dough out he can buy countries to talk to him. After all, he gave Iran $7 Billion dollars in sequestered funds to continue dragging on the nuclear power talks with John Kerry until after the November, 2014 elections to avoid negative publicity of more foreign policy failure. Are they our new "Frienemy" now?

In this increasingly competitive world of economies, it's past time to appoint anWheat & Weeds Harvest omsbudsman to investigate our State Department and identify weaknesses. Our foreign policy now comprises of foreign aid payments which increases as we need to pay out more to have friendly nations. It is quite apparent with our weak President, staff and advisors the path to our own economic downfall is assured. We will plant our future with weeds instead of seeds and will harvest what we reap; it's plowing time and the soil has to be turned in this Fall 2014 Elections.

Get out and Vote for a Change!