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Entries in Obama Charm Offensive (3)


Obama's Global Toilet Talks

Washington Capitol DomeThe United States has been the leading nation to defend the cause of freedom around the world by putting out fires set by revolutions, territorial disputes, war-mongering despots, religious zealots and bellicose dictators around the world. The United States of America has been the world's firefighters around the globe.

Backed up by our robust U.S. military and advanced weaponry the President is the most powerful head of state in the world today--peace through strength.

So how did we relinquish our status to putting out fires into becoming the world's fire hydrant?

Everyone is now claiming they're the best and head the throne. Ever feel like a fire hydrant or toilet in a room full of dogs? Get pissed on, shitted on and then your President's real tough talk campaign rhetoric turns into groveling with bowing, scraping the floor while meekly asking, "Can't we all just get along?" Even now, just to get Iran talking further with Kerry about any nuclear arms agreement, Obama had to bribe Iran with $7 Billion in unfrozen sanctioned assets--boy, that's real hard wheeling and dealing, NOT! 

Community Organizer & Chief, Obama, has woefully learned a hard fact of life about the big, bad world outside the Washington D.C. beltway. Countries have no respect for weak-knee leadership with feckless, gutless policies. During both of his Presidential bids, Obama often evoked his own 'Rough Rider' President Teddy Rooselvelt's resolve. Like Teddy Roosevelt so famously said, "Walk softly and carry a big stick."--apparently Obama only had his 'limp noodle'.

An old adage: "It's better to be Pissed off than Pissed on!"

Factoid:  Roosevelt’s first famous public use of “Speak softly and carry a big stick” was in a speech at the Minnesota State Fair on September 2, 1901, when he was serving as Vice President of the United States under President William McKinley. He linked it in that address to the Monroe Doctrine, the longstanding U.S. policy against interference of European countries in the affairs of countries in the Western Hemisphere.

Roosevelt said: “There is a homely adage which runs ‘Speak softly and carry a big stick – you will go far.’ If the American nation will speak softly, and yet keep at a pitch of the highest training a thoroughly efficient navy, the Monroe Doctrine will go far.’” 


Can You Stand to Hear the Truth about Obama Lies?

In January, 2005, Obama was sworn into office as the junior United States Senator for Illinois (D). Shortly after Obama's swearing in, his beatification begins when Time magazine names Obama one of "The World's Most Influential People." He is listed among other leaders and revolutionaries. This same year, the British journal New Statesman names Obama one of "10 People Who Could Change the World."

Since Barack Obama's sudden appearance out of nowhere onto the national stage, it has been absolutely astonishing to witness his image morphing over the past five years. He has been depicted as Lincoln, the emancipator; FDR, the progressive during a financial crisis; JFK, very cool and stylish with a wife and two young children; and Reagan, transforming the country for the better. Contrary to those narratives conjured up by his handlers, he is none of those Presidents. He stands apart from those greater men because he stands alone; his shallow credentials, weak character and unremarkable policies have finally worn thin through his charisma and worse, it has politically met its fate, "the people" finally know he has failed too--that his word is not his bond, but a lie! 

Barack Obama has been an enigma, a puzzle and a riddle. He arriving inexplicably Is Obama like President Reagan?from really nowhere, with no traceable past due to court ordered sealed records about his birth certificate forward through early schooling and onto college transcripts or even any employment records with any tangible discernable career path achievements along the way--and forget about any people along the way that were friends or acquaintances, no one has stepped forward in any large group to even admit knowing the guy.

With very little, or no experience as a practicing attorney, Obama decides to run for state senate. He is hand-picked by then state senator, Alice Palmer, D - Ill., to succeed her as she runs for the U.S. congress. Palmer wrote for the Communist Party newspaper, "People's Daily World" and had appeared in the Soviet Union to attend the 27th congress of the Communist Party in 1986. In June, 2004, George Soros, a billionaire left-wing socialist, and his family personally chipped in $60,000 for the Obama Senate Campaign. Other generous shadow campaign donations poured in to finance his election bid too. So in November, 2004, Obama was elected to the United States Senate. During a meeting with reporters at his Illinois campaign headquarters after his election to the U.S. Senate, he ridiculed as "a silly question" whether he would run for president or vice president before his term ended in 2011. "I’ve never worked in Washington," he said. "I can unequivocally say I will not be running for national office in four years, and my entire focus is making sure that I’m the best possible senator on behalf of the people of Illinois." It seemed like a 'silly question' as Obama logically answered, "I’ve never worked in Washington," which would naturally attribute understandably to inexperience and his thinness of a legislative policy record. Obama later on missed 80% of his senate votes in his first term. I guess he just simply forgot both promises: about being the best senator until 2011 and not running for president! ...Oh silly me, LOL, I was taking Obama at his word again!

Asked on ABC’s “Good Morning America”, in January 2007, if his lack of foreign policy experience would hurt him in his White House bid, Obama replied: “My experience in foreign policy is probably more diverse than most others in the field. I mean, I'm somebody who has actually lived overseas, somebody who has studied overseas. You know, I majored in international relations.” Is he kidding? Other 'flawed' campaign facts appears here: Apparently, President Obama believed that living in Indonesia with Mommy while going to elementary school from age six to ten while saying in the same breath he 'majored in international relations' made him more qualified than any other candidate--only one problem, he enrolled in U.S. at Columbia University as an 'International Relations' major years later. His theory, stated over and over, was that understanding "the people" was the single most important factor in successful foreign affairs. The bloody results of his foreign policy judgment would seem to indicate this theory was dangerously wrong. ...And Obama thought his 'made-up' weak laundry list as a 'foreign student', which mislead voters to assume that it was college level studies while 'living overseas', but living with his mommy as an elementary school boy fills up a 'Presidential" resume needed to lead the biggest nation on earth?--no wonder our foreign policy is so screwed up!

More troubling, however, was that Obama provided a wealth of targets by  personal recollections in his book, 'Dreams from my Father,' which detailed past drug use, dates of events and conversations in the storyline that could not even be documented. A little-noticed disclaimer at the front of his 442-page memoir of his youth, “Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance,” says: “For the sake of compression, some of the characters that appear are composites of people that I’ve known, and some events appear out of precise chronology. With the exception of my family and a handful of public figures, the names of most characters have been changed for the sake of their privacy.”  He had also espoused a frank liberalism in a time when the Democrat party needed centrist voters, so it was suggested that he tone down that rhetoric.

This charismatic Illinois senator has enjoyed a lifetime of hagiography, like a book idolizing saints or venerated persons, starting with an 800-word story in The New York Times the day after his election in February, 1990 as the first black president of the Harvard Law Review. Obama was elected after a lengthy, apparently contentious meeting lasting from Saturday into the early morning Sunday hours of the Law Review's 80 editors. Historically, editors were picked on the basis of the highest grades, the president of the Law Review was the student with the highest academic rank. In the 1970's, a dispute began as the academic ratings were replaced by a program favoring minorities in which about half the editors now are chosen for their grades and the other half are chosen by fellow students after a special writing competition. Also, Harvard no longer academically ranks its law students for any purpose including a guide to recruiters so as to not discriminate against minorities. Does that say something for the 'best' academically speaking? Will they know the difference between a 'tort,' a 'tart' or a 'fart?' LOL!

This certainly besmirches some of Barack Obama's crowning accomplishments as:

  • The President of the Harvard Law Review as not as prestigious as first presented. This opinion follows some reports that he was not that active nor that involved with the Law Review's week to week activities.
  •  It was also mentioned that he taught law at the University of Chicago which has also been debunked as a case of braggadocio, more like a lie.

Obama was not a 'constitutional law professor,' but was a 'guest lecturer,' an enormous difference at the University of Chicago as many of his supporters dishonestly tout.

Teaches Saul Alinsky Rules for Radicals on blackboard.The best evidence indicates that after a University of Chicago minority students protest, a settlement to avoid further disruptions was ordered to 'find Mr. Obama office space and to give him a class to teach'.  In real academia, 'professor' is the highest academic rank, normally awarded only to tenured teachers after many years of experience and many successful publications. Mr. Obama has none of these qualifications, and never went through the necessary process of being awarded professor rank. Obama is actually writing down and diagramming the principles from Saul Alinsky's book, 'Rules for Radicals'. That is hardly 'Constitutional Law' since it breeds anarchy against capitalism with the fall of democracy.


Don Quixote Charm - It's Wearing Thin

Barak & Little Joe galloping on their sturdy steeds throughout the U.S. Economy in ruins.Few of us have ever really stopped and thought about all of the insurmountable types of obstacles that Barack Obama faced in his quest as the President. I have used the word “quest” here since Obama has never, ever stopped in his legendary quest of what he dreamt up as an impossible dream which really is a nightmare for the rest of the American people.  Finally now many people have woken up to the realization of the horrors ahead. Obama recognizing this burgeoning threat to rebuke his programs is feverishly mounting a damage control offensive.

Putting on his armour of charm, Obama has been charging ahead leaning forward in his saddle like Don Quixote riding into battle with his jousting lance pole tilted toward the windmills in people's minds - which go around and come around, in a cycle in a circle, over and over again, with no beginning or ending like a windmill in their minds (paraphrased lyrics). There is no escaping from the constant political attacks on these cycles in circles of thoughts in people's minds that surround the outside of their minds as reality and within their minds as ideas that reflect it. Political hacks and junkies know these truths as self-perceptions - you are or do what you think you are - by internalizing ideas, owning them. They crystallize political agendas to distill them down as simple, piece-meal news releases, sound bites and videos for distribution to various venues like social media, internet, cable, radio, television and print formats like newspapers and magazines. 

So how do they plant perceptions in these fertile minds to grow? A perfect example is Barack Obama, a politician as a terrortician. During the recent sequestration debacle, Obama repeatedly, like a dripping water faucet, terrorized voters to scare them with catastrophic consequences and outcomes if those pesky Republicans allowed budget cuts to occur. Promoting the new Clothes for HRH Emperor Obama 2013Obama had seeded a negative perception which was not true because it did not happen and was grossly overstated. The $85 billion cuts were infinitesimally small, under one half percent off the projected budget spending increases from U.S. real GDP, nothing to do with cutting below actual budget spending itself. 

The charm offensive's biggest weapon is Obama's big "but". He uses it shamelessly to project a perception that he agrees with anything set down before him. Obama often qualifies his previous rhetoric with the word "but", the word eraser that negates everything that he just said before it. He then continues, cleansed of his past sins of omission, and proceeds to tell it like is with no regrets of going forth with deception in his own revisionary message he delivers.

Sweet dreams, Obama will tuck you in tight, turn off the light, close the door and continue on late. So under the cover of darkness of the night, nightmares for his new America emerge in tomorrow's bright light of the new dawn for more rules, regulations, restrictions and taxes. And, oh yes, it's the Republican's fault!