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Obama's New Tune Going "Forward"

Obama "Forward" Policy Campaign

After a dismal first Presidential debate showing, Obama realizes he has to change his tune going "Forward". He might also consider changing out his viollin since he has just fiddled away his first term. Has he considered a tuba? Then, Obama can blast out his failed policies even louder to drown out electorate opposition.  Or maybe, he can beat out ear deafening boom, boom, booms on a big bass drum to rally everyone to march "Forward" to Obama's 2012 Campaign tune. 

Everyone has heard the comment, "Don't fall back!", but conversely you can fall "Forward" too by stumbling and tripping over your own feet as you go down. Obama's slogan is a warning message for voters in 2012: Going "Forward" with the Obama administration's downward spiral of failed policies of "leading from behind" in the war combating anti-americanism growing worldwide lead to further American decline.

The Learner vs. The Seasoned Professional

It's about time that we pull Obama's learner permit since he can't see over the steering wheel and his feet can't reach the pedals.  Let's put President-Elect Romney into the driver's seat so he can shift Obama's "Forward" gear stuck in "Reverse" out into "Drive" and steer the country forward toward recovery.

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