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Entries in Libya Terrorist Debacle (2)


Obama Syria Fighter Plan Implodes

Article II Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution, the Commander in Chief clause, states that "[t]he President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States."

Obama said in September that assisting Syrian rebels was “the best counterweight” for combating the Sunni radical terror group’s control over large swathes of Iraq and Syria. However, here again Obama, the community organizer, proved totally ineptness through feckless leadership yielding just more empty rhetoric and impotent inaction leading to total military failures.

Obama at sea


The Obama administration had budgeted $500,000,000, about half a billion dollars, has spent about $50 million so far and has only trained four or five Syrian fighters during the past year. Gen. Lloyd Austin, who leads the U.S. military’s Central Command, has admitted to the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee on Capital Hill that they're the only soldiers left out of 54 who were initially trained as part of a U.S. program to build a military force of 5,400 soldiers. Some brigades are classified as independent or separate and operate independently from the traditional division structure. The typical NATO standard brigade consists of approximately 3,200 to 5,500 troops. 

These other trainees either bailed out, disappeared or they cannot be located anywhere now. I wonder if Obama's "rules of engagement" gave them second thoughts for success since it directed the soldiers to fight only I.S.I.S terrorists, be provided minimal air pin-prick campaigns for cover and selectively not kill any of Assad's troops or affiliated groups.

This sounds eerily a lot like of those 50 coalition partners Obama said we had that were going to fight side by side with us right up to when we were to be actively fighting in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars--and then they were no where to be seen or heard when the battle charge was called. It's now time that our government and military leaders take the battle to the Muslims with our own troops with full force to kill the Islamic terrorists.


Obama's New Tune Going "Forward"

Obama "Forward" Policy Campaign

After a dismal first Presidential debate showing, Obama realizes he has to change his tune going "Forward". He might also consider changing out his viollin since he has just fiddled away his first term. Has he considered a tuba? Then, Obama can blast out his failed policies even louder to drown out electorate opposition.  Or maybe, he can beat out ear deafening boom, boom, booms on a big bass drum to rally everyone to march "Forward" to Obama's 2012 Campaign tune. 

Everyone has heard the comment, "Don't fall back!", but conversely you can fall "Forward" too by stumbling and tripping over your own feet as you go down. Obama's slogan is a warning message for voters in 2012: Going "Forward" with the Obama administration's downward spiral of failed policies of "leading from behind" in the war combating anti-americanism growing worldwide lead to further American decline.

The Learner vs. The Seasoned Professional

It's about time that we pull Obama's learner permit since he can't see over the steering wheel and his feet can't reach the pedals.  Let's put President-Elect Romney into the driver's seat so he can shift Obama's "Forward" gear stuck in "Reverse" out into "Drive" and steer the country forward toward recovery.