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Entries in Israeli Conflict (4)



The Real Threat from ISIL

By Ronald Kessler

The current debate over the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant misses the real threat: a weapons of mass destruction attack that would cause massive casualties.

In interviews for my book "The Secrets of the FBI," Robert S. Mueller III told me when he was FBI director [September 4, 2001 - September 4, 2013] that what keeps him awake at night is the possibility of a terrorist attack using radiological biological, or chemical weapons that would wipe out millions of Americans in cities like New York and Washington.

Given that ISIL has more than $1 billion in cash and additional millions coming in from oil revenue every week, it would be easy for the terrorist group to buy off an expert who could unleash such an attack within the next month or two. Since ISIL members include Americans with U.S. passports, bringing such weapons into this country would be no problem at all. 

  • "The biggest threat comes from individuals who have had some association with the United States, understand the United States, can move either individually or with others relatively freely into the United States and within the United States," Mueller has told me. 

Thus, those who say ISIL poses no immediate threat to the homeland because no credible plot has yet been detected or would only shoot up some people in a shopping mall or knock down a building are as wrong as those who thought before 9/11 that al Qaeda consisted of a bunch of cavemen who could never launch a major attack on the U.S. 

  • Moreover, because of laxness and corner cutting by Secret Service management exposed in my book The First Family Detail, the agency has not kept up to date with the latest technology for detecting WMD or preventing an attack on the White House. Having ignored the ISIL threat for nearly a year as it obviously gained momentum, President Obama could tragically wind up being its victims. 

Even a WMD attack that does not kill a great number of people would have a crushing psychological impact.

"A singular lone wolf individual can do things in the dark of the night with access to a laboratory with low quantities of material and could hurt a few people but create a devastating effect on the American psyche," according to Dr. Vahid Majidi, who was the FBI’s assistant director in charge of the Weapons of Mass Destruction Directorate. 

  • Another "huge" potential threat, says Arthur M. "Art" Cummings II, who headed FBI counterterrorism and counterintelligence investigations, is the explosion by terrorists of a nuclear weapon high in the atmosphere to unleash an electromagnetic pulse (EMP). The electromagnetic pulse generated by the blast would fry all electronics in North America. Because almost everything we need to survive relies on microchips—computers, financial records, furnaces, refrigerators, police dispatchers, hospitals, telephones, cars, trains, trucks, and planes—such a blast would send America back to the 1300s. 

In the event of an EMP attack, the electrical power grid would be destroyed because its computers would be inoperative. Transformers critical to it would take years to replace. The vast majority of Americans would die from starvation or disease or would freeze to death, according to Dr. William Graham, who was chairman of the bipartisan congressional Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from EMP Attack. And those exposed to biological, radiological, or chemical weapons would die horrible deaths. 

  • The Obama administration has said it will take three years to wipe out ISIL In the meantime, we could all become its victims. As long as ISIL exists, the question is not whether but when cataclysmic attacks by the barbaric group on the U.S. homeland will occur. 

BIO: Ronald Kessler, a former Washington Post and Wall Street Journal investigative reporter, is the author of "The Secrets of the FBI" and "The First Family Detail: Secret Service Agents Reveal the Hidden Lives of the Presidents".  


Hamas Tunnel Vision Focuses On Jews

Stories From The Battlefield:

 Hamas Tunnels Used To Target Israel’s Kindergartens


By Mordechai Ben-Menachem

"Multiple media outlets report that Hamas’s offensive tunnel network – now known to have been composed of over forty attack tunnels dug underneath Israel’s border with the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip – was set to be activated during the Jewish High Holidays (September 24th) as a mass terror attack.

"The attack was meant to generate as many as ten thousand casualties, men, women and particularly children and hundreds of captives. Explosives were particularly placed underneath kindergartens to make certain that these “institutions” would be the first struck, even before any thing else.

"The IDF recently published the below map showing that tunnels were created in pairs, to empty out on both sides of nearby communities. The known cost of the infrastructure – each tunnel costs upward of some $1 million – clearly shows that Hamas was planning a coordinated mega-attack.  It must be understood that use of even one tunnel would inevitably trigger Israeli retaliation against the entire network." 

A map of a small portion of the tunnels meant to be used 9 weeks from now.

"Revelations regarding the planned tunnel attack magnitude played a decisive role in the Israeli government’s rejection of a ceasefire proposed late Friday by Secretary of State John Kerry.

"Unbelievably, Kerry actually proposed in his latest “cease-fire proposal” none of  which have been honored by Hamas so far – that Israel refrains from degrading remaining attack tunnels. This mind-boggling concept would necessarily be rejected by any sane government, of any country."

"Israeli security sources, citing information acquired in interrogations of captured brigands, described a scenario under which hundreds of heavily armed Hamas fighters would have spilled out into Israel in the dead of night and within 10 minutes been positioned to infiltrate essentially all Israeli communities surrounding the Gaza Strip. 

Waiting then in hiding until schools and kindergartens were occupied, the terrorists would then attempt to kill the children first, and then kill and kidnap as many Israelis as possible.  The plot was set to take place during Jewish New Year, on September 24.

“It’s like the Underground, the Metro or the Subway,” Israeli military spokesman Lt. Col. Peter Lerner said. “These tunnels are all connected. I would describe it as Lower Gaza.”

"Israeli Economy Minister Naftali Bennett said, “A whole city of terror tunnels has been found.  Without the ground operation, we would have woken up one day to an Israeli 9/11.” Except, the actual objective was to be five times 9/11."

This picture shows clearly the width of one of the tunnels, sufficient for wheeled vehicles to transverse it.  Hamas did not build a “subway” system for the Gaza residents. They built an infrastructure for one purpose, and one only, an industry of death.  

"Israeli military officials reported that the tunnels are all stocked up with tranquilizers, handcuffs, syringes, ropes and other materials used for subduing abductees, civilians and soldiers. The tunnels also had fantastic quantities of explosives and additional military materiel meant to be used in the up-coming mega attack. Much of these explosives had already been placed underneath Israeli kindergartens. Some of these tunnels were as deep as 30 meters underground."

Fantastic quantities of explosives were stored in every tunnel, meant to be used in a mega-attack on civilian communities and infrastructure.

"Sources say the Gaza Strip war, Operation Protective Edge, could serve as a prelude for a much more very extensive underground war with the Iranian-sponsored group of Hezbollah. But perhaps, not ‘just’ in the Middle East.

"The tunnels inside Gaza and under the Israeli border are not a secret project Hamas ran under the noses of Israel and the Palestinian public. Everyone in Gaza, knew that beneath Gaza, the City and all of its environs, a network of tunnels was being dug over the past five years, with an investment of tens of millions of dollars. Yet no one in Israel, public or military, was prepared for the scope of the tunnels – the danger that became clear in the past week or two."

Senior Hamas operatives show off their offensive tunnels to their spouses. Unbelievably, this is actually a picture of a Marriage taking place in the ‘place of death’.

"In order to create this monstrosity, Hamas needed significant professional help; and this help had to have come from a large organization or state entity. This is not just the monetary aid it received from Qatar, America’s ally. This is professional guidance for the performance of such an underground feat. Perhaps Hamas could have used experts from the tunnels dug at Rafah under the Gaza-Egypt border, but those were significantly simpler, and did not demand any extraordinary investment or effort."

A Hamas operative climbing upward in a pier of one of the major tunnels.  Notice the work on the sides of the tunnel. 

"Who supplied these quantities of material? Who planned what would be needed? How did Hamas acquire thousands of ampoules of tranquilizer, syringes and other additional drugs to be used? These are far beyond the quantities and variety of what is needed by any civilian medical service.

How was all this brought in to the Gaza Strip? The logistics of this planned attack are the work of a well-organised military, not that of a militia or club. This was no amateur plan.

"Observers note that attack scenarios lined up with recently revealed data about the sophistication, scope and nature of the offensive tunnel network. As previously reported here, this sophistication and know-how is being copied right now by Mexico-based Hezbollah agents along the Southern US border. Tunnels in Southern Lebanon, as in South US, are significantly more difficult to detect than those in the sandy terrain of the Gaza Strip.

“Hamas planned these tunnels for years, and planned to use them to kidnap soldiers,” Israeli military spokesman Brig. Gen. Mordechai Almoz said. “[Now] they see the tunnels collapsing one after the other.” For the last two years, the Israeli army has sought to develop skills and equipment to fight in enemy tunnels and bunkers. Hamas and Islamic Jihad have used tunnels to operate command and control, to infiltrate Israel and abduct soldiers, to fire rockets and to conceal fighters amid invasion of the Gaza Strip."


Mordechai Ben-Menachem is a former researcher/lecturer at Ben-Gurion University and an author of 30 book ranging from engineering to poetry. He is also an ordained clergyman and a former soldier.


Obama says, "You Can't Handle the Truth!" on Israel

President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry did by their own omissions and obfuscation misreport of the Arab-Israel war to Americans which implied, "You can't handle the truth." With a 'pro-Palestinian' leaning, the Obama American foreign policies have failed to force or cajole the Israelis into contrition to abate their military attacks as Israelis further destroy Hamas arms, caves and military facilities-- the only military actions that will assure a peaceful end and no further deaths on both sides. 

Factoid: I describe both adversaries here as 'Arabs', rather than 'Palestinian and Israeli' or 'Muslim and Jew'. So as they are all Arabs, some are Israeli citizens of Israel, a sovereign nation, and others are Arabs, like Yasser Arafat, who are PLO or Hamas terrorists that in the 1960's created their own new political persona called 'Palestinians'. This becomes an important distinction of the regional ethnicity if you are to understand this middle East conflict.  

BIO: MARIÂNGELA BERQUÓ did her post-graduate studies at the University Sorbonne, Paris in political, economics and humanities studies and is an activist and is a syndicated professional journalist with analysis of international conflicts. Her glowing posthumous write-up below on Yasser Arafat and his fight for the PLO and Palestinian rights, as admirable as it is, offers real insight into how to intentionally exact the illusion of the whole truth, not half-truths, in reporting the Arab-Israeli territorial conflict. Her account is a polished, history rewrite to change post-generational outcomes of past events to now promote a biased, hate-filled political agenda against Israel.  

Enfoca a Geopolítica - Dec, 2013 (Article Excerpts)


Israel vs Palestina: XLVII bis Yasser Arafat ( 08/1929 - 11/2004 ) 

Arafat doesn't see any Israeli Flags in the future for the Palestine area contradicting peace talk promises with Jews. "Yasser Arafat is one of the generations of great leaders who arose after World War II. Wherever he may be buried when he passes away, the day will come when his remains will be reinterred by a free Palestinian government in the holy shrines in Jerusalem." 

"The stature of a leader is not simply determined by the size of his achievements, but also by the size of the obstacles he had to overcome. In this respect, Arafat has no competitor in the world: no leader of our generation has been called upon to face such cruel tests and to cope with such adversities as he."

"When he appeared on the stage of history, at the end of the 1950s, his people was close to oblivion. The name Palestine had been eradicated from the map. Israel , Jordan and Egypt had divided the country between them. The world had decided that there was no Palestinian national entity, that the Palestinian people had ceased to exist, like the American Indian nations - if, indeed, it had ever existed at all." [American Indian nations did exist though, Arabs lived in the Palestine territory, never was ever a country of Palestine.]

"Within the Arab world the “Palestinian Cause” was still mentioned, but it served only as a ball to be kicked around between the Arab regimes. [Referring to Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Egypt as Arab regimes] Each of them tried to appropriate it for its own selfish interests, while brutally putting down any independent Palestinian initiative. Almost all Palestinians lived under dictatorships, most of them in humiliating circumstances." [Factually correct, during the Arab-Israeli War in 1948 nearly 750,000 Palestinians were either forced or decided themselves to flee their homes to camps in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, the West Bank, and Gaza, creating the refugee problem that continues to the present day. As nomadic Arab tribes that required social services, shelter and food, the neighboring Arab nations wisely saved costs by refusal to harbor all these masses of Arab refugees, squaller and potential insurrection and unrest of idle workers. They strategically offered future assistance in their Arab causes while leaving them to occupy the Gaza Strip and West Bank dependent upon foreign aid and, ironically, Israel state aid too.]

My rebuttal below to MARIÂNGELA BERQUÓ reviews past historical facts as well as recent events that will support it. Too many times history is not presented fairly as with omitted passages deliberately altered to suit storylines. Readers assume the written word as fact and reach wrong conclusions. One must consider this writer too with post graduate studies at the liberal, left-leaning Sorbonne University, Paris and active in the UK assigning war crimes focused on anti-Muslim causes. You be the judge about the 'Palestinian' war with Israel. Please read on: 

"The Arabs invented a special national entity in the 1960s (rather than a geographic delineation) called the Palestinians, specifically for political gain. They brand Israelis as invaders and claim the geographic area called Palestine belongs exclusively to the Arabs."

"The word Palestine is not even Arabic. It is a word coined by the Romans around 135 B.C from the name of a seagoing Aegean people who settled on the coast of Canaan in antiquity â€, the Philistines. The name was chosen to replace Judea, as a sign that Jewish sovereignty had been eradicated following the Jewish Revolts against Rome." [It was the Roman conqueror’s way to demean the Jewish identity and not a complimentary name.] 

"In the course of time, the Latin name Philistia was further bastardized into Palistina or Palestine. During the next 2,000 years, Palestine was never an independent state belonging to any people, nor did a Palestinian people, distinct from other Arabs, appear during 1,300 years of Muslim hegemony in Palestine under Arab and Ottoman rule."

"Palestine was and is solely a geographic name. Therefore, it is not surprising that in modern times the name 'Palestine' or 'Palestinian' was applied as an adjective to all inhabitants of the geographical area between the Mediterranean and the Jordan River — Palestine Jews and Palestine Arabs alike. In fact, until the 1960s, most Arabs in Palestine preferred to identify themselves merely as part of the great Arab nation or citizens of "southern Syria."

Yasser Arafat founded in 1959 the PLO, “Palestinian Liberation Movement” (whose initials in reverse spell Fatah). At the beginning its purpose was to enable the nomadic Palestinian people to speak and act for itself to gain liberation from oppressive regional Arab leaders like in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria and Jordan that maintained control of their countries by suppressing militant factions. Since Fatah had no independent base, it had to function in the Arab countries, often under merciless persecutions and even Yasser Arafat was thrown into a Syrian prison under a death sentence by Hafiz al-Asad. It was later overturned, but the hatred between them never healed. Strategically, Arafat instinctively redirected his zeal away from Muslim nations and towards Israel with the Jews to further grow his anti-semitic sectarian group into a geopolitical heavyweight in the region while financially enriching himself too. He died with an apprised personal net worth of $1.3 Billion--what a selfless guy! 

"The term 'Palestinian' as a noun was usurped and co-opted by the Arabs in the 1960s as a PLO [now Hamas] tactic initiated by Yasser Arafat to brand Jews as intruders on someone else's turf. He presents Arab residents of Israel and the Territories as indigenous inhabitants since time immemorial. This fabrication of peoplehood allowed Palestinian Arabs to gain parity with the Jewish people as a nation deserving of an independent state."

"In a March 1977 interview in the Dutch newspaper Trouw, Zahir Muhsein, a member of the PLO executive committee, admitted:

"Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct Palestinian people to oppose Zionism."

Historically, before the Arabs, PLO, fabricated the 'Palestinian People' as an exclusively Arab phenomenon, No such group existed!

Very IMPORTANT Point: This is all about the Jewish people and their homeland, not about nomadic Arabs in the region. Let's be specific here too, it's not about Muslims or Islam Religion because neither existed until 635 A.D.; that's over 500 years later after the Romans conquered the Jews in 135 B.C. and renamed Palestine for the Judea province. 

What is in the future for Arab-Israeli-American middle East unrest?

In a 'Polyanna' outlook, 'Neverland world of make-believe', the answer is that only by admitting their culpability and making amends can Israelis live with their neighbors in a permanent peace. Only then centuries-old traditions of co-existence can be restored. And only in this way can real security, peace and justice come to this ancient land.

The 'real truth' is that the Islamic equation is involved in the escalation of religious animosities worldwide. The Muslims have called for a jihad, a holy war, against the Jews, Christians and infidels with only complete annihilation or subjugation as its final solution. It has never changed and jihad will never end until the Muslim Caliphate has established dominion over the entire middle-East region and the world.

The 'hard truth' is most Americans want an immediate solution to the middle East unrest that will never happen--"the American people may have the watches, but the Arab Muslims have the time" and they will just fight on for decades like in past centuries--it literally becomes a way of life like the Israelis now face every day--it's 'Groundhog Day' all over again!


Do Americans Understand That Islamists Kill Infidels?

When Israel made peace with Egypt, it was based on the concept that Israel return all the land back that was won during the 1948 War of Independence, including the oil wells that Israel developed and desperately needed.

  • The Gaza Strip, where the refugee camps are was part of Egypt before the war, and Israel never laid a claim to it; the Egyptians refused to take it back.   
  • The West Bank, when Israel made peace with Jordan; the king refused to take it back. 

Two Moslem nations had a chance to take back Palestine and give it to the Palestinians and refused--this process created 'the new Palestine,' an untenable country made up of few camps and the West Bank (of Jordan), the two lands other Moslems refused to take back.

This story is excerpted from an interview given by Dr. Eldad, an Israeli Jew, to the New English Review in November 2008. Although nine years ago, in 2005, it is relevant today since the Islamic-Judeo-Christian dilemma has persisted over fifteen centuries.

Arieh Eldad is a medical doctor specializing in plastic surgery and a member of Israel's Knesset. He served as the Director of Hadassah Hospital, Ein Kerem's Department of Plastic Surgery from 2000 to 2003 and is the Founder and Chairman of the Israeli Burn Association. 

“I was instrumental in establishing the "Israeli National Skin Bank", which is the largest in the world. The National Skin Bank stores skin for every day needs as well as for war time or mass casualty situations. This skin bank is hosted at the Hadassah Ein Kerem University hospital in Jerusalem where I was the Chairman of plastic surgery. This is how I was asked to supply skin for an Arab woman from Gaza, who was hospitalized in Soroka Hospital in Beersheva, after she was injured by a gas tank explosion of which such atrocities happen among Arab families when the women are suspected of having an affair. We supplied all the needed Homografts for her treatment.  She was successfully treated by my friend and colleague, Prof. Lior Rosenberg and discharged to return to Gaza. She was invited for regular follow-up visits to the outpatient clinic in Beersheva.”

Newspaper Headline: On 20 June 2005, twenty-one-year-old Wafa Samir Ibrahim al-Biss was detained at a crossing into Israel when something about her gait struck the guards on duty at that post as somewhat amiss. This Palestinian woman was arrested after a search revealed she had been carrying 22 lbs. of explosives strapped to her body. While al-Biss had ostensibly been attempting to enter Israel to attend a follow-up appointment at the Soroka Medical Center in Beersheva, questioning revealed that it had been her intent to detonate the payload she'd been carrying at that institution. It seems that her family promised her that if she did that, they would forgive her. The would-be bomber had been treated there only five months previous for severe burns received after a gas canister exploded on a fire while she was cooking at her refugee camp home in the Gaza Strip. 

Dr. Eldad concluded, "This is only one example of the war between Jews and Muslims in the Land of Israel. It is not a territorial conflict. This is a civilisational conflict, or rather a war between civilization & barbarism."