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Entries in Terrorist Debacle (3)


Obama Syria Fighter Plan Implodes

Article II Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution, the Commander in Chief clause, states that "[t]he President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States."

Obama said in September that assisting Syrian rebels was “the best counterweight” for combating the Sunni radical terror group’s control over large swathes of Iraq and Syria. However, here again Obama, the community organizer, proved totally ineptness through feckless leadership yielding just more empty rhetoric and impotent inaction leading to total military failures.

Obama at sea


The Obama administration had budgeted $500,000,000, about half a billion dollars, has spent about $50 million so far and has only trained four or five Syrian fighters during the past year. Gen. Lloyd Austin, who leads the U.S. military’s Central Command, has admitted to the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee on Capital Hill that they're the only soldiers left out of 54 who were initially trained as part of a U.S. program to build a military force of 5,400 soldiers. Some brigades are classified as independent or separate and operate independently from the traditional division structure. The typical NATO standard brigade consists of approximately 3,200 to 5,500 troops. 

These other trainees either bailed out, disappeared or they cannot be located anywhere now. I wonder if Obama's "rules of engagement" gave them second thoughts for success since it directed the soldiers to fight only I.S.I.S terrorists, be provided minimal air pin-prick campaigns for cover and selectively not kill any of Assad's troops or affiliated groups.

This sounds eerily a lot like of those 50 coalition partners Obama said we had that were going to fight side by side with us right up to when we were to be actively fighting in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars--and then they were no where to be seen or heard when the battle charge was called. It's now time that our government and military leaders take the battle to the Muslims with our own troops with full force to kill the Islamic terrorists.


All Obama Policies Broke As A Joke

Obama is mentally tapped out, strapped for ideas, on the skids falling down the staircase of world events while doling out quick-fixes like living paycheck to paycheck only to come up short at the end. Like credit, Obama's credibility is limited and he's run it up and over his credit line. He is now in default on promises not delivered, alliance treaties not honored and national security intelligence data ignored which indicates his ideas are bankrupt and insolvent with no value at all.

The United States' global currency is 'its word as its bond'; in Obama's world 'it's as worthless as the paper it's printed on'. Meanwhile, Obama is running his printing presses day and night as he overinflates this U.S. currency to flood the world with meaningless promissory notes that never keep their promises. Countries cannot bank on any American guarantees for assistance. Obama's words are feckless as he doesn't know what to do as his failures come crashing down on his world.

Obama believes that America does not have the moral right to lead in the world. His passivity now really endangers all Americans here and then abroad because the other world powers see our weakness. In showing no sense of urgency, Obama publically admits at a recent White House press conference that he has no plans yet for the threat of the Islamic State Terrorism. It was reported that he was appraised over a year and a half ago about the Islamic State terrorists and chose to ignore it too--two U.S. jounalists are beheaded, what's next? One thing is true, Obama has turned his 'yellow-stripe' back on the American people!

Obama's terrorist policies are crystal clear, the terrorists are not considered armed combatants with no rights in a military setting. As such, military tribunals and punishment are not accorded those captured prisoners; instead, the Islamic acts of terrorists are treated as criminal acts. Terrorists are then given their civil rights, only accorded to U.S. citizens, then 'Mirandized' and given a lawyer; all which removes any opportunity to interrogate or debrief them further. Obama charged Attorney General Holder to investigate under auspices of the FBI these alleged penal code violations and bring the perpetrators to justice under our Federal Court System. Doesn't this action scream out, "OBAMA WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" 



The Obama War on Terror Doctrine

Meaningful political discourse becomes a debate of words rather than substance as Obama argues semantics, which historically is his game of choice, so that issues cannot be discussed as the clock runs out, witness past Obama debates.

Cindy Crowley interferes with Debate regulations and rules.The Romney debate claim that Obama never said an "act of terror" was behind the Benghazi murders became a semantics argument. President Obama angrily looked over at Candy Crowley, the Town Hall moderator, and barked an order, "Candy, get the transcript!". Candy Crowley jumped to and quickly found a document and then interrupted the Presidential condidates' heated exchange to "fact check" for the President that he had said it, while adding about two weeks later it was indeed called a "terrorist attack" as Romney said too. Obama loudly called out, "Can you say that a little louder, Candy?", demanding Candy to speak up again and thereby avoided being put in a position of attacking his opponent to look mean spirited to maintain his "likeability poll percentage".  It hit me on how did Obama think he could even access a transcript to use in his debate? Then, Candy acted as she already knew her mark and pulled out that rose garden transcript on cue from her podium for the quick read.

A small applause broke out after Candy Crowley read the transcript, loudly from Michelle Obama and a few supporters too.  I never heard any applause from anyone else during the debate until the end.  I guess the request for the applause decorum rules went out the window along with the moderator comments butting in too.

The next day on CNN Candy said she had erred as Romney was “right in the main” but “picked the wrong word.”  She was not "neutral" and her retraction was too little, too late since many debate viewers would never hear it. Candy carried over Obama to clinch a win.

What Obama supporters are now saying is Romney wrongly stated that Obama never said "a terrorist attack" when he indeed called it. A video on the day after in the rose garden shows Obama mentioned "act of terror" in a general sense of world problems.  But Romney was right, implying there was no direct call out for the event as a "planned terrorist attack" and instead Obama later said "Libya was a protest caused by a video".

The fact still remains that Obama's Rose Garden words require some tortured logic to be considered Obama's declaration of terrorism at Benghazi.  Afterwards, Obama wouldn't even call it "terrorism" and blamed an anti-Muslim video when interviewed by The View women nearly 2 weeks after the murders while Susan Rice, Assistant Sec. of State, and Jay Carney, White House Secretary, repeated the mantra on all of the T.V. news outlets.  The next day at the UN all he could point as the cause of the violence was a Youtube  anti-Muslim video that virtually nobody in the Middle East had seen.

Obama lied to us at this town hall debate by parsing his rose garden speech and subsequent interviews leading people away from asking why our defenses were let down under The Obama War on Terror Doctrine: "Bin laden is dead, Kadafi is gone and the War of Terror is over."

The consensus of many observers concluded the debate performance was highly charged. Obama stopped his hemorrhaging after the first debate; but, according to his handlers, he did not have an appreciable net gain of voters, about nil. 

Romney actually won on personal issues while the debate points overall were judged by appearances as even. This is an important distinction since the Romney-Ryan budget plan, taxes and deficits, energy independence and Jobs with household income were Romney's strengths verses Obama's weak answers.

Romney, however, was the real winner from this debate since he will win the 2012 Presidential Election.



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