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Entries in Obama Campaign Tactics (4)


Obama's Past History Still Shows Up in 2015

This President, as a charismatic Illinois senator, has enjoyed a lifetime of hagiography, like writing a book of idolizing saints or venerated persons, starting with an 800-word story in The New York Times the day after his law school's election in February, 1990 as the "first black president of the Harvard Law Review"--Let's clear up the "facts."

Here is the real background story: 

Obama was elected after a lengthy, apparently contentious meeting lasting from Saturday into the early morning Sunday hours ending a "marathon voting session" in which he finally won on the 19th ballot of the Harvard Law Review's 80 editors. Historically, editors were picked on the basis of the highest grades, the president of the Law Review was the student with the highest academic rank.

In the 1970's, a dispute began as the academic ratings were replaced by a program favoring minorities in which about half the editors now are chosen for their grades and the other half are chosen by fellow students after a special writing competition. Also, Harvard no longer academically ranks its law students for any purpose including a guide to recruiters so as to not discriminate against minorities. Does that say something for the 'best' academically speaking? Will they know the difference between a 'tort,' a 'tart' or a 'fart?' 

This certainly besmirches some of Barack Obama's crowning accomplishments as:

  • The "President of the Harvard Law Review" was not as prestigious as Obama widely presented because it was then based upon a reduced academic grade rating favoring lower grade point averages of minorities in the selection criteria. This opinion follows some reports that he was not even that active nor that involved with the Law Review's week to week activities going forward. It seems Obama treated it more like just a bullet point on his resume to check off than a serious collegiate educational endeavor. 

Obama was not a 'Constitutional law professor' as many of his supporters dishonestly tout; but was only a 'guest lecturer,' an enormous difference at the University of Chicago School of Law. 

A left-wing site, said: “Barack Obama was NOT a Constitutional Law Professor at the University of Chicago. That’s technically true." The official press release by the University further supported that fact denying Obama any forum to counter the rebuke of his ambiguous claim--more braggadocio again to inflate his false credentials.

The University of Chicago Law School Official Statement - Barack Obama  

"The University of Chicago Law School has received many media requests about Barack Obama, especially about his status as "Senior Lecturer."

"From 1992 until his election to the U.S. Senate in 2004, Barack Obama served as a professor in the Law School. He was a Lecturer from 1992 to 1996. He was a Senior Lecturer from 1996 to 2004, during which time he taught three courses per year. Senior Lecturers are considered to be members of the Law School faculty and are regarded as professors, although not full-time or tenure-track. The title of Senior Lecturer is distinct from the title of Lecturer, which signifies adjunct status. Like Obama, each of the Law School's Senior Lecturers has high-demand careers in politics or public service, which prevent full-time teaching. Several times during his 12 years as a professor in the Law School, Obama was invited to join the faculty in a full-time tenure-track position, but he declined." [Those legally crafted words in this press release are an insult to any reader's intelligence as they conclude you are too stupid to see through the double-talk, double-speak, gobbly-gook; simply put, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, then it is like a lawyer ducking the real truth.] 

NOTE: The statements that "Senior Lecturers are....regarded as professors" and that "Senior Lecturer is distinct from the title of Lecturer" together imply that Lecturers are not regarded as professors or as members of the Law School faculty. And yet the press release says that President Obama was a professor at the law school for both his four years as a Lecturer and his eight subsequent years as a Senior Lecturer. The meaning of the terms "regarded as" and "considered to be" are not explained. 

During his college years as a community, socialist organizer Obama had been taking a national training course on the left-wing, radical anarchist Saul Alinsky's methods of organizing groups too. This picture above was represented in publications as Barack 'teaching' Constitutional Law at the University of Chicago University Law school. Obama is actually writing down and diagramming the principles from Saul Alinsky's book, 'Rules for Radicals'. That is hardly 'Constitutional Law' since it espouses to breed anarchy against capitalism by undermining our democratic principles under U.S. laws.

  • Obama has claimed he taught law at the University of Chicago which has also been debunked by his own handlers as a case of braggadocio, but everyone honestly knows it's really more like a plain lie.
  • In the University of Chicago as well as academia, 'professor' is the highest academic rank, normally awarded only to tenured teachers after many years of experience and many successful publications. Mr. Obama had none of these qualifications, and never went through the necessary process of being awarded professor rank, so was deemed a 'guest lecturer" and the class he taught the most times was called "Current Issues in Racism and the Law." This is more like doing nothing to get a 2009 Nobel Peace Prize like a toy surprise in a box of Cracker Jack.

    In 1985, Obama worked for Business Int'l. Corp., BIC, as a backroom researcher writing reference reports about Financing Foreign Operations about outsourcing jobs overseas." "BIC was a “sweatshop,” as one colleague recalls, where as office drones they banged away on WANG computers and smoked cigarettes. Obama didn’t like the job. He told his mother that it was “working for the enemy” and wrote that his brief foray into business was like a “spy” “working behind enemy lines.” Obama echoed the view of Marxist “dependency theory,” an economic illiteracy which holds that Third World countries are impoverished by Western imperialists who steal their wealth."

    "Obama argued in 2008 that his role, not as a chain-smoking typing pool drone, but as a “financial analyst” for a year in 1985 made him able to deal with the economic downturn plaguing the nation. He was no financial genius, but he marketed himself as one anyway."--just more braggadocio.

    He eventually earned a Law Degree in 1991 but never actively practiced in a courtroom arguing any case as a lawyer either; instead after graduating from Harvard he was hired by Miner, Barnhill, & Galland, a small politically-connected law firm that specialized in government housing projects. That is a polite way of saying "slum housing" which by the way was run by a wealthy black Chicago elite, the Valerie Jerrett family. Valerie became his handler and later his White House Chief of Staff that advised him on all of his decisions. So under similar questionable contract deals was where Obama would meet influential real estate developers like, later convicted felon, Tony Rezko.

    Tony Rezco & Obama at a fundraiser.Tony Rezko later helped Barack to bolster his personal loan package documents to buy up in qualifying for a more expensive house through two highly questionable real estate deals to pay down the price. Both actions would be clear violations of Senate ethics rules baring the granting or asking of favors. After that real estate debacle hit the papers, Obama later was called out for his illegal house financing deal with Rezko and Obama offered a mea culpa by admitting it was "a bone-headed decision" in order to politically clear the way for his 2007 White House Presidential Campaign bid for the 2009 run-up.

    So now, who is this guy who sealed all publicly available scholastic records, shuns familyObama & U.S. Constitution - We The People... relatives, doesn't recall childhood friends or middle school buddies or college chums? Is anyone close at all who knows this enigma of a mystery man before he came on the national scene from nowhere and why he was financed by Washington backroom power brokers for nearly one Billion dollars to run for President? Now it's 2015, and this guy is dictating how 230 Million Americans live and pay taxes?--And voters, not a one, is even just scratching their heads a little over this yet or will ever ask any questions? ...How absolutely bizarre!


    Can You Stand to Hear the Truth about Obama Lies?

    In January, 2005, Obama was sworn into office as the junior United States Senator for Illinois (D). Shortly after Obama's swearing in, his beatification begins when Time magazine names Obama one of "The World's Most Influential People." He is listed among other leaders and revolutionaries. This same year, the British journal New Statesman names Obama one of "10 People Who Could Change the World."

    Since Barack Obama's sudden appearance out of nowhere onto the national stage, it has been absolutely astonishing to witness his image morphing over the past five years. He has been depicted as Lincoln, the emancipator; FDR, the progressive during a financial crisis; JFK, very cool and stylish with a wife and two young children; and Reagan, transforming the country for the better. Contrary to those narratives conjured up by his handlers, he is none of those Presidents. He stands apart from those greater men because he stands alone; his shallow credentials, weak character and unremarkable policies have finally worn thin through his charisma and worse, it has politically met its fate, "the people" finally know he has failed too--that his word is not his bond, but a lie! 

    Barack Obama has been an enigma, a puzzle and a riddle. He arriving inexplicably Is Obama like President Reagan?from really nowhere, with no traceable past due to court ordered sealed records about his birth certificate forward through early schooling and onto college transcripts or even any employment records with any tangible discernable career path achievements along the way--and forget about any people along the way that were friends or acquaintances, no one has stepped forward in any large group to even admit knowing the guy.

    With very little, or no experience as a practicing attorney, Obama decides to run for state senate. He is hand-picked by then state senator, Alice Palmer, D - Ill., to succeed her as she runs for the U.S. congress. Palmer wrote for the Communist Party newspaper, "People's Daily World" and had appeared in the Soviet Union to attend the 27th congress of the Communist Party in 1986. In June, 2004, George Soros, a billionaire left-wing socialist, and his family personally chipped in $60,000 for the Obama Senate Campaign. Other generous shadow campaign donations poured in to finance his election bid too. So in November, 2004, Obama was elected to the United States Senate. During a meeting with reporters at his Illinois campaign headquarters after his election to the U.S. Senate, he ridiculed as "a silly question" whether he would run for president or vice president before his term ended in 2011. "I’ve never worked in Washington," he said. "I can unequivocally say I will not be running for national office in four years, and my entire focus is making sure that I’m the best possible senator on behalf of the people of Illinois." It seemed like a 'silly question' as Obama logically answered, "I’ve never worked in Washington," which would naturally attribute understandably to inexperience and his thinness of a legislative policy record. Obama later on missed 80% of his senate votes in his first term. I guess he just simply forgot both promises: about being the best senator until 2011 and not running for president! ...Oh silly me, LOL, I was taking Obama at his word again!

    Asked on ABC’s “Good Morning America”, in January 2007, if his lack of foreign policy experience would hurt him in his White House bid, Obama replied: “My experience in foreign policy is probably more diverse than most others in the field. I mean, I'm somebody who has actually lived overseas, somebody who has studied overseas. You know, I majored in international relations.” Is he kidding? Other 'flawed' campaign facts appears here: Apparently, President Obama believed that living in Indonesia with Mommy while going to elementary school from age six to ten while saying in the same breath he 'majored in international relations' made him more qualified than any other candidate--only one problem, he enrolled in U.S. at Columbia University as an 'International Relations' major years later. His theory, stated over and over, was that understanding "the people" was the single most important factor in successful foreign affairs. The bloody results of his foreign policy judgment would seem to indicate this theory was dangerously wrong. ...And Obama thought his 'made-up' weak laundry list as a 'foreign student', which mislead voters to assume that it was college level studies while 'living overseas', but living with his mommy as an elementary school boy fills up a 'Presidential" resume needed to lead the biggest nation on earth?--no wonder our foreign policy is so screwed up!

    More troubling, however, was that Obama provided a wealth of targets by  personal recollections in his book, 'Dreams from my Father,' which detailed past drug use, dates of events and conversations in the storyline that could not even be documented. A little-noticed disclaimer at the front of his 442-page memoir of his youth, “Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance,” says: “For the sake of compression, some of the characters that appear are composites of people that I’ve known, and some events appear out of precise chronology. With the exception of my family and a handful of public figures, the names of most characters have been changed for the sake of their privacy.”  He had also espoused a frank liberalism in a time when the Democrat party needed centrist voters, so it was suggested that he tone down that rhetoric.

    This charismatic Illinois senator has enjoyed a lifetime of hagiography, like a book idolizing saints or venerated persons, starting with an 800-word story in The New York Times the day after his election in February, 1990 as the first black president of the Harvard Law Review. Obama was elected after a lengthy, apparently contentious meeting lasting from Saturday into the early morning Sunday hours of the Law Review's 80 editors. Historically, editors were picked on the basis of the highest grades, the president of the Law Review was the student with the highest academic rank. In the 1970's, a dispute began as the academic ratings were replaced by a program favoring minorities in which about half the editors now are chosen for their grades and the other half are chosen by fellow students after a special writing competition. Also, Harvard no longer academically ranks its law students for any purpose including a guide to recruiters so as to not discriminate against minorities. Does that say something for the 'best' academically speaking? Will they know the difference between a 'tort,' a 'tart' or a 'fart?' LOL!

    This certainly besmirches some of Barack Obama's crowning accomplishments as:

    • The President of the Harvard Law Review as not as prestigious as first presented. This opinion follows some reports that he was not that active nor that involved with the Law Review's week to week activities.
    •  It was also mentioned that he taught law at the University of Chicago which has also been debunked as a case of braggadocio, more like a lie.

    Obama was not a 'constitutional law professor,' but was a 'guest lecturer,' an enormous difference at the University of Chicago as many of his supporters dishonestly tout.

    Teaches Saul Alinsky Rules for Radicals on blackboard.The best evidence indicates that after a University of Chicago minority students protest, a settlement to avoid further disruptions was ordered to 'find Mr. Obama office space and to give him a class to teach'.  In real academia, 'professor' is the highest academic rank, normally awarded only to tenured teachers after many years of experience and many successful publications. Mr. Obama has none of these qualifications, and never went through the necessary process of being awarded professor rank. Obama is actually writing down and diagramming the principles from Saul Alinsky's book, 'Rules for Radicals'. That is hardly 'Constitutional Law' since it breeds anarchy against capitalism with the fall of democracy.


    Deer Leader's First Debate 

    The old saying, "Looks like a deer in headlights", certainly tells it all in last night's first Presidential Debate.

    New York Mets catcher, Yogi Berra was labeled "Mr. Malaprop," but I don't think that's accurate. He doesn't use the wrong words, he just puts words together in ways nobody else would ever do. Yogi said, "Ninety percent of this game is half mental." and "We made too many wrong mistakes!" So, by last night's poor showing, the President showed he was not mentally engaged and grossly erred. Can he muster up his glitz and glamour aurora to razzle dazzle the electorate again? As Yogi said, "It ain't over 'till it's over."

    A Debate night Tweet: 

    i can't believe i'm saying this, but Obama looks like he DOES need a teleprompter

    So, according to comedian Bill Maher, in putting forth his opinion that many liberals and uncommitted voters finally realized, the jig is up, no pun or racism implied here but the King has no clothes.  He had laid bare his failures and unfilled promises to lead or in a bipartisan role to bring together both sides to agree on any budget in four years. 

    Yogi said, "I never blame myself when I'm not hitting. I just blame the bat, and if it keeps up, I change bats. After all, if I know it isn't my fault that I'm not hitting, how can I get mad at myself?"  Since Obama cannot blame Bush anymore and certainly not himself, he points to the minority Congressional Republicans and whined in the debate that he could not get everyone to agree with him.  That left it open for Romney to mention that he had an 85% majority of Democrat seats in the Massachusetts legislature and in spite still worked to pass state budgets and legislation for four years as a Republican Governor.

    It looks like the electorate has finally awakened from its nap and is now sleepwalking towards election day on November 6.  Hopefully, voters will be fully awake before election day to realize how four more Obama years will affect them.  As Yogi Berra said, "There are some people who, if they don't already know, you can't tell 'em."  -  I guess that's some of the 47% that Romney was talking about!...

    mitt romney and AP

    Mitt Romney and the notorious "47%" comment.

    Mitt Romney's comment about 47 percent of Americans living on government handouts may not have been tactful, but he certainly has a point.

    Americans are more dependent on the government than ever.

    Romney's "47 percent" refers approximately to the population who pay no federal income tax. This does include paid-in social security retirees, military, their dependents, etc.  Add to this the share of the country who receive government handouts in one form or another like Medicaid, welfare, housing allowance, food stamp recipients and that number would be higher still.


    Super PAC Ads - Pack a Punch

    Unbiased Romney Documentary Film Release

    Negative advertising and campaigning in the 2012 Presidential Election are at historic highs. Do both sides use it?  You bet.  Does it work?  You bet. This kind of campaigning is as old as our republic too.  

    The story of dirty tricks in American politics begins with the first campaign for President of the United States, in the 1790s. Thomas Jefferson hired journalist and pamphleteer James Thomas Callender to slander his opponent, Alexander Hamilton.

    In 1972, U.S. Political history shenanigans like the Watergate campaigning scandal proves that mudslinging was alive and well over 200 years later. 

    Why would politicians in 2012, forty years after Watergate, change this winning strategy going forward? So, wild pot-shots, below-the-belt attacks and scurrilous accusations are still the red meat of bi-partisan political innuendos and character assassinations.

    So, the educated electorate must use caution as they process the political messages, caveat emptor, buyer beware!

    It is important to the nation and critical to the American people that Romney and Ryan get beyond all of the side distractions and the "new normal" that the President wants us to accept for our lot in life as a country among many in the global mix, the One World Order.