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Entries in Obama Foreign Policies (4)


Obama Makes You Feel Like a Yo-Yo!

Do you feel like a yo-yo on the end of a string that rises and falls tied to a finger as the hand moves up and down? How about affected by crises caused solely by international interventionist events? Do the words like "manipulation" or "being-used" come to mind here? I think so.

The ineptitude of the Obama administration to formulate, plan and execute a foreign policy has left the American public in eminent danger. As we come closer to celebrations by terrorist groups of September 11, a date marked by the infamous 2001 NYC twin towers and the 2012 Benghazi embassy attacks. The method of attack was the same in both instances and it was not 'box cutter' wielding airplane highjackers or heavily armed Islamist militants launching an organized attack on an embassy outpost. The worst possible scenario was the 'element of surprise', not knowing or suspecting anything until it was already happening; it's 'being caught with your pants down', that's the ultimate method of getting the upperhand to win any battle.

The rise over the past four years of the Islamic State, IS, was under Obama's watch, not prior to 2009 on George Bush. It was largely just ignored, downgraded and pooh-poohed as a 'jayvee team'. During the 2012 Presidential election his detractors were even scoffed at as Obama bragged, " Qaeda was on the run!" and "..the Russian Cold War was over twenty years ago!"

Obama's 'Red-Line' policies are delineated by ultimatums with no actionable punishment for noncompliance. His political identity is closely affiliated with no intervention in the Urkraine, Syria or Iraq, so it is his default option to ultimately avoid any major defeats or embarrassments. Hillary Clinton recalled Obama saying, "Don't do stupid shit" as his foreign policy approach which only allowed the IS threat to metastasize like cancer. This 'don't do anything and it will go away' mentality is no longer acceptable as this IS threat will not go away.

The Obama Middle East foreign policy contains unglued, disjointed confusion within the language of morality and platitudes rather than effective, specific, concrete goals to achieve predetermined quantifiable objectives. The policies are akin to setting zero as a goal--then no one can accuse Obama of overpromising and underdelivering. Thank God, we can hold our congressmen and senators feet to the fire by checking their promises with their roll call records.

So what can Americans do now? 

1. It is imperative to examine roll call records of our Senators and Congressmen on how they have voted for defense funding and troop deployment. Let's guarantee our own protection with votes for the representatives that really will support our troops to defend us.
2. Let the White House hear you, even President Obama listens to public opinion and watches polls. .

3. You must VOTE in the November 2014 Mid-Term Election to elect representatives that will unseat politicians who do not support energy independence with drilling oil, gas fields and mining coal. This growing U.S. production will cripple the Middle East strangle hold on the world economy.   

Vote in November 2014 Elections!


World Hot Spots Highlight Obama Foreign Policy

Ukraine police shoot rioters,Obama apologists say the numerous world events are moving fast; so many that Obama has not had time to evaluate the diplomatic verses military options available in order to act. The various crises are also on different levels like human rights, economic turmoil and political or religious persecution. Then, the geopolitical areas are spread worldwide--like the Ukraine, Venezuela and Syria which all are under rebellions with riots in their streets. Why has unrest globally increased?

Maybe, global unrest has not increased at all. Instead, it actually could be discontent emerging while waiting for change to happen. With the Internet age burgeoning, the people of the world have the power of knowledge at their fingertips and governments cannot blockade their sovereign borders to ideas. People demand actions from their governments but their political structures cannot support the people's pressing requirements--they are not American-style democracies like the United States where income tax compliance rates are the highest in the world. Why does that matter? You can't offer government services without reliable, consistent income tax revenues. Nor, can the people support taxes of an unresponsive government that also suppresses its people. How does then the United States foreign policies affect this unrest?

Obama is a fence-sitter with an ignorant political naivety, with no real plans or  any use for the U.S. military industrial complex. During the 2012 Elections Obama bragged, "Al Qaeda is on the run and Osama bin Laden is dead." (By the way, all the groundwork was done before Obama came into office to locate and ready the OBL kill--he's just like a rookie outfielder blocking the sun with his glove to see and hears a ball crack off the bat to hit dead center into his mitt held overhead.) Now, since the terrorist threats are gone according to Obama, it's time to disassemble our military forces and pull out troops everywhere. The United Nations is now the world peace keeper force. 

Putin painfully listens to Obama bluster.

Obama's inactions foment anger, then contempt and ultimately real hatred for the United States since the most powerful and influential country in the world does nothing to encourage freedom for others around the globe. Obama has clearly proven his words and promises for actions are meaningless for the past five years--especially since letting Russian President Vladimir Putin lead him around by the nose in the Syrian and Iranian crises brokering peace talks and disarmament. Meanwhile, the United States offers no leadership, no direction and no exceptionalism to define itself or stand up out in front of all nations in a guiding role to bring about democratic changes.

"To the rear march!" ~ Now it's time to lead the Obama charge as we hightail it as fast as we can into retreat out of the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars!  



Ireland Through the Looking Glass

A Cracked View Clearly


Have you ever turned the telescope around and spied at yourself from that perspective?  It is refreshing to take a break from the American lens to focus on viewing ourselves through another optic.  I received this recent article published by website, Russian Television, which is provides an alternative perspective on major global events, and acquaints the international audience with the Russian viewpoint.

In 2013, RT completes the move of its studios, headquarters and Moscow offices to a brand-new, state of the art facility. Situated over 28,000 square meters, the new venue houses 6 studios, the latest technology and a staff of more than 2000 professionals; it processes more than 40 incoming satellite and terrestrial feeds, and concurrently streams 8 HD feeds. RT has a global reach of over 630 million people in 100+ countries, or more than 28% of all cable subscribers worldwide.

It was just the first of this month that Russian President Vladimir Putin in a meeting with President Obama delivered scathing remarks about the Obama administration supplying arms to the rebels opposing Syrian President Bashir Assad.  Putin ridiculed and admonished Obama for holding a blind eye to those same rebels cutting the organs, hearts and livers, out of their enemies and eating them. (See our Rovalocity June 13, 2013 Op-Ed Spin about this meeting)

It is with a jaundiced, journalistic eye that one can appreciate the following news story reporting a similar view with Putin on the Obama administration's decision to supply rebel firearms and munitions.  The Member of Parliament in Ireland takes the argument further by pointing to  "undermining secularism" in the region as a whole since this group is "radical Muslim" in a jihad to destroy the Big Satan America too.  

Obama Scandals Bringing Down Obamacare ProgramSo, what is Obama thinking anyway, that his constant "campaign rhetoric" stump speeches will solve all world problems? Seems like Fast & Furious, Benghazi, AP, NSA, IRS and FBI scandals are a pretty full plate with zero answers, arrests, convictions, fines or jail time for anyone. 

Obama is now focusing on helping Syria, Iran's ally, that totally hates us while risking entry into another unpopular war - Obama is desperate to take U.S. public attention off all of his scandals and so this Ireland visit has no play in mainstream U.S. news outlets which effectively buries any of Obama's critics on his diplomatic weaknesses and shortcomings in foreign security and global affairs. 

Ireland News Story

(Excerpts -  June 27, 2013)

US President Barack Obama waves as he poses for the group picture of the G8 summit at the Lough Erne resort near Enniskillen in Northern IrelandBarack Obama is a “war criminal” and a “hypocrite,” a MP, Member of Parliament, Clare Daly has said in a damning attack on the US president. The MP slammed the Irish media coverage treatment of the visit of Obama as akin to "a nation of pimps, prostituting ourselves in return for a pat on the head" during his G8 visit held in the five-star resort of Lough Erne, Northern Ireland.  

“It’s hard to know which is worse, whether it’s theFirst Lady Michelle Obama (C) her daughter Sasha (L) & Malia (R) during a visit to the Wicklow Mountains National Park. outpourings of the Obamas themselves, or the sycophantic fawning over them by sections of the media and the political establishment,” said Daly, saying that, "The Irish nation had been subjected to “unprecedented slobbering” over the presidential family." (Sure sounds like the news media  in the U.S. to me too.)

Rounding on the president, she condemned his speech to children in Northern Ireland about the peace process as the “biggest irony of all.” Citing Obama’s decision to supply the Syrian opposition with arms, she asked: “Is this person going for the hypocrite of the century award?”

“By any serious examination this man is a war criminal,” said Daly, accusing the Obama administration of purposely stalling the Geneva talks by increasing their backing for the Syrian opposition and undermining secularism in the region as a whole.

She called on the Irish government to take steps to “ensure no weapons go through Shannon [Airport] to Syria in breach of the international laws”.


Good Morning Viet-Nam! ~ Good Night Syria! 

Where are the Vietnam War Protesters Now?


Time: 03.43

WARNING: This video contains DISTURBING images - 06/17/13 Glenn Beck TV Show

We Must not get into the Syrian War! - See Why...

The Obama administration, along with PROGRESSIVE Republicans AND Democrats are OK providing assistance to the Syrian 'rebels'  ...The Farouq Brigade, the same 'rebels' who have pledged allegiance to Al Qaeda and Commander Abu Sakar who cuts the heart and liver out of their enemies and eats them.

Cut through the B.S. - Can You Stand the Truth? 

Syria has thus become a part of a region-wide tussle that is essentially about the re-calibration of two interrelated balances of power: one between Iran and Saudi Arabia in the Persian Gulf; the second the overall regional balance of power between the American-Israeli axis and Iran.  

Syria is merely a sideshow of these wider and strategically much more important struggles. Iran’s support for Assad and the US-Saudi support for his opponents can only be understood in the context of these larger struggles for power and influence. The resolution of the Syrian crisis is, therefore, linked to what happens in these other arenas and cannot be separated from them.

So, it appears this feckless military exercise to arm Al Queda Syrian rebels is akin to the illegal ATF program, Fast & Furious, a gun running scheme by Obama to arm the banditos. That one proved a disastrous decision due to Obama's inept judgement underscored by absolute inexperience and blind ignorance causing hundreds, if not thousands, of civilian deaths in Mexico - ready for more civilian deaths in Syria next?

Since when does Vladimir Putin, a hardline communist, President of Russia, stand up to lecture the US for its support of a group that eats the organs of their enemies? What was the answer of our "Dear Leader", Obama? What possible edicts can all-knowing, Pharaoh Obama and his American Congressional Pharisees pass down to the undeserving, unwashed, uneducated minions within the public masses?

Under the current Obama policies, since there has been no real investigative news coverage yet looking under the rocks, no volunteers will answer those questions until they are under subpoena in Congressional committee hearings!

After all of the Washington cover-ups being revealed like Fast & Furious, Benghazi, Associated Press and IRS, it is with bombastic oversized balls that Obama has another one being foisted upon the American people by its own government... again: Start the bellocose saber rattling...WE ARE GOING TO WAR IN SYRIA!