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Don Quixote Charm - It's Wearing Thin

Barak & Little Joe galloping on their sturdy steeds throughout the U.S. Economy in ruins.Few of us have ever really stopped and thought about all of the insurmountable types of obstacles that Barack Obama faced in his quest as the President. I have used the word “quest” here since Obama has never, ever stopped in his legendary quest of what he dreamt up as an impossible dream which really is a nightmare for the rest of the American people.  Finally now many people have woken up to the realization of the horrors ahead. Obama recognizing this burgeoning threat to rebuke his programs is feverishly mounting a damage control offensive.

Putting on his armour of charm, Obama has been charging ahead leaning forward in his saddle like Don Quixote riding into battle with his jousting lance pole tilted toward the windmills in people's minds - which go around and come around, in a cycle in a circle, over and over again, with no beginning or ending like a windmill in their minds (paraphrased lyrics). There is no escaping from the constant political attacks on these cycles in circles of thoughts in people's minds that surround the outside of their minds as reality and within their minds as ideas that reflect it. Political hacks and junkies know these truths as self-perceptions - you are or do what you think you are - by internalizing ideas, owning them. They crystallize political agendas to distill them down as simple, piece-meal news releases, sound bites and videos for distribution to various venues like social media, internet, cable, radio, television and print formats like newspapers and magazines. 

So how do they plant perceptions in these fertile minds to grow? A perfect example is Barack Obama, a politician as a terrortician. During the recent sequestration debacle, Obama repeatedly, like a dripping water faucet, terrorized voters to scare them with catastrophic consequences and outcomes if those pesky Republicans allowed budget cuts to occur. Promoting the new Clothes for HRH Emperor Obama 2013Obama had seeded a negative perception which was not true because it did not happen and was grossly overstated. The $85 billion cuts were infinitesimally small, under one half percent off the projected budget spending increases from U.S. real GDP, nothing to do with cutting below actual budget spending itself. 

The charm offensive's biggest weapon is Obama's big "but". He uses it shamelessly to project a perception that he agrees with anything set down before him. Obama often qualifies his previous rhetoric with the word "but", the word eraser that negates everything that he just said before it. He then continues, cleansed of his past sins of omission, and proceeds to tell it like is with no regrets of going forth with deception in his own revisionary message he delivers.

Sweet dreams, Obama will tuck you in tight, turn off the light, close the door and continue on late. So under the cover of darkness of the night, nightmares for his new America emerge in tomorrow's bright light of the new dawn for more rules, regulations, restrictions and taxes. And, oh yes, it's the Republican's fault!

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