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A Daydream & Nightmare - Obama Horror Story

This Column really hits home with its facts, interviews and insight into Obama's Presidency as it comes to a close. Why wasn't this written up at the beginning? Easy, because Peggy Noonan in her wildest dreams could never have imagined such a quixotic fool's paradise run in the U.S. Presidential Office!


The Daydream and the Nightmare

Obama isn't doing his job. He's waiting for history to recognize his greatness.

Peggy Noonan
Wall Street Journal
July 4, 2014 5:37 p.m. ET

I don't know if we sufficiently understand how weird and strange, how historically unparalleled, this presidency has become. We've got a sitting president who was just judged in a major poll to be the worst since World War II. The worst president in 70 years! Quinnipiac University's respondents also said, by 54% to 44%, that the Obama administration is not competent to run the government. A Zogby Analytics survey asked if respondents are proud or ashamed of the president. Those under 50 were proud, while those over 50, who have of course the longest experienced sense of American history, were ashamed.

We all know the reasons behind the numbers. The scandals that suggest poor stewardship and, in the case of the IRS, destructive political mischief. The president's signature legislation, which popularly bears his name and contains within it the heart of his political meaning, continues to wreak havoc in marketplaces and to be unpopular with the public. He is incapable of working with Congress, the worst at this crucial aspect of the job since Jimmy Carter, though Mr. Carter at least could work with the Mideast and produced the Camp David Accords. Mr. Obama has no regard for Republicans and doesn't like to be with Democrats. Internationally, small states that have traditionally been the locus of trouble (the Mideast) are producing more of it, while large states that have been more stable in their actions (Russia, China) are newly, starkly aggressive.

That's a long way of saying nothing's working.

Which I'm sure you've noticed.


Martin Kozlowski

But I'm not sure people are noticing the sheer strangeness of how the president is responding to the lack of success around him. He once seemed a serious man. He wrote books, lectured on the Constitution. Now he seems unserious, frivolous, shallow. He hangs with celebrities, plays golf. His references to Congress are merely sarcastic: "So sue me." "They don't do anything except block me. And call me names. It can't be that much fun." 

In a truly stunning piece in early June, Politico's Carrie Budoff Brown and Jennifer Epstein interviewed many around the president and reported a general feeling that events have left him—well, changed. He is "taking fuller advantage of the perquisites of office," such as hosting "star-studded dinners that sometimes go on well pastmidnight." He travels, leaving the White House more in the first half of 2014 than any other time of his presidency except his re-election year. He enjoys talking to athletes and celebrities, not grubby politicians, even members of his own party. He is above it all.

On his state trip to Italy in the spring, he asked to spend time with "interesting Italians." They were wealthy, famous. The dinner went for four hours. The next morning his staff were briefing him for a "60 Minutes" interview about Ukraine and health care. "One aide paraphrased Obama's response: 'Just last night I was talking about life and art, big interesting things, and now we're back to the minuscule things on politics.' ''

Minuscule? Politics is his job.

When the crisis in Ukraine escalated in March, White House aides wondered if Mr. Obama should cancel a planned weekend golf getaway in Florida. He went. At the "lush Ocean Reef Club," he reportedly told his dinner companions: "I needed this. I needed the golf. I needed to laugh. I needed to spend time with friends."

You get the impression his needs are pretty important in his hierarchy of concerns.


This is a president with 2½ years to go who shows every sign of running out the clock. Normally in a game you run out the clock when you're winning. He's running it out when he's losing.

All this is weird, unprecedented. The president shows no sign—none—of being overwhelmingly concerned and anxious at his predicaments or challenges. Every president before him would have been. They'd be questioning what they're doing wrong, changing tack. They'd be ordering frantic aides to meet and come up with what to change, how to change it, how to find common ground not only with Congress but with the electorate.

Instead he seems disinterested, disengaged almost to the point of disembodied. He is fatalistic, passive, minimalist. He talks about hitting "singles" and "doubles" in foreign policy.

"The world seems to disappoint him," says the New Yorker's liberal and sympathetic editor, David Remnick.

What kind of illusions do you have to have about the world to be disappointed when it, and its players, act aggressively or foolishly? Presidents aren't supposed to have those illusions, and they're not supposed to check out psychologically when their illusions are shattered.


Barack Obama doesn't seem to care about his unpopularity, or the decisions he's made that have not turned out well. He doesn't seem concerned. A guess at the reason: He thinks he is right about his essential policies. He is steering the world toward not relying on America. He is steering America toward greater dependence on and allegiance to government. He is creating a more federally controlled, Washington-centric nation that is run and organized by progressives. He thinks he's done his work, set America on a leftward course, and though his poll numbers are down now, history will look back on him and see him as heroic, realistic, using his phone and pen each day in spite of unprecedented resistance. He is Lincoln, scorned in his time but loved by history.

He thinks he is in line with the arc of history, that America, for all its stops and starts, for all the recent Supreme Court rulings, has embarked in the long term on governmental and cultural progressivism. Thus in time history will have the wisdom to look back and see him for what he really was: the great one who took every sling and arrow, who endured rising unpopularity, the first black president and the only one made to suffer like this.

That's what he's doing by running out the clock: He's waiting for history to get its act together and see his true size.

He's like someone who's constantly running the movie "Lincoln" in his head. It made a great impression on him, that movie. He told Time magazine, and Mr. Remnick, how much it struck him. President Lincoln of course had been badly abused in his time. Now his greatness is universally acknowledged. But if Mr. Obama read more of Lincoln, he might notice Lincoln's modesty, his plain ways, his willingness every day to work and negotiate with all who opposed him, from radical abolitionists who thought him too slow to supporters of a negotiated peace who thought him too martial. Lincoln showed respect for others. Those who loved him and worked for him thought he showed too much. He was witty and comical but not frivolous and never shallow. He didn't say, "So sue me." He never gave up trying to reach agreement and resolution.

It is weird to have a president who has given up. So many young journalists diligently covering this White House, especially those for whom it is their first, think what they're seeing is normal.

It is not. It is unprecedented and deeply strange. And, because the world is watching and calculating, unbelievably dangerous.


Muslim Wedding Pictures in Gaza Say It All

Pedophilia is a taboo subject in many cultures. It is such a volitile subject to bring up unless you are, of course, a Muslim, then its okay. Just witness what the Hamas in Gaza do with vocal impunity and spite towards the great Satan, American. ...And some freedom loving Americans actually think this religion is compatible with our Christian-values nation?--It is high time for them to really learn the actual facts and rethink their ideas about the jihadi movement. 

Being a Muslim Woman

By Nonie Darwish (See Bio Below)

It is too bad that so many are disillusioned with life and Christianity to accept Muslims as peaceful; some may be but they have an army that is willing to shed blood in the name of Islam, the peaceful support the warriors with their finances and own kind of patriotism to their religion.  While America is getting rid of Christianity from all public sites and erasing God from the lives of children the Muslims are planning a great jihad on America.  This is your chance to make a difference! ...Talk about these truths with your family's and friends or at least those you think will listen.


These are pictures not shown on American TV or in American Newspapers, but were forwarded by a Canadian who thought All Christians ought to know. HOW VERY SAD! - Read all the way to the bottom.   Mass Muslim Marriage in  Gaza.  Poor kids - what a terrible fate to be born as a girl in a Muslim country.

Muhammed married a six year old bride. But Islam has evolved in 1500 years. In Hamas land, in 2009, the brides are almost seven. Mass Muslim Marriage in  Gaza.  450 Grooms Wed GIRLS Under Ten. - In Gaza By Paul L. Williams, Ph.D.

A gala event has occurred in Gaza. Hamas sponsored a mass wedding for four hundred and fifty couples.  Most of the grooms were in their mid to late twenties; most of brides were under ten.  Muslim dignitaries including Mahmud Zahar, a leader of Hamas, were on hand to congratulate the couples who took part in the carefully staged celebration.  We are saying to the world and to America that you cannot deny us joy and happiness, Zahar told the grooms, all of whom were dressed in identical black suits and hailed from the nearby Jabalia refugee camp. Each groom received a gift of 500 dollars from Hamas. The pre-pubescent girls, dressed in white gowns and adorned with garish make-up, received bridal bouquets.  We are presenting this wedding as a gift to our people who stood firm in the face of the siege and the war, local Hamas strongman Ibrahim Salaf said in a speech.  The wedding photos tell the rest of the sordid tale.

The International Centre for Research on Women estimates that there are 51 million child brides now living on planet earth and almost all in Muslim countries. Twenty-nine percent of these child brides are regularly beaten and molested by their husbands in  Egypt ; twenty six percent receive similar abuse in Jordan. Every year, three million Muslim girls are subjected to genital mutilation, according to UNICEF. This practice has not been outlawed in many parts of  America.

Vote in November to keep Muslims-Sharia Law out of Supreme Court and judges, the White House, and politics.   People are unaware!  Yes, it's happening in America !!! 

Nonie Darwish Bio: Born in Cairo, Nonie was later raised in the Gaza Strip. In the 1950s, Egypt occupied Gaza and Gamal Abdel Nasser, who later became Egypt's president, appointed her father to lead the fedayeen guerilla operations, whose sole mission was to destroy Israel. As Nasser rallied the Arab world to wipe out the Jewish State, Arabs throughout the Middle East flooded into Gaza to join the fedayeen headed by Nonie's father, Lt. Col. Mustafa Hafaz. The fedayeen became the model for modern terrorist organizations.


Do Americans Understand That Islamists Kill Infidels?

When Israel made peace with Egypt, it was based on the concept that Israel return all the land back that was won during the 1948 War of Independence, including the oil wells that Israel developed and desperately needed.

  • The Gaza Strip, where the refugee camps are was part of Egypt before the war, and Israel never laid a claim to it; the Egyptians refused to take it back.   
  • The West Bank, when Israel made peace with Jordan; the king refused to take it back. 

Two Moslem nations had a chance to take back Palestine and give it to the Palestinians and refused--this process created 'the new Palestine,' an untenable country made up of few camps and the West Bank (of Jordan), the two lands other Moslems refused to take back.

This story is excerpted from an interview given by Dr. Eldad, an Israeli Jew, to the New English Review in November 2008. Although nine years ago, in 2005, it is relevant today since the Islamic-Judeo-Christian dilemma has persisted over fifteen centuries.

Arieh Eldad is a medical doctor specializing in plastic surgery and a member of Israel's Knesset. He served as the Director of Hadassah Hospital, Ein Kerem's Department of Plastic Surgery from 2000 to 2003 and is the Founder and Chairman of the Israeli Burn Association. 

“I was instrumental in establishing the "Israeli National Skin Bank", which is the largest in the world. The National Skin Bank stores skin for every day needs as well as for war time or mass casualty situations. This skin bank is hosted at the Hadassah Ein Kerem University hospital in Jerusalem where I was the Chairman of plastic surgery. This is how I was asked to supply skin for an Arab woman from Gaza, who was hospitalized in Soroka Hospital in Beersheva, after she was injured by a gas tank explosion of which such atrocities happen among Arab families when the women are suspected of having an affair. We supplied all the needed Homografts for her treatment.  She was successfully treated by my friend and colleague, Prof. Lior Rosenberg and discharged to return to Gaza. She was invited for regular follow-up visits to the outpatient clinic in Beersheva.”

Newspaper Headline: On 20 June 2005, twenty-one-year-old Wafa Samir Ibrahim al-Biss was detained at a crossing into Israel when something about her gait struck the guards on duty at that post as somewhat amiss. This Palestinian woman was arrested after a search revealed she had been carrying 22 lbs. of explosives strapped to her body. While al-Biss had ostensibly been attempting to enter Israel to attend a follow-up appointment at the Soroka Medical Center in Beersheva, questioning revealed that it had been her intent to detonate the payload she'd been carrying at that institution. It seems that her family promised her that if she did that, they would forgive her. The would-be bomber had been treated there only five months previous for severe burns received after a gas canister exploded on a fire while she was cooking at her refugee camp home in the Gaza Strip. 

Dr. Eldad concluded, "This is only one example of the war between Jews and Muslims in the Land of Israel. It is not a territorial conflict. This is a civilisational conflict, or rather a war between civilization & barbarism."


Obama Vampire Diaries

Forrest Gump famously remarked, "Mama always said, "Stupid is as stupid does." You are what you do. Unfortunately, many do without even thinking--read on... George Carlin, Comedian & Social Critic

During the course of any day many different people normally offer the conciliatory "Hello, how are you?" greeting and then turn away without waiting for any reply, no intended insults taken either--everyone is polite, but busy. Occasionally conversations take up after the perfunctory salutations, then it can be an opportunity to share ideas about the weather or more substantive topics. 

Lately, however, I have realized that I have been in amongst an ever-growing population of the living dead; Vampires, a pejorative description for liberals who may appear to be regular people. Contrary to many popular misconceptions about the mythical Vampires, they can stand the light of day but not direct sunlight because they will sparkle showing what they really are--it sounds just like Vampire Liberals who cannot withstand any media spotlight highlighting their true colors, otherwise people should fear them as well.

The unfortunate tragedy here is that many of these Vampire Liberals are unaware they are transformed into the walking dead. They have been unknowingly programmed due to repeated exposure from a barrage of left-wing mainstream media assaults at home while inundated with propaganda under the auspices of the federally funded liberal school curriculums. The left-wing agenda has literally permeated the whole societal fiber of the citizenry today in order to control the politics. 

So how does this trend reverse itself? Sadly the quick answer is a very slow one as it has taken from 1960 to 2014 for fifty-four years plus to indoctrinate two generations into joining federal entitlement programs. A generation is defined as thirty years it takes for a person to be born and to have children of his own. Lyndon Johnson started "The Great Society" program to mimic the FDR "New Deal" program which then encompassed "The Civil Rights Act" and "The Medicare Act". Lyndon Johnson, who was ambivalent to the Civil Rights Bill for the blacks and changed his tune when he realized he could put a lock on a whole voting block real cheap, for the next fifty years, it was then a political deal that he really relished. 

Factoid: The 1964 election brought in many new liberals to Congress, making the House of Representatives in 1965 the most liberal House since 1938 due to public sympathy after the JFK assassination and completing JFK's program to lower the upper tax bracket by 20% and middle income ones too which increased the GDP 10%. Even though the House and Senate both had 2/3 Democrat members, during the heated debates on the Civil Rights Act, the Southern Dixiecrat Democrat segregationists voted against it to block it. The party of Abraham Lincoln, the Republican Party, voted in the legislation to enable it to pass. The Social Security Act of 1965 authorized MedicareThe Elementary and Secondary Education Act ended a long-standing political taboo by providing significant federal aid to public education, but it opened up ever since a pandora's box of intrusive Washington political agendas in all school levels through college.

The Johnson Administration submitted eighty-seven bills to Congress, and Johnson signed eighty-four, or 96%, arguably the most successful legislative agenda in U.S. Congressional history. 

Economist Thomas Sowell argues that President Lyndon Johnson's "The Great Society" programs only contributed to the destruction of African American families, saying "the black family, which had survived centuries of slavery and discrimination, then began rapidly disintegrating in the liberal welfare state that subsidized unwed pregnancy and changed welfare from an emergency rescue to a way of life."

An Important Election is coming up for a vote in 2014 to elect U.S. Congressmen who will listen to the people, not Washington -- Vote Wisely!

2016 Presidential Election -  "Don't Do Stupid - Be Smart"  



Obama Caught Off Guard - Like Jimmy Carter!  

The Obama administration says that they were “caught off guard.” John Kerry has repeatedly said that “no one expected” what happened in Iraq. So they got Syria wrong. They got Libya wrong, They got Egypt wrong. They got the Hamas-Fatah unity government wrong. They got Afghanistan wrong. They got Boko Haram wrong.

And it’s safe to say that the Obama administration got it wrong in the homeland, especially when they scrubbed jihad and Islam from counter-terror training material. And Obama’s DoJ refused to prosecute Muslim Brotherhood groups (like CAIR, ISNA, ICNA, MSA, etc.) named as co-conspirators in the largest terrorist funding trial in our nation’s history.

So it’s safe to say that the Obama administration got it wrong importing whole Muslim communities from jihad countries. Importing jihad. Importing hostile invaders.

It's time for a little history of Jimmy Carter's "hard won lessons." 

Ever heard of the Wahabi Islamic Religion? I have and remember when I first heardNovember 1979 Issue about it in November, 1979. Jimmy Carter was in office and it was day three of the Iranian hostage crisis when all Hell broke loose behind the scenes in another country. It foretold our huge Islamic terror mess we are in today! ...Oh really?

What some call regular mainstream "Moderate Muslims" it's as if that modifier means being anything different than "Radical Muslims." That would be significant if they really would be standing up to protest but instead are just quietly standing by while watching their Radical Muslim brothers do harm and create tumult in general, but read on...

The Muslim Brotherhood We hear a lot of qualifying statements about “moderate Muslims” when “radical Islam” is mentioned. Now, certainly, one can imagine that the majority of Muslims, are most likely people who just want to get on with their lives and that in western countries in particular, many keep a low profile and just live their lives with a low current of religiosity. Like people everywhere, they are trying to get through the day, and not start a revolution or ignite a war. Even so, some are sympathetic to radical concerns or issues, even if they are not entirely seized with passion for the cause. So, their moderate passive attitudes really just feed the heated passions of radical Islamists which just encourages them even further.  

Other Muslims are completely against radicalism, but 'stay on the down low' and don’t make waves. Then, there are the Muslims who become leaders and actually attempt to impress some kind of moderate change on the current situation within Islam. Many of these high-profile moderates or liberal Muslims don’t get as much press as the radicals, but they do exist, and often they live their lives under threat of death from their co-religionists.

So, ever heard about the origins of 'Wahabi Islam' from Saudi Arabia spreading to the rest of the world?  Apparently, the Saudi royal family has been exporting Wahabi for some time, over 35 years now, into Europe, Canada and the USA — partially to free themselves from an imminent threat to their own power.

This saga began with the 1979 siege on Mecca and the royal family by Wahabists and aThe Kaaba in the court of the Great Mosque at Mecca. deal actually forged with the royal Saudi Arabian family. I knew about Wahabi, but I certainly have since learned more about its spread worldwide and the influence of so many radical Imams, even in places like the United States. Remember that San Diego, CA Imam, Anwar Al-Awlaki, who was American-born and radicalized as a Muslim cleric that was finally killed by U.S. forces in Yeman with a 2011 targeted drone strike?

In the court of the Great Mosque at Mecca the Kaaba contains the sacred black stone. It is a small 11 x 15 inch fragmented remnant encased in a silver frame in one corner of the Kaaba which is a cube shape block stone structure, about 30 feet in diameter. Muslims believe that the first human being, Adam, originally received the black stone from God and used it as part of an altar for worship. 

The goal of the Hajj, the Islamic pilgrimage, in a rite called tawaf, which they perform three times during the hajj, they circumambulate the Kaaba counterclockwise seven times. ...Each time pilgrims pass the black stone they recite a prayer from the Qur’an: 'In the name of God, and God is supreme.' If they can, pilgrims approach the Kaaba and kiss it ...or they make a gesture of kissing the Ka’ba each time if they cannot reach it."  It is the compass point, toward Mecca, in which Muslims turn to in praying around the world.

With Knowledge Comes Wisdom


You think the 2013 Oscar's Best Picture Award for Argo about the 1979 Iranian U.S. Hostage Crisis was exciting? Well, they left out a powerfully interesting parallel storyline - read about it below in the book review! 

The Siege of Mecca: The Forgotten Uprising in Islam's Holiest Shrine and the Birth of al-Qaeda

by Yaroslav Trofimov

On November 20, 1979, worldwide attention was focused on Tehran, where the Iranian hostage crisis was entering its third week. The same morning—the first of a new Muslim century—hundreds of gunmen stunned the world by seizing Islam’s holiest shrine, the Grand Mosque in Mecca. Armed with rifles that they had smuggled inside coffins, these men came from more than a dozen countries, launching the first operation of global jihad in modern times. 

Led by a Saudi preacher named Juhayman al Uteybi, they believed that the Saudi royal family had become a craven servant of American infidels, and sought a return to the glory of uncompromising Islam. With nearly 100,000 worshippers trapped inside the holy compound, Mecca’s bloody siege lasted two weeks, inflaming Muslim rage against the United States and causing hundreds of deaths.

Despite U.S. assistance led by Jimmy Carter, the Saudi royal family proved haplessly incapable of dislodging the occupier, whose ranks included American converts to Islam. In Iran, Ayatollah Khomeini blamed the Great Satan—the United States —for defiling the shrine, prompting mobs to storm and torch American embassies in Pakistan and Libya. The desperate Saudis finally enlisted the help of French commandos led by tough-as-nails Captain Paul Barril, who prepared the final assault and supplied poison gas that knocked out the insurgents. 

Though most captured gunmen were quickly beheaded, the Saudi royal family responded to this unprecedented challenge by compromising with the rebels’ supporters among the kingdom’s most senior clerics.  The Saudi royal family was helping them nurture and export Juhayman’s violent brand of Islam around the world - "Wahabi Islam."

This dramatic and immensely consequential story was barely covered in the world press in the pre-CNN, pre–Al Jazeera days, as Saudi Arabia imposed an information blackout and kept foreign correspondents away. Yaroslav Trofimov now penetrates this veil of silence, interviewing for the first time scores of direct participants in the siege, including former terrorists, and drawing on hundreds of documents that had been declassified on his request.

Written with the pacing, detail, and suspense of a real-life thriller, The Siege of Mecca reveals how Saudi reaction to the uprising in Mecca set free the forces that produced the attacks of 9/11, and the harrowing circumstances that surround us today.

To Order Your Book:  Click on the Amazon Store in left side-bar.