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Did KGB Promote Lt. Obama to Colonel?

A Russian joke behind the Crimean joke about the American joke.


By Oleg Atbashian (See full Bio below)

"I wonder, after the successful campaign of handing over the Crimea, will Barack be promoted to a colonel?" That was the question Tweeted yesterday by the newly elected Prime Minister of Crimea, Sergey Aksyonov, shortly after the Russian-speaking residents of the disputed peninsula voted to leave Ukraine with the prospects of joining the Motherland. The Russian-language Tweet was accompanied by a Photoshopped picture of Barack Obama wearing a Russian uniform.


The Huffington Post, which first reported on this Tweet, quickly replaced it with a different article about Aksyonov - possibly after a scathing call from the White House - but not before The Washington Times and a few conservative blogs picked it up and ran with it, reposting the picture along with the awkward English translation made by the HuffPost using Google translator or a similar electronic service.

None of them, however, provided any background, or asked a relevant question: why would a previously obscure pro-Russian politician, whom Obama administration's incompetence helped to become a Prime Minister, sarcastically imply that Obama is working for the Kremlin? - This doesn't seem to make any sense. 

Such a jab could have easily come from conservative jokesters in the U.S., as a way to vent their bitterness over Obama's inept handling of international affairs and squandering America's standing in the world. It could have also come from those Russians and Ukrainians who are opposed to Putin's imperial policies. But why would a pro-Russian separatist with a shady past, who is himself very likely working on orders from Moscow, out his alleged "colleague"?

As someone who frequents the Russian-language side of the blogosphere, let me explain. 

The Crimean PM's question wasn't a standalone joke, but rather a punch line to an earlier anonymous joke with a Photoshopped picture of Barack Obama, seen on various Russian websites and forums since he first became president. 

The picture was a mock-up of a KGB personnel file with a photo of Obama wearing the uniform of a KGB lieutenant with three stars on blue epaulettes. The name on the card is listed as Boris Huseinovich Obamov, a spy and saboteur, born in Uzbekistan and of Uzbek ethnicity, a member of United Russia Party, recruited by Vladimir Putin in 1981, currently without a permanent address and working undercover as the U.S. President. The agent's listed code name, 'The White One,' is likely funnier in Russia than it is in America, where it comes off as overtly racist.

The "updated" picture Tweeted by the Crimean PM clearly shows two stripes and two stars across the blue epaulettes, corresponding to the rank of lieutenant colonel in the same organization - one step away from colonel. The 'KGB' has been since renamed into 'FSB', and those are also the letters on his shoulder patch with the Russian flag.

In summary, Aksyonov's joke is hardly political satire or commentary on Obama's specific actions, but rather blatant mockery in the general direction of the American President. 

The Crimean PM is not alone, as mocking Obama by addressing him as a "comrade" seems to be the latest gag among Russian politicians today, who are treating their own communist past as a joke while trying to reconstitute the USSR minus the Marxist-Leninist ideology. 

Thus, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin fired out a number of Tweets yesterday, openly mocking Obama for putting him on the list of Russian officials whose foreign-held assets will now be frozen as punishment for their participation in Crimea's secession. 

"Comrade Obama, what should those who have neither accounts nor property abroad do? Have you not thought about it?" Rogozin Tweeted, implying that the U.S. President is acting like an erstwhile Soviet apparatchik. "I think some prankster prepared the draft of this Act of the US President," he added later, in both languages. "Here it finally came to me: the real world-wide acclaim)) I thank the Washington Obkom!" he fumed sarcastically eight minutes later, using the abbreviation for the Regional Committee of the Communist Party - a once-powerful organ run by bureaucratic despots in the Soviet provinces.

Next to these messages, Rogozin's Twitter thread also contains jingoistic cheers congratulating fellow Russian patriots with a win in the Crimean referendum, which he called "a great day of victory of the national spirit" and "the first result of our struggle for national unity." His other Tweets contained veiled threats towards Ukraine in the form of promises to set up training shooting galleries in the Crimea and to expand Russia's military-industrial complex to its territory.

Apparently, the cruel world refuses to live up to Barack Obama's idea of peace through appeasement. This must come as a surprise to the president, who had received his Nobel Peace Prize as a validation of his understanding that the only real threat to world peace was greedy American imperialism. The prize was given to him by enlightened Europeans as an advance on the promise he brought to the world: that the sky would clear up and rainbows would unite different continents once America abandons its "cowboy diplomacy," disarms its military, and pushes a cartoonish "reset" button with misspelled Russian lettering. 

As it turns out, the world is full of thugs waiting to take advantage of the others' weaknesses. Acting as if it isn't has turned American foreign policy and the very office of the U.S. President into a joke. As of now, this joke has been made official and certified by the esteemed "international community."

In the meantime, a desperate governor of an eastern Ukrainian region, which recently saw violent clashes with nationalist intruders from Russia, has given orders to dig an eight-foot-deep trench on the Russian border, hoping that even if it doesn't stop an invasion, it will at least make the ride less enjoyable.

This most recent picture from the new Russian-Ukrainian border shows a hastily painted Russian emblem with dripping red paint leaving symbolic blood stains on the border fence.

Author Bio: Oleg Atbashian, an American writer and graphic artist from the former USSR, is the author of Shakedown SocialismConservative David Horowitz said, "I hope everyone reads this book."  In 1994 he moved to the U.S. with the hope of living in a country ruled by reason and common sense, appreciative of its freedoms and prosperity. To his dismay, he discovered a nation deeply infected by the leftist disease of "progressivism" that was arresting true societal progress. Oleg is the creator of a satirical website, which Rush Limbaugh described on his show as "a Stalinist version of The Onion."


The All Powerful Wizard Ozbama Resets Putin Button

"Gatekeeping" is the act of preventing others from recognizing an important, often vital, truth. In the Wizard of Oz. all the smoke and mirrors worked for a while until the All-Powerful and Mighty Oz's cover was blown as Toto, the dog, pulled the curtain open to reveal an ordinary man as he commanded, "Don't pay any attention to that man behind the curtain!" Unlike Dorothy who pursued the Mighty Oz, many people seem satisfied to take that advice and not pay further attention to who or what's behind the curtain. The political and media elite expose what they want the public to see. The global elites, powerful individual and companies, control the whole show behind the world stage. So, the Ukraine plot has players fighting on stage while behind Putin's backdrop curtain are the elites, Russian oligarchs. Who really runs the show--let's take a peak! 

"Why does Russia care about Ukraine, a country that's said to be "as poor as Paraguay and as corrupt as Iran"?

Crimea in yellow circle."Vladimir Putin would like you to believe it's because he's ensuring the safety and well-being of the millions of Russians living there. And, to a certain extent, he has a case.

Of course, the Ukraine's major pipeline routes from the West Siberian gas fields to all of the Western European markets pass through their borders to Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Moldova, Russia, and Belarus--all strategicaly geographic.

"But is it possible that the true explanation is even simpler? Could it be, in fact, that Russia's decision to invade Ukraine had merely to do with a handful of natural gas discoveries off the coasts of Romania and Ukraine?

"I ask this question somewhat rhetorically, because I think the answer may be "yes." As Bloomberg reported in the middle of last year, the Black Sea remains "almost untouched by the oil industry, with fewer than 100 wells drilled, compared with more than 7,000 in the North Sea. The countries surrounding the Black Sea are throwing their doors open to Exxon and competitors to search beneath the brackish waters that run as deep as 1.4 miles (2.2 kilometers)."

"To add fuel to the fire, moreover, ExxonMobil (NYSE: XOM) recently discovered a massive natural gas field off neighboring Romania's shores. The find, according to that country's prime minister, may end up being so substantial that Romania could become a natural gas exporter by as early as 2018.

"It's in this context, in turn, that the Russian invasion of Ukraine can arguably be best explained -- and particularly when you consider that ExxonMobil was on the verge of signing an exploration agreement with a $335 million signing bonus for Ukraine’s government and a promise to spend a further $400 million on seismic surveys and drilling two wells, according to an Energy Ministry official; until the now former fuel and energy minister, Eduard Stavytsky, put the deal on hold in late January.

"We will sign it in February," Stavytsky told the media on Jan. 27. At the time, no reason was given for the delay. Perhaps now we know."

As they say, "The fix is in." Here is the real deal: Do you think that President Obama and President Putin discussed this current 'crisis' about the Ukraine in earlier conversations?  Or maybe, all of this is much Putin & Assad laugh at Obama.ado about nothing in diplomatic circles because it's between two feckless leaders who are merely marionettes in a side show controlled by the strings pulled above by the global elites. And so, the current actions by Russia and the United States are merely a contrived publically aired show staged with loud saber rattling, bellicose hostility to present a hollow straw-man argument to bring back a 'reset button' agreement with Obama; of course, that is after Russia secures the Ukraine and Crimea territories.

Let's face realities here, ExxonMobil is the big gorilla in the room that's huge with lots of money, political connections and power. From the wells to the pump, ExxonMobil is all about oil. The company explores, produces, transports, and sells crude oil and natural gas. Logically thinking, why would ExxonMobil want to do business in an unstable area if they didn't already have the drilling rights and licenses secure, both politically and militarily? After all, their investment in time and money will yield billions of dollars as well as offering power to Russian oligarchs for a tighter Russian stranglehold around the European nations demanding more clean burning natural gas. Hmn... your thoughts? 


Voter Truth & Consequences - Maybe!

Can’t the Republican National Committee Challenge Democrat Voter Fraud?

To paraphrase President Reagan's famous line, "Well, there you go again!" I just recently countered a myth about the Pope having JK Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series, to write her rendition of the Holy Bible based on her famous characters. In that blog, I admonished the perpetrators for stealing a copyrighted story by a 'Waterford Whispers News', a satirical website and publishing it as truth and other readers spreading it without the verification of facts.

This one is about a huge blogoshere whoopsie on how facts are twisted to support a conspiracy theory, another disservice to the truth. It is further complicated because the blogger's intent may be honestly, wrongly misguided or just plain malicious; both lead to the same conclusion: the readership gets a specious story that's superficially plausible, but actually wrong because people unknowingly pass it on anyway.

In a nutshell: A 1982 Consent Decree was extended in a March 2012 U.S. Appeals Judge’s ruling denying the RNC their request to “vacate” (i.e., void) the 1982 Consent Decree in a 59-page Appellate ruling. This argument suggests that due to this thirty year old legal agreement between the Democratic National Committee and the Republican National Committee, the RNC is legally barred from stopping voter fraud altogether. The RNC shot themselves in the head!

"The RNC engaged in a process known as “Voter Caging,” which is dubiously legal and highly controversial, but still a method that some officials and partisans use to clean up voter rolls. [still used by all sides of the political spectrum too] The way voter caging works is that some entity (say, the RNC) will send mail to particular addresses throughout a state. If the mail is returned as “undeliverable,” the RNC (or whoever) would then challenge the person living at that address as an invalid voter, because their given address doesn’t actually work, and therefore is presumably not their legal address. This process is controversial (the liberal Brennan Center calls it “notoriously unreliable” because of flaws in the postal system), and is considered illegal if used primarily on minority voters due to the potential for discrimination. That allegation – of racism – is precisely what led to the original Consent Decree."

At the end of this blogger's post, readers are enlisted into actions like quitting the GOP, stopping GOP donations and to spread the word on this travesty. These points only compound the damage that conspiracy theorists foment; it gives them life to grow out and onward even further. 

Bottom line: "No, it is not true that the RNC cannot act to prevent voter fraud, though it is true that it is hobbled [slowed down] in any efforts to do so by a quite arguably out of date legal document that can be, should be, and is being challenged in the court system at this very moment.[with ongoing vigilance into the future] All the conspiracy theorizing on the internet, however, will not transform this inconvenience into a mandate for election theft. Those looking for an explanation for the GOP’s failures had better look at the actual causes of lost elections – namely, bad messaging, poor campaigning, an inferior ground game, or a weak candidate – and leave the conspiracy theorizing about obscure legal documents alone." 


Clinton, Bush, Obama Public Schools Suck!

For the past twenty years, 1974 to 2014, every President faults the system forWisconsin Teachers Unions bully Governor, Schools & Parents & loses fight. children not learning their ABC's or 123's in public education. So, the answer has always been to throw more Federal money and run up higher state taxes to pay into the school system to hire more educators by offering more pay, benefits and pensions to attract the best teachers. The top-heavy teachers' unions, in the meantime, have become strong and powerful by micro-managing all of our teacher staffing, school curriculum, text books, children's health and welfare programs too. It has become a taxing 'nanny-state,' institutional behemoth and that's being very modest. So why are our children still failing?

It's as if one hands over their five yr. old to the school board officials and say, "I give you the child, give me back the young adult," then, they release them back as an eighteen yr. old with a high school education, social values and self esteem.  Hmn... I don't think it ever really works out that way, even if many parents do abdicate all their parental roles every day. So, where does the education start?

How about with the parents first? They must take responsibility to go to their parent-teacher meetings or parents' assemblies to find out how their children are being taught in their local school. Then, as their children attend the classes at school, the parent must monitor what their children are doing and coordinate with the teachers about subjects covered. Now after many parents stop laughing, they never will do anything like I just described. So why don't parents bother to get excited about the lousy grades and dropout rates, especially within the minority communities?

Maybe it's because the parents don't really care? That's certainly a good answer, in fact it is the most truthful one since it is a hard fact of life that most are often single parent, women head of the household too. Our school education problems go even further back than President Bill Clinton in 1994. In fact, it is just progressively getting worse faster. But why?

It's obvious in this twenty-first century that technology is moving so quickly that the illiterates, untrained and unskilled will be pushed aside. Many foresee a future with withOrwell's novel on the coming Government mind control of people. an ignorant electorate that will allow liberal, progressive, government-centric planning. It will dictate where these kinds of people will be relegated by their production values they can do to work in various areas of the country and told where to populate to live whether they like it or not--it is closest to a 'public housing projects' concept. Looks as if its 'Orwellian'--Like in George Orwell's 1984 'Big Brother is watching you' novel?--or UN Agenda 21?

Please use the Rovalocity search engine box on our website and enter 'UN Agenda 21'. Read other blogs about a United Nations Plan that President Clinton signed and has been ramping up with unbelievable provisions since its inception to redistribute U.S. property, freedoms and people too. You make up your own mind.

The problems in schools are not just limited to the funding, curriculum, facilities or students. Students will never reach college potential if they are taught in bilingual classrooms. Education should be taught in English, the global 'lingua franca,' starting from elementary level through high school--currently all college level classes, text books and lectures are English only too.

Tip: Give all the kids who pass their tests 'School Vouchers' to get out of the dead-end public schools and get into 'Charter Schools' or 'Private Schools'. Judge Judy Sheindlin, a long time New Yorker and famous TV Judge, is very familiar with the entire New York City schools system. Recently, Judge Judy commented, "I think of all of the kids like a fresh box of raspberries I take home to eat," and "And if I find a bad one in the box, I throw it away because if I leave it in the box it spoils the entire box and all of the raspberries will go bad." Judge Judy says that analogy depicts exactly what is happening now.  

In the New York public schools the bad kids continue to act up and disrupt classes, so the good students do not receive any education or diploma worth the paper it's printed on. The School Unions do not want to lose control of the teachers or suffer membership dues losses. The Federal Government funding feeds those Union coffers to curry votes too-- it's almost an impossible cycle to break without voter intervention at the polls to elect politicians who want to help students and parents. 

Believe it or not, the teachers themselves are letting the students down too. In turn, the teachers' unions are protecting those poor performance educators with tenure too. Please read a letter sent home to a mother below. What is really remarkable is that teacher sent that letter out to a parent. Even more stunning is the question: Did that teacher instruct students for another twenty years from 1994 to 2014?  Now, is that scary!  


Obama Cap & Trade on BOGUS Climate Claims


Greenpeace Founder Debunks Global Climate Change

President Obama has now declared that the global warming is “fact” in his January 28, 2014 State of the Union. His administration has attempted to argue that the recent U.S. cold snap was duly influenced by a warmer planet. If Obama believes Rahm Emmanuel's quote from Sir Winston Churchill, "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste," is this another timed attempt to get a 'Cap and Trade' tax bill through congress again? Hmn... Where's Al Gore?

Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore’s testimony to a U.S. Senate committee come after Obama's comments. Moore argued that the current argument that the burning of fossil fuels is driving global warming over the past century lacks scientific evidence. He added that the Earth is in an unusually cold period and some warming would be a good thing.

“There is no scientific proof that human emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) are the dominant cause of the minor warming of the Earth’s atmosphere over the past 100 years,” according to Moore’s testimony. “Today, we live in an unusually cold period in the history of life on earth and there is no reason to believe that a warmer climate would be anything but beneficial for humans and the majority of other species.”

Junk Science Peddler for Cap & Trade Tax.

“It is important to recognize, in the face of dire predictions about a [two degrees Celsius] rise in global average temperature, that humans are a tropical species,” Moore said. “We evolved at the equator in a climate where freezing weather did not exist. The only reasons we can survive these cold climates are fire, clothing, and housing.”

“It could be said that frost and ice are the enemies of life, except for those relatively few species that have evolved to adapt to freezing temperatures during this Pleistocene Ice Age,” he added. “It is ‘extremely likely’ that a warmer temperature than today’s would be far better than a cooler one.”

“The fact that we had both higher temperatures and an ice age at a time when CO2 emissions were 10 times higher than they are today fundamentally contradicts the certainty that human-caused CO2 emissions are the main cause of global warming,” Moore said.

I really cannot add anything more to his scientific analysis. But I do know as taxpayers and citizens in the United States, we cannot be duped into the "carbon footprint,' our own personal consumption quantity, in order to levy Federal tax on our energy consumption for cars, houses and products we own. Its with no valid scientific basis they can make these claims!