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All the world's a stage - Obama, The Bad Actor

All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players,
They have their exits and their entrances...

Wm. Shakespeare's "As You Like It"

The whole world doesn't know what to make of America anymore--in part because of our Another tedious drool of words...president, but also referring not only to foreign policy but to U.S. domestic economic policies, to the limits America has imposed on itself. The nations all ask the same question: Why does the greatest country in the world allow itself to be led by an inexperienced, naive, dilettante who just dabbles in light-weight parlor politics not knowing anything at all? - This is not the time for 'Amateur Hour' on the world stage!

U.N. members find time to Kindle, text, email, apply lipstick, check watch & read paper. In just five years of Mr. Obama, world leaders do not understand what are really his higher strategic aims, have real doubts about his seriousness and his judgment, and read him as unsure and covering up for his unsureness with ringing words.

"A heated scorching assessment of the president's role as a foreign-policy actor came from a former senior U.S. diplomat, a low-key and sophisticated man who spent the week at many of the U.N.-related functions." "World leaders are very negative about Obama," he said. They are really very "disappointed, feeling he's not really in charge. . . . The Western Europeans don't pay that much attention to him anymore."


"Terrific Things That Bump in the Night"

"To a people ... who ... believe in genii, ghosts, goblins, and those 'terrific things that go bump in the night', protective charms are eagerly sought for."

The earliest known example of this phrase was printed in 1918 and the meaning was "frightening but imagined supernatural events". However, now in describing Obamacare it really means "frightening but real actual events".

Catherine Sebelius turns a deaf ear.In less than a week, ObamaCare's health insurance exchanges will be open for enrollment. Three months after that, the law's major coverage provisions officially go into effect. It's the biggest expansion of the entitlement state in decades and a massive bureaucratic undertaking.

Even the law's biggest supporters don't expect it to go off without a hitch: President Obama warned earlier this year that the law will likely come with some "glitches and bumps" - like 'terrific things that go bump in the night'?

Here are eight things that could go awry with the law when it opens for business, and in the years beyond, says Peter Suderman, a senior editor at Reason Magazine.

1. When more people have health insurance, it could be harder to see primary care physicians. There's already a shortage of primary care physicians relative to national demand. Increasing the number of people who have health insurance tends to increase the demand for physicians' services.

2.  Health insurers will limit doctor networks in order to keep prices down.

3. Employers will cut hours for workers to avoid potential requirements under ObamaCare.

4. ObamaCare navigators and other enrollment aides could violate the privacy of exchange users.

5.  The online exchange technology won't be ready -- or won't work as well as it is supposed to.

6.  Employers could move many more workers than expected onto the exchanges, and increase the price of the law as a result.

7.  The exchanges will grant subsidies that are wrong, or need to be repaid. One study last year estimated that roughly 2.6 percent of exchange applicants "judged eligible for subsidies would receive advance payments on those subsidies that were too high by $208 per year, on average."

8.   Individuals whose income hovers near the Medicaid eligibility line could be forced on and off the program. A 2011 study by health professors at Harvard and George Washington University found that over six months, "More than 35 percent of all adults with family incomes below 200 percent of the federal poverty level will experience a shift in eligibility from Medicaid to an insurance exchange, or the reverse."

So, as these "terrific real things that bump into the night" grow REALLY Bigger in the Dark Halls of Congress... BE AFRAID... Very AFRAID!



Cast Obamacare Senate NAY Vote - HERE & NOW!

Sign the Petition and tell Congress: Don't Fund Obamacare!

On October 1st, 2013 millions of Americans will be required to enroll in ObamacareIT'S THE LAW: Tell these guys your Social Security Nos., Bank Accts, IRS Returns, Health History. Don't worry about Identity theft they're trained professionals - served in San Quentin according to their background checks. and could lose access to their doctors and be forced to pay higher premiums and higher taxes. 

There's still time to stop it. Republicans in Congress can stop Obamacare if they refuse to fund it - Can you send to 3 friends this email message?

There are 3 Easy Steps: (Less than 1 Minute)
  1. Click on Don't Fund Obamacare Link Below.
  2. Fill in Name & Email Address.
  3. Click on "Sign the Petition" Button.


Click the Link: 

Don't Fund Obamacare!

Congratulations - You Just Voted!


No Smooth Sailing With Obamacare Navigators

The Obama Administration is spending $67 million for Navigators, private groups, to “help” the American people understand their Obamacare better.

A four-page questionnaire from the House Energy and Commerce committee went out on Thursday, September 5, 2013 asking these groups, largely nonprofits, to provide detailed information about the work they plan to conduct.

BEST PICTURE OF A BOTCHED BOTOX JOB.- NEVER LOOKED BETTER. ONLY KIDDING KATHY! - Kathleen Sebelius, which appeared puffy in October 2009 while she testified to a Senate committee. Sebelius had a basal cell carcinoma removed from her forehead on the day before during a successful standard outpatient procedure, according to HHS spokeswoman Jenny Backus.The Department of Health & Human Services, HHS, under Kathleen Sebelius had pushed back. “This is a blatant and shameful attempt to intimidate groups who will be working to inform Americans about their new health insurance options and help them enroll in coverage, just like Medicare counselors have been doing for years,” HHS spokesperson Erin Shields Britt said as she failed to mention the counselors dealt with the social security benefits records only and did not handle IRS information, employment health insurance coverage history or personal financial information.

So Kathleen Sebelius, what is the huge deal about these groups showing what work they plan to do for their $67 Million? What is so secret in a very public program? After all, the public is dropping their drawers and exposing everything to strangers, why can't they drop their panties too?

Since this is coming out of the pockets of taxpaying Americans like you, do you think you should know all of the facts? -- Here is what the Obama Health Care Bill says & does:

Obamacare Privacy & Security Regulations - The Exchange regulations, at 45 CFR § 155.260(a), establish privacy and security standards for Exchanges, and § 155.260(b) provides that Exchanges must require Navigators and other non-Exchange entities to abide by the same or more stringent privacy and security standards as a condition of contract or agreement with such entities. Consistent with these requirements, we propose that the training for Navigators and non-Navigator assistance personnel must include training designed to ensure that they safeguard consumers' sensitive personal information including but not limited to health information, income and tax information, and Social Security number.

The key to the Navigators' provision is the description of the Navigators themselvesNavigator Assistant training will have a lot of young adults - Are these the kind of "Real Professionals" you pictured helping with your very private information? I never did! It sort of looks like a "Community Organizer" meeting. together with non-exchange personnel as 'Navigators and other non-Exchange entities' to abide the same[or]..standards.  It is vague and hardly convincing that personal health records, consumer credit information, Federal income tax reports and employment records collected into one single location in the health care program are protected from prying eyes of various other Federal agencies'  and outsiders' scrutiny.

The standards further state "we propose the training for Navigators and non-Navigator assistance personnel." This further condemns the personnel training program. Due to the inclusion of the Navigator and many Non-Navigator Assistant Personnel, by its nature it defines a two-tier level of service to millions of enrollees. Because administrative costs are paramount, a Navigator with multitudes of 'non-Navigator assistance personnel' will definitely be implemented. How do they do "background checks" for so many non-Navigator Assistants before the program starts? What about identity theft safeguards?

What educational level or pay grade are these 'non-Navigator assistance personnel' sitting around the floor? ...And THEY are exposed to your most private, personal health and financial information? ...Obama is kidding, huh?  NO!

What else can the American people expect in an unwisely designed socialized medicine program? Well obviously many of these consumers will be unfamiliar with health insurance or not literate in English. This implies, by that previous statement, there are many citizens who are under the radar, illegals and illiterates, many that have not contributed or will ever significantly pay for this health coverage. Furthermore, these huge Federally-run welfare programs are rife with graft, corruption and down-right dishonesty such as with food stamps, SNAP; family assistance; housing assistance, etc.

While on the subject of dishonesty, Obama has not mentioned the "SEIU UnionSEIU Union President, Mike Trumpka, at Rally. Membership Sweetheart Deal" to sign up potentially thousands of Federal SEIU union members paying hundreds of millions in union dues to bolster the left-wing image, and shore up the Democrat voting block while pushing Obamacare programs. This is the same indoctrination program that in just four years has nearly doubled dependents on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, SNAP food stamps program. (FYI Stats: During BHO 4 years term: a 128% increase from 2008, $35 Billion to 2012, $75 Billion) In total benefits, people have not called Obama the "Food Stamp President" for nothing. (FYI Stats: During the GWB 8 years term: a 52% increase from 2000, $17 Billion to 1977, $26 Billion) Obama still has four more years to double SNAP once again!

Who are the 'non-Exchange entities' to abide by the same or more stringent privacy and security standards as a condition of contract or agreement with such entities?  Does "Community Organizer" come to mind? The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now or ACORN were driven into bankruptcy and out of business. The organization officially announced the closure of its offices in 2010 after losing government funding due to the legal controversies with fines, several members indicted, convicted and sent to prison. 

Soon afterwards, ACORN quietly metamorphosed the same organization into new names. At least two of the groups, 'Affordable Housing Centers of America', AHCA, and 'Mutual Housing Association of New York', MHANY, have already received federal dollars. The connections between these groups and the old ACORN groups include: having the same physical location, sharing leadership or staff or having the same tax ID number. “For some of these groups, all they did was legally change their name. Nothing else changed. The corporate structure, leadership and staff are the same,” said Karen Groen Olea, Cause of Action’s chief counsel.

As the Obama administration fills jobs of the navigators and non-Navigator assistance personnel, they will be filled by organizations with political agendas, including unions, SAIC. and community action groups, AHCA. Just watch to see if Obama now introduces 'voter registration filings" into these health care registration forms, it will be like motor vehicle registration with convenient voter check boxes. Do you think these non-Navigator assistants can help these first time free health care recipients to vote and will they register as Democrats too?  Hmmn...


Bush-Clinton 2016 Presidential Campaign On

Behind the scenes - Loud whispers for Bush vs. Clinton Race!

RINO Jeb & DEMO Hillary - Both "Big Government" advocates & "Big Spenders & Big Taxers" Liberals.It looks like the "King Makers" of the political parties have already chosen their 2016 Presidential candidates. It's time to dole out the Testosterone, Viagra and Estrogen to stimulate the masses into an excitement reaching up to a frenzied orgasmic vote over the most expensive Presidential erection election in U.S. history-- $1 Billion dollars for each candidate.

What's really different in this next big election cycle? No new ideas...not much, except a lot of political Washington B.S. promises and more corruption. Sound cynical? It is, because this side-show is an insulting mockery of the democratic process for choosing leaders. So, it will be quite a dog and pony show as the electorate again takes its part on stage as the receiving end of the act - if you aren't the lead dog, then the view never changes!

RINO - DEMO Obamacon Party Logo

*The Obamacon Party* - A choice between Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton is interchangeable, both liberals will spit out warmed-over pap what voters want to hear in their Presidential 2016 campaign races.

The choice is obnoxious, the fix is already in and everyone has to look surprised when this duo match-up is announced. These announcements must be early on in this 2016 Presidential election cycle because of the historic campaign run-up costs so that donors can be assured of which candidates run and PACs funded along with campaign organizations.  

Both "Progressives" aka "Marxists"Is there any "Change" we can believe in here? - Read On...

On June 29, 2004 Hillary said, "Many of you are well enough off that the tax cuts may have helped you. We're saying that for America to get back on track, we're probably going to cut that short and not give it to you. We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good." During a fundraiser for Senator Barbara Boxer in San Francisco. Standing before an audience of wealthy Democrats, Clinton criticized the Bush administration's tax cuts for upper-income Americans not mentioning who the "upper-income" Americans were as many small business owners who qualify making over $200 Thousand dollars, an arbitrary income ceiling for upper-income earners.  This is more demagoguery of 'the haves'' verses 'the have-nots' and the unfairness of income inequality - marxist tenets.

On September 2, 2005 Hillary said, "I think it's time to send a clear message to what has become the most profitable sector in (the) entire economy that they are being watched." In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Hillary Clinton accused the big oil companies of profiteering — and used demagoguery like "trying to make money off the backs of this tragedy", however, with the off-shore rigs and refineries shut down along with the delivery delays due to Katrina, the available supplies were stressed by market demand pricing on available supplies. 

On May 29, 2007 Hillary said, "It's time for a new beginning, for an end to government of the few, by the few, and for the few..... And to replace it with shared responsibility for shared prosperity." It was at the Granite State Independent Living Forum in Manchester, New Hampshire outlining what Clinton called her "progressive vision to aid the middle class [and] address rising income inequality" to disabled seniors. (Code name for 'middle class' is "bourgeoisie" and 'progressive' is "left-wing socialist")

On June 4, 2007 Hillary said, "(We) ....can't just let business as usual go on, and that means something has to be taken away from some people." at a political Forum broadcast on CNN's "The Situation Room". She was addressing the difficulty of reaching a political consensus on issues such as health insurance reform and climate change concluding the government knows better about how to allocate private individuals' properties for the good of the people.

On June 4, 2007 Hillary said, "I certainly think the free-market has failed." Clinton was being asked what could be done to reduce the frequency of abortion in the United States. She began by speaking of the necessity of assisting young people in making the right choices and concluded that we have failed them in our churches, our schools, our government. Hillary deliberately overlooks parental responsibility due to couples not married with 77% of black babies born out of wedlock. This follows closely to Hillary's "It takes a village" thinking about the government engineered child raising as the answer to the lack of family units. Is personal responsibility too much to ask and promote to individuals instead?