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Whistle Blowers Toot The Alarm on Benghazi Raid

A Massive Cover-Up - Watergate Revisited?


Fox News reported that "President Barack Obama met with Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Vice President Joe Biden at the White House on Sept. 11, 2012 at 5:00 PM—just 55 minutes after the State Department notified the White House and the Pentagon that the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi was under attack.

The meeting between Obama, Panetta and Biden had been scheduled before the attack took place, and the Department of Defense is not commenting now on whether the three men were aware when they met that day of the ongoing attack or whether Obama used that meeting to discuss with his defense secretary what should be done to defend the U.S. personnel who at that very moment were fighting for their lives in Benghazi."

Conservatives think they are the only ones that hear about the reprehensible evils behind the Benghazi attack like a “dog whistle”, though barely audible to the public at large. But they’re wrong, which is scarcely surprising since they’re wrong about everything or so says many in the main stream media who remain silent. When do the people, "the folks", finally wake up and see that Obama Administration Foreign Policies treat terrorist acts like a domestic police investigation while not leveling with the American people?

On September 26, White House spokesman, Jay Carney said to ABC News, "That information based on what we Newsweek Magazine July 30, 1973 - Watergate Issueknow — not based on speculation, but based on what we know — acknowledging that we are continuing an investigation that will undoubtedly uncover more facts." 

The only problem is that Carney did not mention they did not start investigating until days afterwards because of the danger to F.B.I. personnel, although the Obama Administration needn't be concerned about any Ambassador's safety. 

The F.B.I. netted only one suspect in custody due to a surveillance video since the crime scene was completely trashed leaving forensic evidence contaminated. Can this defendent or others get a fair criminal trial with no admissable evidence?  Hmnn...

Obama's Bay of Pigs Fiasco - Guantanamo Prisoners Law

Libya featured in newspaper The suspect still has not been interrogated due to Obama signing his Executive Order to close Guantanamo Bay over two years ago. The order directed the base closure and left wide open where any terrorist would be housed and how any new detainees would be questioned or even incarcerated. What an administrative mess. And still, the public doesn't even know about this debacle that Obama, himself, created judicial chaos to nullify any justice in future cases. And Obama is an attorney? Yet, the Obama administration continues its cover-up charade and public spectacle of inactive actions to uncover more facts. The White House narrative of "Osama Bin Laden is dead and al Queda is on their heels" has proven devastating to his reelection campaign.

The mainstream media is silent about the Benghazi attack giving Obama a pass on Benghanzi for now because it will be disastrous for the Obama Campaign.

Deny the Voters Any Information Before the 2012 Presidential Election!

Silence the Whistle Blowers!

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