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Entries in Muslim Extremists (3)


It's "Islamism" that's the Problem, Not "Islam!"

Today in 2015, we must change the pejorative definition of the "Radical Islamic Terrorists" to "Islamists" and remove the derogatory stain of "Radical Terrorists" label from the true believers name of "Islam" for all "Muslims" in their "Islamic" religion which interprets their faith peacefully as it applies in today's world.

The "Radical Islamist Terrorists" are who believe in "Islamism" and not in "Islam." They are the hate-filled followers, "Islamists," against all non-believers, the "Infidels."

FACTOID: "An "ism" by definition is a sect or cult that follows a worship and veneration of a religious dogma or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true. In the case of "Islamism" the teaching in the Queran is interpreted in the seventh century tenets instead of the twenty-first century precepts defining specific behavior and thoughts for today's time--this is a BIG DEAL if you have studied either the Islamic Queran or Christian Bible, which share some common scriptural genealogy and narratives.  

An Important Definition: An Arabic word only has one root. The root word for Islam is “al-Silm,” which means “submission” or “surrender.” There is no disagreement about this among Islamic scholars. al-Silm (submission) does not mean the same thing as al-Salaam (peace), otherwise they would be the same word.   

Submission and peace can be very different concepts, even if a form of peace is often brought about through forcing others into submission.  As the modern-day Islamic scholar, Ibrahim Sulaiman, puts it, "Jihad is not inhumane, despite its necessary violence and bloodshed, its ultimate desire is peace which is protected and enhanced by the rule of law."

In truth, the Quran not only calls Muslims to submit to Allah, it also commands them to subdue people of other religions until they are in a full state of submission to Islamic rule.  This has inspired the aggressive history of Islam and its success in conquering other cultures.

To understand the Islam and Christendom divide: 

  • The Quran and Bible possess many similarities as the holy scriptures of Islam and Christianity, respectively. They consist of narratives, teachings, poetry, and rebuking. Many narratives contain the same basic events and figures. They both teach the creation of the world by a single almighty, omniscient God who commands humans to follow the morality set out for them. [NOTE: They both believe a "single almighty", but the road rapidly diverges as Jesus Christ enters into any theological discussions. The similar narratives and teachings followed from scriptural rebuking have been reinterpreted from a modern Christianity view into the lessons learned rather than dwelling on the strict literal punitive excesses meted out scripturally for retribution. Radical Islamism strictly follows them of what have become edicts within ancient Sharia Laws which are by prevailing standards excessively intolerable, repressive, physically abusive or deadly to individuals.]

University of Southern California Center for Muslim-Jewish Engagement

Our mission at the Center for Muslim-Jewish Engagement is to promote dialogue, understanding and grassroots, congregational and academic partnerships among the oldest and the newest of the Abrahamic faiths while generating a contemporary understanding in this understudied area and creating new tools for interfaith communities locally, nationally and beyond.

The following publication at the USC Center for Muslim-Jewish Engagement certainly brings the scriptural passages of the Queran into sharper focus. It is three Islam scholars sharing similar translations of the Surahs in the Quran that shows the unrelenting Muslim view in the terms of their ideas of "peace" as only "submission" from infidels before it is achieved. This result, by itself, is never going to ever happen which only fuels further aggressions in pursuit of the Muslim dreams of world domination through violence.

Translations of the Qur'an, Surah 9:


ABDULLAH YUSUF ALI: The Jews call 'Uzair a son of Allah, and the Christians call Christ the son of Allah. That is a saying from their mouth; (in this) they but imitate what the unbelievers of old used to say. Allah's curse be on them: how they are deluded away from the Truth! 

MUHAMMAD PICKTHAL: And the Jews say: Ezra is the son of Allah, and the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah. That is their saying with their mouths. They imitate the saying of those who disbelieved of old. Allah (Himself) fighteth against them. How perverse are they! 

ZAID SHAKIR: And the Jews say: Uzair is the son of Allah; and the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah; these are the words of their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before; may Allah destroy them; how they are turned away!

  • Muslims believe God dictated every word of the Quran and that God has protected the Quran from any possible human mistakes. The Quran, therefore, is perfect in every way as God is perfect. [NOTE: If any text in the Quran is shared with the Bible where all Christians believe it was written by humans through divine inspiration then how can every word be solely dictated by God without any humanly intervention?] 
  • Most Muslims believe the Quran is applicable to every person regardless of context. [NOTE: This inclusive dictate for everyone may have been seen as a logical axiom for a small geographical region in the seventh century, but not in the known world today. How can any contemporary logical thinker state that 1.3 billion Muslims can even control, much less convert over 7.0 Billion people spread around in the world?--this is simply nonsense as global-wide politics and other religions today crushes this wishful hyperbole.]
  • Christians believe the Bible is completely true, but in a different way. The Bible is the record of God’s revelation to the Jews and through Jesus. It is written by humans together with God through a process called Divine Inspiration.

It may be argued that similarities between the two texts are only superficial in nature. But in the Shakespearean soliloquy by Hamlet, "There's the rub." Hamlet muses about the misplaced irony between what is believed and what is actually true. So any divergent interpretations of scripture brings with it the underlying message of the text, and it is there that the interpreters will find systemic differences--it is this basis in fact about "literal" readings from any scripture written in another time and place in history that keeps those believers stuck in the past and condemning others as blasphemous demagogues who cannot accept religious text or Sharia Laws verbatim like stoning to death, girl's genital mutilation, whipping, beheading, limb amputation, no women's civil rights, etc. Tragically, the believers in "Islamism" become so crazed with hatred of other non-believers or atheists they will torture or kill them without hesitation or conscience.

Radical Islamism is a world-wide problem. Whether they're standing armies, renegade terrorist gangs, sleeper cells or individuals, they are not people who are doing singular terrorist acts by themselves. The problem is much bigger than defining any of these as just separate events which have nothing to do with Islam--the word "Islamism" does explain them ideally and they're perfected by their larger universal core beliefs shared via the Internet, in Madrassas and Mosques.

Until Obama and our Homeland Security identify them as a global world-wide reach
 of "Radical Terrorists of Islamism" no one can conduct any domestic criminal profiling to track them down.

Homeland Security experts say that only 10% of Muslims are radicals, which does sound manageable. If you do the math, there are 1.3 Billion Muslim followers worldwide, 10% are 130 Million terrorists who hate 320 Million Americans.

As of Feb. 24, 2014 Former U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel reported a troop strength in a current size of 520,000 active duty soldiers--and that is just for starters fighting the huge threat as we should begin sending out terrorism attack teams to seek, locate and kill them wherever they live too. Islamists declared a "Jihad!"--We'll just call it a "War!"


Forgetaboutit: Islam Terrorists want No Peace!


The Islamic State is ascendant with burgeoning attacks and voracious killings of Christians and non-Muslims to terrorize the middle East while also threatening the United States too. Nearly two years of valuable time was idled with inaction and empty words by President Obama which has allowed the Islamic State to gain their strength and influence since his campaign rally in Green Bay, Wisconsin on November 1, 2012 where he declared, "al Qaeda is on the run and Osama Bin Laden is dead!" 

U.S. Congressman Eliot Engel (NY-D) the ranking minority member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee stated recently, "We have bad choices and the worst is doing nothing." His highly critical rhetoric is adding to the growing impatient voices of bi-partisan members of Congress that President Obama should seek Congressional approval for forceful military action against the Islamic State threat. Congressman Engel suggests some "boots on the ground" in order to crush the Islamic State to stem the violence while preserving integral infrastructures such as dams, power plants and roads too.

As victims of a broken ideology that is not a religion of peace, Muslim followers simply despise and curse other religions and unbelievers. Imams force a burden of guilt, a religious duty, into their culture onto Muslims who then compulsively seek to convert unbelievers or subject them to live under Sharia Law paying a dhimmitude tax or kill them. Jihadists, who struggle to be a good Muslims or believers as warriors for Islam while fighting to their own deaths are all promised an ultimate reward of seventy-five virgins waiting for them in heaven from Allah.

'Coexistence' will only happen when the radical Islamic State Caliphate is destroyed and a more secular Muslim population cools down the rhetoric and bellicose saber rattling. Still, they will be using the basic Islamic religious pejorative slur of 'infidel' for Jews, Christians and unbelievers. 

'Peace' will never happen within the literal context ever. Instead, it will be about 'getting along to get by' because the enormous Muslim population will not ever relent in its solemn duty to convert unbelievers to Islam; "There are no other Gods except Allah!"


Ireland Through the Looking Glass

A Cracked View Clearly


Have you ever turned the telescope around and spied at yourself from that perspective?  It is refreshing to take a break from the American lens to focus on viewing ourselves through another optic.  I received this recent article published by website, Russian Television, which is provides an alternative perspective on major global events, and acquaints the international audience with the Russian viewpoint.

In 2013, RT completes the move of its studios, headquarters and Moscow offices to a brand-new, state of the art facility. Situated over 28,000 square meters, the new venue houses 6 studios, the latest technology and a staff of more than 2000 professionals; it processes more than 40 incoming satellite and terrestrial feeds, and concurrently streams 8 HD feeds. RT has a global reach of over 630 million people in 100+ countries, or more than 28% of all cable subscribers worldwide.

It was just the first of this month that Russian President Vladimir Putin in a meeting with President Obama delivered scathing remarks about the Obama administration supplying arms to the rebels opposing Syrian President Bashir Assad.  Putin ridiculed and admonished Obama for holding a blind eye to those same rebels cutting the organs, hearts and livers, out of their enemies and eating them. (See our Rovalocity June 13, 2013 Op-Ed Spin about this meeting)

It is with a jaundiced, journalistic eye that one can appreciate the following news story reporting a similar view with Putin on the Obama administration's decision to supply rebel firearms and munitions.  The Member of Parliament in Ireland takes the argument further by pointing to  "undermining secularism" in the region as a whole since this group is "radical Muslim" in a jihad to destroy the Big Satan America too.  

Obama Scandals Bringing Down Obamacare ProgramSo, what is Obama thinking anyway, that his constant "campaign rhetoric" stump speeches will solve all world problems? Seems like Fast & Furious, Benghazi, AP, NSA, IRS and FBI scandals are a pretty full plate with zero answers, arrests, convictions, fines or jail time for anyone. 

Obama is now focusing on helping Syria, Iran's ally, that totally hates us while risking entry into another unpopular war - Obama is desperate to take U.S. public attention off all of his scandals and so this Ireland visit has no play in mainstream U.S. news outlets which effectively buries any of Obama's critics on his diplomatic weaknesses and shortcomings in foreign security and global affairs. 

Ireland News Story

(Excerpts -  June 27, 2013)

US President Barack Obama waves as he poses for the group picture of the G8 summit at the Lough Erne resort near Enniskillen in Northern IrelandBarack Obama is a “war criminal” and a “hypocrite,” a MP, Member of Parliament, Clare Daly has said in a damning attack on the US president. The MP slammed the Irish media coverage treatment of the visit of Obama as akin to "a nation of pimps, prostituting ourselves in return for a pat on the head" during his G8 visit held in the five-star resort of Lough Erne, Northern Ireland.  

“It’s hard to know which is worse, whether it’s theFirst Lady Michelle Obama (C) her daughter Sasha (L) & Malia (R) during a visit to the Wicklow Mountains National Park. outpourings of the Obamas themselves, or the sycophantic fawning over them by sections of the media and the political establishment,” said Daly, saying that, "The Irish nation had been subjected to “unprecedented slobbering” over the presidential family." (Sure sounds like the news media  in the U.S. to me too.)

Rounding on the president, she condemned his speech to children in Northern Ireland about the peace process as the “biggest irony of all.” Citing Obama’s decision to supply the Syrian opposition with arms, she asked: “Is this person going for the hypocrite of the century award?”

“By any serious examination this man is a war criminal,” said Daly, accusing the Obama administration of purposely stalling the Geneva talks by increasing their backing for the Syrian opposition and undermining secularism in the region as a whole.

She called on the Irish government to take steps to “ensure no weapons go through Shannon [Airport] to Syria in breach of the international laws”.