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Entries in Obama Policies (1)


All Obama Policies Broke As A Joke

Obama is mentally tapped out, strapped for ideas, on the skids falling down the staircase of world events while doling out quick-fixes like living paycheck to paycheck only to come up short at the end. Like credit, Obama's credibility is limited and he's run it up and over his credit line. He is now in default on promises not delivered, alliance treaties not honored and national security intelligence data ignored which indicates his ideas are bankrupt and insolvent with no value at all.

The United States' global currency is 'its word as its bond'; in Obama's world 'it's as worthless as the paper it's printed on'. Meanwhile, Obama is running his printing presses day and night as he overinflates this U.S. currency to flood the world with meaningless promissory notes that never keep their promises. Countries cannot bank on any American guarantees for assistance. Obama's words are feckless as he doesn't know what to do as his failures come crashing down on his world.

Obama believes that America does not have the moral right to lead in the world. His passivity now really endangers all Americans here and then abroad because the other world powers see our weakness. In showing no sense of urgency, Obama publically admits at a recent White House press conference that he has no plans yet for the threat of the Islamic State Terrorism. It was reported that he was appraised over a year and a half ago about the Islamic State terrorists and chose to ignore it too--two U.S. jounalists are beheaded, what's next? One thing is true, Obama has turned his 'yellow-stripe' back on the American people!

Obama's terrorist policies are crystal clear, the terrorists are not considered armed combatants with no rights in a military setting. As such, military tribunals and punishment are not accorded those captured prisoners; instead, the Islamic acts of terrorists are treated as criminal acts. Terrorists are then given their civil rights, only accorded to U.S. citizens, then 'Mirandized' and given a lawyer; all which removes any opportunity to interrogate or debrief them further. Obama charged Attorney General Holder to investigate under auspices of the FBI these alleged penal code violations and bring the perpetrators to justice under our Federal Court System. Doesn't this action scream out, "OBAMA WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"