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Obama - The "Most Partisan" President?

Ooops!  ...errr, heard that wrong: 

Obama - The "Post-Partum" President!


Barack is already whining and crying on the campaign stump over his crowd's boos for Romney while begging to get "revenge votes" out for him.  Doesn't Barry Soetoro, aka ex-president Barack Hussein Obama, know it's "post-partum" blues?  Barry is just feeling his separation pains and anger early! - May as well start to use his Indonesian surname too because when Barry reentered the United States his social security account had to be set up with Barry Soetoro, his given name, for work, paychecks and for unemployment benefits checks.

Support Abortion


Obama is Pro-Choice in which a 2012 Gallup Poll has reported a U.S. record-low 41% support, rather than Pro-Life which is against abortion.  All voters at this moment should support Obama's Pro-Choice stance this Tuesday. This coming Tuesday, our electorate should abort this President and instead give rebirth to our nation again to deliver back our Constitution, Bill of Rights and personal freedoms denied through Obama's oppressive Obamacare, EPA Regulations and Centralized Socialist Government Agencies.

‘Wasn’t Advertised Properly’:

Fewer Than 200 Reportedly Show Up

for Pro-Obama Rally Featuring Stevie Wonder

Stevie Wonder wows the crowd of 200 studentsNovember 3, 2012 - Ohio.  Located at Cleveland State University, Brandon Blackwell of The Plain Dealer writes that the event with roughly 200 people in the crowd was primarily to encourage early voting, but that perhaps Obama supporters weren’t given enough warning to clear their schedules for the mini-concert.

Many just followed the music, apparently, and had no idea they were walking into a get-out-the-vote rally. However, apparently the Obama campaign has had high hopes for the impact of the president’s Hollywood backers.  ABC News wrote today that "the president is finishing his campaign with a “star-studded blitz” and “banking on a final burst of star power to boost his get-out-the-vote effort.”

To that end, Wonder reportedly told the hand-full : “I do a song. You go vote. You come back. We do some more music.”

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