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iPhone Doctor - Best Medicare Reduction Idea Yet!

Finally, iPhone Apps developed for everyone to benefit from to live better, healthier lives! - Ask your own Doctor why he does not have it yet! 

Dr. Eric TopalDr. Nancy Snyderman introduces Dr. Eric Topal, Gary and Mary West Endowed Chair of Innovative Medicine; Cardiologist; Geneticist. A distinguished scientist and physician on the forefront of the digital medical technology revolution who led the development of wireless medicine with cell phones, modified iPhones, just approved through the FDA which is a combination diagnostic instrument and instantaneous testing laboratory on your belt clip.

It is the brand new horizon for the wide world of medical treatments in the digital revolution with cost savings way beyond the vision of federal sequestrations and oversights. It is only $199.00 for the iPhone App!

This is living proof again that the classic U.S.A. free market innovation and invention in the minds of the American people proves fruitful as the leading edge of technology while the rest of the world is just waking up to only be dreaming about it, pirating it or just stealing it in the true Chinese totalitarian way. 

Time 8:51

Dr. Eric Topol sees the future of health care, and he likes what he sees. Dr. Topal says there are still more apps coming on line with some breakthroughs that are under study and test programs awaiting FDA approvals.

Why isn't President Obama hawking these revolutionary breakthroughs to attack Medicare costs and abuse in over testing and related charges? Contact and ask your representatives and personal doctors about the iPhone Medical Apps today!


Dr. Topol's new book is titled The Creative Destruction of Medicine: How The Digital Revolution Will Create Better Health Care. What if your cell phone could detect cancer cells circulating in your blood or warn you of an imminent heart attack? Mobile wireless digital devices, including smart phones and tablets with seemingly limitless functionality, have brought about radical changes in our lives, providing hyper-connectivity to social networks and cloud computing. The digital world has hardly pierced the medical cocoon yet.


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