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Good Morning Viet-Nam! ~ Good Night Syria! 

Where are the Vietnam War Protesters Now?


Time: 03.43

WARNING: This video contains DISTURBING images - 06/17/13 Glenn Beck TV Show

We Must not get into the Syrian War! - See Why...

The Obama administration, along with PROGRESSIVE Republicans AND Democrats are OK providing assistance to the Syrian 'rebels'  ...The Farouq Brigade, the same 'rebels' who have pledged allegiance to Al Qaeda and Commander Abu Sakar who cuts the heart and liver out of their enemies and eats them.

Cut through the B.S. - Can You Stand the Truth? 

Syria has thus become a part of a region-wide tussle that is essentially about the re-calibration of two interrelated balances of power: one between Iran and Saudi Arabia in the Persian Gulf; the second the overall regional balance of power between the American-Israeli axis and Iran.  

Syria is merely a sideshow of these wider and strategically much more important struggles. Iran’s support for Assad and the US-Saudi support for his opponents can only be understood in the context of these larger struggles for power and influence. The resolution of the Syrian crisis is, therefore, linked to what happens in these other arenas and cannot be separated from them.

So, it appears this feckless military exercise to arm Al Queda Syrian rebels is akin to the illegal ATF program, Fast & Furious, a gun running scheme by Obama to arm the banditos. That one proved a disastrous decision due to Obama's inept judgement underscored by absolute inexperience and blind ignorance causing hundreds, if not thousands, of civilian deaths in Mexico - ready for more civilian deaths in Syria next?

Since when does Vladimir Putin, a hardline communist, President of Russia, stand up to lecture the US for its support of a group that eats the organs of their enemies? What was the answer of our "Dear Leader", Obama? What possible edicts can all-knowing, Pharaoh Obama and his American Congressional Pharisees pass down to the undeserving, unwashed, uneducated minions within the public masses?

Under the current Obama policies, since there has been no real investigative news coverage yet looking under the rocks, no volunteers will answer those questions until they are under subpoena in Congressional committee hearings!

After all of the Washington cover-ups being revealed like Fast & Furious, Benghazi, Associated Press and IRS, it is with bombastic oversized balls that Obama has another one being foisted upon the American people by its own government... again: Start the bellocose saber rattling...WE ARE GOING TO WAR IN SYRIA!

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