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"The Chickens Finally Come Home to Roost" 

Many people have heard about "Chicago Style Politics" in Illinois government affairs. It unquestionably has earned a well-deserved reputation as the sleaziest form. The political strategy is simple: Use any means to justify any ends without any legal or moral ethics guiding actions or outcomes. The only true axiom: Just don't get caught!

That one important axiom has been broken by Jeri Wright, daughter ofBooking Mug Shot Reverend “God Damn America” Wright, and 12 other Democrats were charged with embezzling $16 million in Federal health grants that should have gone to AIDS charities and other programs for the poor and needy. More than one of the defendants had direct ties to President Barack Obama, which implies an inference of 'birds of a feather' in Chicago politics.  

Jeri Wright was found guilty on all counts. “If you take and misuse government money, and then lie about it, you will be held accountable in a court of law,” said U.S. Attorney for the Central District of Illinois, Jim Lewis.  

"Read All About It!" in the Chicago Tribune Newspaper.


March 07, 2014|By Ray Long | Tribune reporter

SPRINGFIELD—The daughter of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, President Barack Obama’s former minister, was convicted by a federal jury Friday of laundering thousands of dollars from a $1.25 million state grant for a Chicago-based job-training program.

Jeri Wright said she would "definitely" appeal the verdict in U.S. District Court, which found her guilty of 11 counts that included money laundering, lying to federal agents and lying to a grand jury.

"I didn't do anything," Wright, 48, of Hazel Crest, said as she left the Springfield courtroom. Her father, whose preaching became a lightning rod during Obama's first presidential campaign, was not part of the case.

Her attorney described Wright as a victim of a web spun by longtime friend Regina Evans, the former Country Club Hills police chief who has pleaded guilty to corruption in the case. Evans had secured the state loan for the job-training program but allegedly diverted the money rather than use it for the purpose she proposed.

Prosecutor Timothy Bass contended Wright took as much as $11,000 in cash from more than $30,000 in checks in a scheme where she also sent money back to Evans. Bass maintained Wright lied “over and over” when quizzed about the case.

Bass maintained in closing arguments that Wright was “given an opportunity” and took it in a state that has a “well-earned” reputation for corruption.

Evans applied for the grant in February 2009 for a group called We Are Our Brother's Keepers.The proposal called for 40 people to get training in bricklaying and electrician skills, but the money allegedly was diverted.

Within months, Evans began tapping the funds for what Bass had called a "spending spree," including a trip to Las Vegas, a basement remodeling and the purchase of vehicles for a security business with her husband.


Obama Vacations Top $150 Million - Michelle's Sprees

Inquiring Minds Want To Know... 

Although this news source has been maligned over the years to make many readers doubt its veracity, you still always think, "Where there is smoke, there is fire!"...

You only have to look back about the political scandal toppling Senator John Edwards, 2008 Democrat Presidential hopeful. It was discovered late one morning that he had just ducked out of a hotel room that was registered to his campaign staff photographer he impregnated. An Enquirer reporter followed him down a hallway as he tried to elude him by hiding out in a men's bathroom stall at the Beverly Hills Hilton Hotel. Meanwhile, his cancer-riden wife was laying at home dying as he played.

How about Senator Gary Hart, 1987 Dem Presidential hopeful, who chided and challenged reporters to find any personal scandals? Then, while his wife is at home, he and Donna Rice were discovered on an overnight cruise to Bimini, Bahamas on the aptly christened yacht "Monkey Business." The National Enquirer scored another one as it broke a story about Rev. Jesse Jackson, Democrat, fathering an illegitimate daughter with staffer Karin Stanford in 1999.

So, read the story below and make up your inquiring mind. I have no doubt that Michelle or her mother were ever shrinking violets. I further believe that Valerie Jarrett is not either and truly think that Valerie Jarrett has held on tight during this eight year Machiavellian ride to keep the wheels on Obama's cursed campaign wagon; otherwise, they would have fallen off a long time ago.

Michelle was and is still a liability who must be quietly kept in the background--many people question if she is smart, so if she speaks on authority about anything beyond school lunch programs, something substantive, everyone will see she knows absolutely nothing. Barack has attempted to speak authoritatively himself and has removed all doubt that he knows anything beyond a community organizer. 


Published on: April 3, 2014

Photography by: Getty Images News

In a major behind-the-scenes blowout, President BARACK OBAMA and lady MICHELLE waged their worst White House fight ever over her lavish vacation trip to China!

Sources tell The ENQUIRER that Obama exploded when Mi­Michelle refused to cancel her pricey getaway – even after White House advisers warned him that the first couple’s six-year string of extravagant vacations had already drained the U.S. Treasury of a whopping $150 million in tax­payers’ money.     

In a major behind-the-scenes blowout, President BARACK OBAMA and MICHELLE waged their worst White House fight ever over her lavish vacation trip to China! Sources tell The ENQUIRER that Obama exploded when Mi­chelle refused to cancel her pricey getaway – even after White House advisers warned him that the first couple’s six-year string of extravagant vacations had already drained the U.S. Treasury of a whopping $150 million in tax­payers’ money.

In a major behind-the-scenes blowout, President BARACK OBAMA and first lady MICHELLE waged their worst White House fight ever over her lavish vacation trip to China! Sources tell The ENQUIRER that Obama exploded when Mi­chelle refused to cancel her pricey getaway – even after White House advisers warned him that the first couple’s six-year string of extravagant vacations had already drained the U.S. Trea­sury of a whopping $150 million in tax­payers’ money.

Instead of postpon­ing her trip, a furious Michelle – still seeth­ing over the embarrassing “selfie” Barack recently snapped with a leggy blonde head of state – announced that she was taking her mother along for company. She further declared that she didn’t want reporters covering her activities overseas.

“This was a blowout of epic proportions – probably the nasti­est White House fight they’ve ever had,” a Washington, D.C., insider told The ENQUIRER.

“They were both screaming at one another.

“The president was infuriated when advisers told him that they’d added up the costs of all their ‘vacations’ and China was putting them over the $150 million mark.

“But he’s defenseless to stop Michelle be­cause their marriage has collapsed. She’s doing what she wants – and that’s seeing the world on the American taxpayers’ dime.”

The embattled commander in chief flat-out begged his wife of 21 years to postpone the trip, according to a family insider.

“But she refused,” said the source.

“Then, when Barack asked why she had to take her mother along, Mi­chelle ripped into him. She screamed  that he was ‘lucky’ that she hadn’t left him after that embarrassing ‘selfie,’ and then she stormed off.”

Michelle arrived in Beijing with her mother, Marian Robinson, and the Obamas’ daughters, 15-year-old Malia and Sasha, 12, on March 20 for a planned seven-day, three-city trip.

They checked into the lavish presidential suite at the Beijing Wes­tin hotel, costing a whopping $8,350 per night. The 3,400-square-foot suite included 24-hour butler service and a steam room.

One published report quoted hotel employees grumbling about Michelle’s mom “barking at the staff ” and added that the first lady’s party was “inconveniencing pretty much everyone.”

And it quickly became clear that Michelle had apparently won the battle to avoid media scrutiny.

While she was scheduled to de­liver a speech to students at Peking University, “The Weekly Standard” reported that “she won’t be accompa­nied by the press” because “she does not plan to give interviews.”

As a result, the White House went into spin control, noted the D.C. insider.

“They’re defending Michelle’s trip by calling it ‘a people-to-people exchange’ and emphasizing ‘the im­portance that both nations place on education,’” said the source. “But the fact is Michelle specifically demanded that reporters not follow her every move.”

Media were granted access to only two of the 22 events on the first lady’s schedule, and sources say Michelle’s media ban hid her secret agenda to split from the president.

Besides being humiliated by the president’s “selfie” photo with the sexy Danish prime minister at Nelson Mandela’s memorial service last December, sources say Michelle was further outraged when she learned the Secret Service had been covering up the president’s cheating.

The first lady has already met with divorce lawyers and is planning a separate life after her husband leaves the White House.

“Obama’s advisers told him he must try and keep Michelle ‘under control’ until then,” divulged the D.C. insider.

“They explained that if Michelle walked out while he was still in office, the impact on his presiden­tial legacy would be catastrophic.”

And Michelle isn’t doing him any favors by traveling like a queen.

Besides the family’s annual Au­gust vacation on ritzy Martha’s Vineyard and Christmas holiday in Hawaii, Michelle jetted off to Mexico and Spain in 2010, and kicked up her heels at a posh ski resort in Vail, Colo., in 2011.

In March 2011, she spent five days in Latin America with her mother and daughters. Three months later, they were joined by Michelle’s niece and nephew for a safari in South Africa.

In June 2013, the first lady spent two days in Ireland. That trip re­quired booking 30 rooms at an exclusive hotel for her staff and security detail, costing taxpayers a reported $5 million.

According to one published re­port: “The president’s pricey travels have become so controversial that ‘Judicial Watch’ was forced to sue the Secret Service and Defense De­partment to get them to turn over records on the amount of taxpayer money used to fly the first family all over the world…”

But Michelle couldn’t care less, said the D.C. insider.

“It’s clear to everyone at the White House that Barack has completely lost control of his wife,” said the source.

“Michelle does whatever she wants and goes wherever she wants. It’s as if she’s tacked up a map of the world and put pins on all the places she wants to visit. The sad part is that taxpayers are paying for her bucket list.”


Hillary & Jeb's Game of Three-Card Monte 

Will 'Real Candidates' be running in 2016?


"Voting for Hillary Clinton or Jeb Bush after the leadership train wreck of what was the eight years under Barack Hussein Obama is like losing your pay check playing a rigged game of three-card Monte and then playing the same game again a week later 'cause the cards are a different color." ~ Anon. (No racial slur intended)

Wow, I didn't realize how true that person got it as we all are looking into the 2016 elections for the next President. It's also a problem about the two prospective candidates running, Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton, both have last names connected to former candidates that have been revered from their respective sides as great Presidents. I will concede that they both were less destructive than Obama, but both spent the taxpayer's monies with no regard to spending or balancing budgets. I will quickly summarize:  

Bill Clinton did not leave office with 'the only balanced budget in recent history,' he accomplished it with smoke and mirrors.

Clinton feverishly spent us into massive debt along with the Republican majority controlled Congress and transferred all 'social security funds' over into the treasury to balance his deficit and left an I.O.U. in the Fed Bank vault as uncollateralized notes guaranteed under the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government. These debts are not included in the OMB National Debt line items which allows them to miraculously appear in the balance sheets with income or taxes, as assets to 'balance the budget deficit.' The Social Security 'lock box' that held its funds was pillaged and not repaid--now you can see why its under water and in a financial dilemma today while leaving social security retirees with less benefits. 

G.W. Bush, on the other hand, never met a spending bill that he ever vetoed either. He increased spending and had exercised little further oversight into the whole Wall Street debacle with homes sales and sub-prime mortgages ultimately sold as 'unregulated derivatives.' All of these flaky Sub-prime mortgages increased from $18.5 billion in 1995 to $507.9 billion in 2005 which was a disaster waiting to happen and it did under both Bush and Clinton. The bank act, TARP or the Troubled Asset Recovery Program, wrongly bailed out the banks which should have declared bankruptcy and reorganized under the bankruptcy court's scrutiny--that would have probably dug up too many political land mines for both parties. Still, in turn, the Federal government could have stood behind the depositors with their FDIC guaranteed monies in the meantime while the banks reorganized without the taxpayers bailing them out. But, Washington power politics favor the banking lobbyists in power with a taxpayer bail out.--Obama continued on with further bail outs while citing his Republican predecessor did it too. 

So, can we assume that Jeb and Hillary will continue those family policies?--Ah, yeah!  There are several important key issues to consider as a non-partisan voter: 

  • Both candidates support 'Common Core State Standards", the Federal Government takeover of our children's educational system. It has stripped individualism, American ideals, nationalistic pride and democratic principles away to lay down a foundation of a 'one-world', 'for the good of all', socialistic identity as a member of the 'world community' under the United Nations World Charter. It is P.C., political correctness, at its zenith of intrusion into our children's thoughts and thinking, while they are young--believe it or not our Nationalist Sovereignty or Country identity is all important if the U.S.A. is to survive the onslaught of 'One World Government' dominance to lead or we will take a place in line behind lesser nations. The Federal "Common Core' Program is supported by U.S. Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan who continues to walk a line between supporting states as he implements funding grants and not giving critics ammunition to cry "federal overreach." Meanwhile, they are weaving it further into the fiber of our education system.
  • The U.S.-Mexico border stretches 2,000 miles. At issue, specifically the Immigration Law, is up for votes at the ballot box and both candidates are for an 'Amnesty Bill.' Jeb Bush's faux pas is in describing the violation by illegal immigrants as "an act of love" to cross the borders while staying illegally even as it flaunts in the face of the prevailing laws. Jeb totally ignores the even larger group of people entering our very porous border to sell illicit drugs along with human and gun trafficking. The terrorists are now enlisting the cartels to transport themselves and their WMDs across the borders too. Some points to consider:
  • What about enforcing border security first and then take care of the immigration reforms?
  • How, otherwise, does the U.S. handle an existing immigration problem when the population grows exponentially every day unchecked?
  • Will either party own up to just beefing up the border patrol wth resources and personnel?--deploy returning troops from the middle east. Or do our politicians shrink from any actions due to offending future potential voters as being too harsh?
  • Why then don't the politicians just give up their whole charade and make all the illegal immigrants legal, put them all into our welfare system, then tax all the working people and be done with it?--problems solved! 

NOTE:  Please see my September 14, 2013 blog - I saw it coming then..

RINO - DEMO Obamacon Party Logo

Bush-Clinton 2016 Presidential Campaign On

*The Obamacon Party* - A choice between Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton is interchangeable, both liberals will spit out warmed-over pap what voters want to hear in their Presidential 2016 campaign races.   

Serious Political Accusations:

Jeb is currently working as an advisor for a large Wall Street firm. This certainly bodes ill for his image as he is on the payroll with one of the biggest firms on Wall Street. Bush is the only major candidate who has a direct tie to a big Wall Street investment bank as a paid advisor, a role that began in 2007 after his second term as Florida governor ended and he was hired by banking firm Lehman Brothers and in 2009 transitioning to Barclay's. But hold on, it may be much ado about nothing, read about Hillary.

Hillary is currently on the Board of Directors with the Wall Street firm of BlackRock Investments and very close with Larry Fink, Founder, a large Democrat donor and a U.S. Treasury Secretary choice under Presidential hopeful, Hillary Clinton. BlackRock is easily the biggest investor in the world, with $4.1 trillion of directly controlled assets (almost as much as all private-equity and hedge funds put together) and another $11 trillion it oversees through its trading platform, Aladdin. 

Question: Who will throw out the Wall Street smear as Campaign attack ads?


A Fort Hood "Workplace Violence Shooting' Again?

The first shooting in November 2009 on the Texas military base of the murder of thirteen people was attributed to 'workplace violence' as the Obama administration did not want to use the words 'Islamic extremist' about Major Nidal Hasan to avoid ethnic Muslim backlash. That poorly misplaced concern actually masks the real underlying problem that the United States faces going into the future, 'Islamic Muslim extremists.'

The Obama administration in their zeal to cover up this truth actually has forever buried their own argument for attacking our second amendment by naming it 'workplace violence' too. Therefore, since Nidal Hasan was not motivated by his Islamic zealotry but instead by some kind of an obtuse anger management issues, his actions were literally insane. It follows that being insane, Hasan falls into the pejorative category with others as 'certifiable nut-jobs' that have massacres around our country during the Obama administration. One cannot argue that any gun laws or confiscation of firearms will administrate or prevent any insane persons incapable of knowing from right or wrong to access weapons.

All of these massacres were atrocities carried out in sanitized environments, almost in a laboratory settings, because these were 'gun-free zones' where no weapons were allowed. All Weapons were 'clinically removed' by prevailing guns laws in movie theatres, school campuses and military bases and signage at points of entries of all facilities disclose gun laws which ban them in these areas too. These facilities with restrictive laws and no guns are the ideal 'perfect environment' that the anti-NRA advocates seek for the entire world. What element are they missing to guarantee complete compliance? These places are all 'soft targets', with the people inside vunerable to attack because they have no weapons to fight back. How about 'conceal and carry' licenses for citizens' self-protection? That would ensure immediate personal safety and defensive action to quickly counter any eminent assault. How about Obama signing an executive order to recind the Department of Defense Directive 5210.56 gun ban to carry sidearms on military bases? It dates back to 1992 under H.W. Bush, subsequently signed by Bill Clinton too.  

Fast forward to April 2014, another Ft, Hood shooting occurs. Spc. Ivan Lopez murders three people and wounded sixteen more. Now what is this murderer's sorry excuse?  He was troubled because he didn't get more time off to mourn after his mother's death; had complained of PTSD, post traumatic syndrome disorder, even though he had no active combat experience but an overpowering fear after an insurgent attack in Iraq; and had hatred that consumed him after getting robbed. Before the afternoon shooting, Lopez stopped at the post's personnel office to pick up a leave form and was told to come back and apparently he didn't want to hear that, so he came back and just opened fire. And so, Ivan lost his crazy mind as he just went off and took out all his frustrations on innocent military personnel.

The real issue here is for an immediate medical diagnosis and timely treatment for the mentally ill. They have to be identified and treated either as an out patient or institutionalized for closely monitored ongoing treatment. Ivan Lopez's treatment was undoubtedly a complex issue when blended with privacy laws, gun laws, base procedures, DOD policies coupled with an overburdened military healthcare bureaucracy. The bottom line is it's still no reason to blame violence on guns since they do not have brains, crazy people have lost their brains which leaves thinking people to act, not to politicize to further castrate our current gun ownership under the second amendment ~ If public code laws do not compel obedience, then personal gun laws effectuate compliance and protection.


5 Yr Old AARP Letter Tells It All Again

The letter below from Walt and Cyndi Miller has circulated around the Internet cosmos for nearly five years. So you ask, "Why bring it up again and now?" Because, it is important to know that AARP is already ramping up to finance Hillary Clinton for President. Everyone should be made aware of AARP's political position and whether they wish to unknowingly finance this group. 

The 'from the heart" letter has repeatedly hit a nerve with numerous AARP members who had no idea that their member donations and AARP as a broker for UnitedHealth insurance products they purchased were funding liberal causes and specifically the Democrat Party, specifically both Obama Presidential campaigns. Simply put, AARP is a political arm disguised as a "Senior's Advocacy Group" that is really a cash cow to raise and finance various left leaning, liberal causes.

AARP are also attached at the hip with the powerful Service Employees Intl. Union (SEIU) pushing for universal governmental coverage since most of those workers were lower paid positions which couldn't support it. But, since the SEIU realized they couldn't get higher wages for their members, they instead pushed for an insurance exchange through a government provided universal healthcare program--eventually called Obamacare.     

Walt and Cyndi Miller wrote their letter to Barry Rand, the CEO of AARP. Their disgust was focused on the blatant liberal rhetoric enshrouding ongoing healthcare issues and social issues. The AARP $20 Mil. 'Divided We Fail' Coalition became more of a megaphone to distort and indoctrinate with bias and misinformation under the guise of the all-inclusive AARP banner. The coalition was led by a handful of Washington’s most influential liberal-left lobbyists which included Andy Stern, head of the SEIU. Walt and Cyndi were on to something when they smelled a rat and it was the AARP and a disingenuous Barry Rand, CEO.

Here is Walt and Cyndi Miller's letter:

December 9, 2009

Mr. Barry Rand, CEO
Executive Director
691 E. Street, NW
Washington, DC 20049

Dear Mr. Rand,

Recently you sent us a letter encouraging us to renew our lapsed membership in AARP by the requested date. I know it is not what you were looking for, but this is the most honest response I can give you. Our gap in coverage is merely a microscopic symptom of the real problem, a deepening lack of faith.

While we have proudly maintained our membership for several years and have long admired the AARP goals and principles, regrettably, we can no longer endorse it's abdication of our values. Your letter specifically stated that we can count on AARP to speak up for our rights, yet the voice we hear is not ours. Your offer of being kept up to date on important issues through DIVIDED WE FAIL [AARP Coalition Lobby] presents neither an impartial view nor the one we have come to embrace. We do believe that when two parties agree all the time on everything presented to them, one is probably not necessary. But, when the opinions and long term goals are diametrically opposed, the divorce is imminent. This is the philosophy which spawned our 200 years of government.

Once upon a time, we looked forward to being part of the senior demographic. We also looked to AARP to provide certain benefits and give our voice a power we could not possibly hope to achieve on our own. AARP gave us a sense of belonging which we no longer enjoy. The Socialist politics practiced by the Obama administration and empowered by AARP serves only to raise the blood pressure my medical insurance strives to contain. Clearly a conflict of interest there!

We do not understand the AARP posture, feel greatly betrayed by the guiding forces that we expected to map out our senior years and leave your ranks with a great sense of regret. We mitigate that disappointment with the relief of knowing that we are not contributing to the problem anymore by renewing our membership. There are numerous other organizations which offer discounts without threatening our way of life or offending our sensibilities.

This Presidential [Obama] Administration scares the living daylights out of us. Not just for ourselves, but for our proud and bloodstained heritage. But even more importantly for our children and grandchildren. Washington has rendered Soylent Green a prophetic cautionary tale rather than a nonfiction scare tactic. I have never in my life endorsed any militant or radical groups, yet now I find myself listening to them. I don't have to agree with them to appreciate the fear which birthed their existence. Their borderline insanity presents little more than a balance to the voice of the Socialist mindset in power. Perhaps I became American by a great stroke of luck in some cosmic uterine lottery, but in my adulthood I CHOOSE to embrace it and nurture the freedoms it represents as well as the responsibilities it requires.

Your website generously offers us the opportunity to receive all communication in Spanish. ARE YOU KIDDING??? Someone has broken into our 'house', invaded our home without our invitation or consent. The President has insisted we keep the perpetrator in comfort and learn the perp language so we can communicate our reluctant welcome to them.

I DON'T choose to welcome them.  I DON'T choose to support them.  I DON'T choose to educate them.  I DON'T choose to medicate them, pay for their food or clothing. 

American home invaders get arrested. Please explain to me why foreign lawbreakers can enjoy privileges on American soil that Americans do not get?

Why do some immigrants have to play the game to be welcomed and others only have to break & enter to be welcomed?

We travel for a living. Walt hauls horses all over this great country, averaging over 10,000 miles a month when he is out there. He meets more people than a politician on caffeine overdose. Of all the many good folks he enjoyed on this last 10,000 miles, this trip yielded only ONE supporter of the current administration. One of us is out of touch with mainstream America. Since our poll is conducted without funding, I have more faith in it than one which is power driven.

We have decided to forward this to everyone on our mailing list, and will encourage them to do the same. With several hundred in my address book, I have every faith that the eventual exponential factor will make a credible statement to you.

I am disappointed as hell.  I am scared as hell.  I am MAD as hell, and I'm NOT gonna take it anymore!


Walt & Cyndy Miller

Miller Farms Equine Transport
P.O. Box 1702
Cheraw, SC 29520