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Entries in Islamic Terrorists (6)


Islam Scrambles the Chicken & Egg Theory

 ~ Big Bang Theory ~

The universe began with a "singularity" that marked the beginning of time

Scientists believe that over 15 billion years ago, a powerful explosion called the "Big Bang" happened. This powerful cosmic explosion set the universe into motion, thrusting matter in all directions. This motion even continues today as the universe is expanding. Scientists are not yet sure if the motion will stop, change direction, or keep going forever. 

  • Before the Big Bang explosion happened the entirety of our universe was compressed into the confines of an atomic nucleus. Known as a "singularity," this is the moment before creation when "space and time" did not exist. 
  • According to cosmological models that explain our universe, an overwhelming explosion trillions of degrees in temperature on any measurement scale was infinitely dense. This massive explosion created not only fundamental subatomic particles and thus "matter and energy," but "space and time" itself.

The world today is in constant turmoil, but that has been said since "the very beginning of time"--but now even that often quoted time frame is in question too. When, exactly, is the beginning of time?  More important, why is that argument even important today?

Factoid: Cosmology is the science of the origin and development of theParticle Physics - Matter & Radiation interact detecting dynamics.
 universe, the cosmos. Modern astronomy is dominated by the Big Bang theory, which brings together observational astronomy like the deep space Hubble Telescope satellite and particle physics with scientific instruments detecting matter with radiation emissions. This science deals all the time with objects, such as quarks and black holes, that have not been directly detected, visually seen, and yet are the background noise in our vast universe which affects everything around them. Since "God" is not directly detected and yet is affecting everything around Him, does He not then exist too? Hmmn...?  

A "singularity" is an infinitesimal point in space with infinite energy density. [Hope I didn't lose you, LOL.] What it says there, is that our universe didn't have a single, one place where it started from with only one unlimited, self-contained energy source. Quantum mechanics shows that such singularities do not occur in nature, so modern cosmology now has strong reason to think that our universe is just one of an endless number of universes called the "multiverse." The multiverse is infinite and eternal; it had no beginning and will have no end.

So, "Nothing" is notoriously difficult to define. To define it you have to give it some property. But then if it has a property it is not "nothing." So this is an incoherent question unless you define "nothing" as an "empty vacuum." In any case, the multiverse didn't have to come from anything since it always was here. There was no need for a creator because there was no creation.

The "Law of Noncontradiction" states that "something can't be and not be at the same time." It might be better said as "the causality dilemma" or "the chicken & egg theory"--which actually came first?

If we overthrow the "Law of Noncontradiction," literally anything might be true. Black might mean white and hot might mean cold and everything would mean nothing. This is exactly where most modern men and women now live—in the abyss of existentialism or a person's free will to make decisions not knowing right or wrong or good or bad while ultimately accepting individual responsibility; where Joe and Sally might hold world-views that flatly contradict one another—yet both earnestly deny that if one system is right the other must be wrong. This type of thinking seems merely as agreeable and benign, yet it destroys the very concept of truth. 

Many discard the "Law of Noncontradiction" precisely so they can declare truth falsehood and make righteousness evil. Islamic jihadists take advantage of this philosophical soft spot as foolish infidels seek a civil discourse to attain a peaceful coexistence for all in this world, one that will never exist with truly devout Muslims practicing Islam.

It is at this juncture that an important point in our political analysis to recall that the Islamic believers, faithful to the words of their Quran, declared a jihad on all non-Muslims, infidels. This is not a new revelation from the Book of Quran, but to note a condemnation of Muslims with a religious, deep-rooted theological divide that will never have closure ever. Their religious texts and Sharia laws overthrow the Law of Contradiction through their violent Holy War, jihad, to declare truth falsehoods and make righteousness evil.

Our United States leaders must stand up against these radical Islamic fanatics, otherwise accept death or dhimmitude. Dhimmitude is an entire integrated system, based on Islamic theology. It is the taxing of non-Muslims in exchange for tolerating their presence and as a coercive means of converting conquered Infidel remnants to Islam.


Obama's Terrorist Plan: Nothing! - Just B.S.

Have you read between the front page news lines lately?--the real stories exposed through daily news leaks as they drip, drip, drip into a massive pool of undeniably chilling, revealing facts?

  • ISIS stands for the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria; but ISIL stands for the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. Which is it?

Why did President Obama and the White House change the name of ISIS, the terrorist group, to ISIL while others still call it ISIS?

Simply put, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the head of the ISIL terrorist organization felt ISIS was not an all-inclusive name for their non-statehood group; so, ISIL included the undefined region around Syria which is historically referred to as the Levant (an archaic French phrase for the “lands of the rising sun”), including modern-day Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine and Jordan. Importantly, it is an affirmation of submission by any Infidels to recognize the Islamist Terrorist group's claim as legitimate of their supreme authority, as a Caliphate, governing over all the territories of Israel and the adjoining lands comprising all Muslim territories--it is now Obama bowing down to recognize Islamic authority again.

  • Obama's policy is to not name ISIL or other factions as "Islamist terrorists" or "radical followers of Islam" instead focusing on "violent extremism" with "enemy combatants" or "armed insurgents" or other ambiguous names.   

In 2009, Fort Hood, Texas U.S. Army base shootings Nidal Malik Hasan, a U.S. Army major, psychiatrist and Muslim, during all of the shootings shouted, "Allah Akbar!" while he fatally shot 13 people while involved in the act of "workplace violence." 

In September, 2014 Jah’Keem Yisrael, a Muslim whose Facebook page was filled with criticism of American culture and dire warnings for those who do not follow that religion beheaded a co-worker while screaming, "Allah Akbar!," at a food processing company in Oklahoma. He recently had been fired and management declined to say if his religious actions were cause for dismissal. F.B.I. officials said, “So far, there is no nexus to terrorism we are aware of.”--another "workplace violence" case for sure?

In December, 2014 hostage siege at the Lindt Chocolate shop in  Sydney, Australia it was not a "radical Islamist" but Man Haron Monis, a Muslim, who was an "armed robber" who also wore a black headband with Arabic writing and shouting, "Allah Akbar!" while holding a flag saying, “There is no God but Allah; Mohammed is the Messenger of Allah,” a statement of Islamic faith that appears on the flag of extremist group ISIS as his shooting ended with two dead hostages and the "armed robber"--more "workplace violence?"

In January, 2015 a twenty-four year old Jordanian pilot, Muath al-Kaseasbeh, was burned inside a cage to the cheers of "Allah Akbar!" and loud Islamic chants.

  • Christians and Jews alike are not recognized as target groups by the Obama White House. 

In January, 2015 in France the Charlie Hebdo newspaper offices were attacked by Cherif and Said Kouachi, two Islamist terrorist brothers who murdered the cartoonists for drawing editorial cartoons critically depicting Muhammad that they said blasphemed the Prophet Muhammad. The gunmen were shouting "We have avenged the Prophet Muhammad" and "God is Great" in Arabic while calling out the names of the journalists. Another terrorist, Amedy Coulibaly, took over a Jewish kosher supermarket while killing four Jewish hostages during an attempted exchange to allow the Kouachi brothers surrounded by police to go free, but instead police killed all the terrorists. In total 12 people were killed in the attack on the Charlie Hebdo offices attack: eight journalists, two police officers, a caretaker and a visitor--more "workplace violence" here?

On February 15, 2015 twenty-one civilian Egyptian oil field workers who were Coptic Christians were beheaded just for their professed Christian beliefs by ISIS in Libya. Obama referred to them as Egyptian nationals working in Libyan refineries. 

On February 16, 2015 forty-five members of the Iraqi security forces were burned alive in cages by ISIS in the western town in Iraq, al-Baghdadi. Then, ISIS took another one hundred people in the town to butcher by beheading, dismembering or crucifying them too. 

On February 17, 2015 ISIS has gone beyond any respect of individual rights and the sanctity of life of infidels. Iraq Ambassador Mohamed Alhakim claimed that dozens of bodies with surgical incisions and missing body parts have been found in shallow mass graves near ISIS stronghold Mosul over the past few weeks. ISIS runs an extensive organ trafficking system from a hospital in Mosul. It has been reported that they are killing doctors and medical professionals who do not participate in the abhorrent practice of cannibalizing human beings for body organs for sale. They literally eviscerate the human carcase, toss the corpse into a mass grave and sell body their parts to finance ISIS. 

On February 18, 2015 President Obama made his feckless protest speech while his U.S. State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf, had pointed to jobs as a counter-ISIS strategy...Are you guys kidding??--Where are the U.S. ground troops to kill ISIS?
President Obama further whined about prejudice in the United States society against Muslims and how everyone must make them feel welcome here. Then, he went off on another tangent about how it's a generational struggle for everyone to work at changing the hearts and minds of the young people here and around the world. Obama does not mention all of the Mullahs, teachers in their Madrassas or religious schools, feverishly spewing out their veiled, hatred-filled lessons against infidels while perpetuating Islamist terrorism. Where are the guns and bombs for our war partners in the region?
Obama then alluded to how all countries should work toward democratic governments that are not corrupt and where hand-outs instead of bribes will lead everyone out of poverty.  How about the boots on the ground?-- not to win the hearts or for any nation building, just to bomb, shoot and kill ISIS and then leave. Period! 


A "Head On" View of ISIS

The Queen of Hearts screamed, "Off with their heads!" So is the Alice in Wonderland Queen's rampage driven more by her passionate uncontrolled anger or rather than from an arrogant omnipotent madness? How does it relate to the Middle East crisis? Unlike the Queen who angrily blows off steam, the Islamic State deliberately conducts planned beheading to incite more regional sectarian volatility. Its omniscient 'God-ordained' jihadi attacks encourage hatred and terror while inciting fear into anyone who challenges them.

For twenty something year old college students who were born a little before the 2001 9/11 NYC terrorist attack were five years olds, certainly too young to remember the biggest terrorist attack on American soil. It had left a lasting emotional and financial scar to many adults, but not those young kids that couldn't remember. Today they are college students who depend on their liberal, left-wing teachers, socialist professors and activist lecturers to recall past facts and present history with footnotes to educate young minds. Sadly, it exploits their ignorance of true U.S. patriotic values while allowing unethical, political agendas to then 'color' history taught--'brainwashed' is a better description. 

The actual carnage and deaths on the sands in the Middle East are not all the human tragedy. It woefully resides within the young minds of our American college students. A recent 2014 Harvard University study revealed shocking off-the-rails views indicating a true lack of any knowledge of U.S. or world history. Thanks to our liberal curriculum from grade school through high school and beyond core subjects, emphasis no longer includes learning about United States history, social studies or civics. It does include a global understanding of how wrong headed American ideals and Constitutional governance lead to wrongfully destroying the ecology of the whole planet and the economies of all its people. Of course, somehow greater redistribution of U.S. resources and wealth are to be shared by all poorer nations too.

An ISIS Muslim with Fence Heads.The uneducated Harvard student citizenry in the study attempted to explain the dynamics of the United States and ISIS roles in the world as they argued there was moral equivalence. While misunderstanding underlying facts, nothing could be farther from the truth as the stark reality of the brutal, ruthless actions by ISIS cannot be equated to U.S. military actions which closely follow the Geneva Conventions for wartime activities. Since ISIS is not recognized either as a country or a standing army it cannot sign the Geneva accords so they're outside the realm of U.N. Law in the World International Court of Justice, ICJ, in the Hague, Netherlands. ISIS may not be a JV team but is still a free agent able to professionally play on anyones' courts under its own set of open barbaric rules.

The Harvard students further blame the United States for how the Middle East has turned into such a volatile region today. However, these college students are totally bereft of biblical perspective due to many who have never read the bible. As a historical religious compendium, the anthologies contained present people, places and events that explain what transpired over the centuries in the Middle East.

In understanding the birth of Islam in 609 CE, God through the angel Jibril (Gabriel) talked to Muhammad who adopted beliefs and tenets from the torah and bible to include into the Quran's major narratives recounted in the Jewish and Christian scriptures. It summarizes some, dwells at length on others and, in some cases, presents alternative accounts and interpretations of events. This pivotal revelation of an interreligious amalgam of beliefs obviously shaped the core of Islam through the Quran, the only revealed book according to Muhammad that has been protected by God from distortion or corruption. How many Harvard students know that Jews' and Gentiles' scriptures were the basis for Islam?

This region of the world is steeped in long traditions, multicultural diversity, and includes the three major religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam that claim this area as the cradle of their religions. The ideological differences, dissensions and discords have existed as long as any Theo-political zeal has existed to control peoples. The Muslims have certainly expressed a militant posture to conquer and rule the world under Sharia Law over the centuries. So do any of those Harvard students really understand Islamic history? I highly doubt many Harvard students are aware of even the facts I have mentioned here or have any clue and instead just bark back liberal TV soundbites.


Forgetaboutit: Islam Terrorists want No Peace!


The Islamic State is ascendant with burgeoning attacks and voracious killings of Christians and non-Muslims to terrorize the middle East while also threatening the United States too. Nearly two years of valuable time was idled with inaction and empty words by President Obama which has allowed the Islamic State to gain their strength and influence since his campaign rally in Green Bay, Wisconsin on November 1, 2012 where he declared, "al Qaeda is on the run and Osama Bin Laden is dead!" 

U.S. Congressman Eliot Engel (NY-D) the ranking minority member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee stated recently, "We have bad choices and the worst is doing nothing." His highly critical rhetoric is adding to the growing impatient voices of bi-partisan members of Congress that President Obama should seek Congressional approval for forceful military action against the Islamic State threat. Congressman Engel suggests some "boots on the ground" in order to crush the Islamic State to stem the violence while preserving integral infrastructures such as dams, power plants and roads too.

As victims of a broken ideology that is not a religion of peace, Muslim followers simply despise and curse other religions and unbelievers. Imams force a burden of guilt, a religious duty, into their culture onto Muslims who then compulsively seek to convert unbelievers or subject them to live under Sharia Law paying a dhimmitude tax or kill them. Jihadists, who struggle to be a good Muslims or believers as warriors for Islam while fighting to their own deaths are all promised an ultimate reward of seventy-five virgins waiting for them in heaven from Allah.

'Coexistence' will only happen when the radical Islamic State Caliphate is destroyed and a more secular Muslim population cools down the rhetoric and bellicose saber rattling. Still, they will be using the basic Islamic religious pejorative slur of 'infidel' for Jews, Christians and unbelievers. 

'Peace' will never happen within the literal context ever. Instead, it will be about 'getting along to get by' because the enormous Muslim population will not ever relent in its solemn duty to convert unbelievers to Islam; "There are no other Gods except Allah!"


As the Arab World News Turns - A Soap Opera

Saudis Gain Amid Islamist Setbacks

Morsi's Ouster and Syrian Rebel Vote Strengthen Kingdom's Hand

Is it News or a News Release?

It definitely helps in today's politics to understand reportage bias before taking in any information as news fact or news release fiction, especially where the middle East is concerned. 

The Fox News programs under President Roger Ailes has proven to me about "fair and balanced" time and again, which offers a reporting standard today that many news outlets have long forgotten and woefully lost all credibility right along with readership and viewers.

The WSJ newspaper publication like all news organizations manage from the top as with the Chairman Rupert Murdoch and directions go down to be acted upon in the collection and reporting of news content. Although the above headline and byline were printed within the World News section of the venerable Wall Street Journal, it still makes sense to probe its veracity. Upon closer inspection, did you know that the House of Saud, the Saudi Arabia royal family owns voting shares of News Corp., the parent company of the Wall Street Journal and Fox News?

Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal owns the largest chunk of News Corp. stock outside the Murdoch family. Shortly after his purchase of 5.5 percent of News Corp. voting shares in 2005, Alwaleed gave a speech that made it clear just what he had bought. As noted in The (U.K.) Guardian, Alwaleed told an audience in Dubai that it took just one phoneSaudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal & Rupert Murdoch call to Rupert Murdoch – “speaking not as a shareholder but as a viewer,” Alwaleed said – to get the Fox News crawl reporting “Muslim riots” in France changed to “civil riots.” That opening act of eliminating key information from News Corp.’s coverage of Islamic news might well have set a pattern of omission. Alwaleed’s stake today, by the way, is now 7 percent in 2013.

Here is a surprise "tit for tat" tidbit: Not only does Alwaleed own a stake in News Corp., Murdoch owns an even more substantial stake (18.97 percent) in Alwaleed’s Arabic media company Rotana.

Al Risala TV - Tele-Islamist Tareq Al-SuwaidanHere is further incest: Within the Alwaleed-Murdoch-Rotana galaxy is a 24-hour-Islamic outlet called Al Risala, which Alwaleed founded in 2006. The channel’s director and popular “tele-Islamist” is Tareq Al-Suwaidan, widely reported to be a leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Kuwait. According to former federal prosecutor Andrew C. McCarthy, the station’s “Supreme Advisory Committee” includes Abdullah Omar Naseef who is “a major Muslim Brotherhood figure” involved in the financing of al-Qaida.

Yusuf al-Qaradawi, an Islamic Muslim Brotherhood terroristAnother pattern of omission in News Corp.’s coverage is of Al Jazeera Network's alignment with the Muslim Brotherhood, the global Islamic movement whose motto is, “The Quran is our law; jihad is our way; dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.” Al Jazeera’s superstar TV host and ideological lodestar, Yusuf al-Qaradawi, a leading Muslim Brotherhood figure at the network and in Qatar – where it is against the law for journalists to criticize the Qatari government, the ruling family or Islam. Yusuf al-Qaradawi has called for Americans in Iraq and Israelis everywhere to be targeted by terrorists (“martyrs”) who would then find a place in Islamic paradise.

U.S. International Geo-Political - Religious - Business Relationships

Huma Abedin, the wife of Democratic NYC mayoral hopeful Anthony Weiner worked as an assistant to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton,; daughter of Saleha Abedin of the radical Muslim Sisterhood; who works with Abdullah Omar Naseef, a major leader in the radical Muslim Brotherhood.

The Saudi and the Qatar royal families both adhere to Wahabi Islam but appear are at odds. The Qatari are viewed as being too slack and deviating from Wahabi beliefs while making democratic and social reforms too quickly and allowing relatively free critical media where the Saudis are seen adopting overly rigid religious practices along with tighter reigns on critics. Appearances, though, are not so revealing here since the Saudi officials shrewdly view the Qatari acts as useful stimulus for evolutionary reform in Saudia Arabia and a counterbalance to the region's Islamic extremists. So why do the Saudis feel a need for an equilibrium to Wahbi Islamic extremists?

- Read on...

The Siege of Mecca: The Forgotten Uprising in Islam's Holiest Shrine and the Birth of al-Qaeda

by Yaroslav Trofimov

On November 20, 1979, worldwide attention was focused on Tehran, where the Iranian hostage crisis was entering its third week.

  That same morning—the first of a new Muslim century—hundreds of gunmen stunned the world by seizing Islam’s holiest shrine, the Grand Mosque in Mecca. Armed with rifles that they had smuggled inside coffins, these men came from more than a dozen countries, launching the first operation of global jihad in modern times.

Led by a Saudi preacher named Juhayman al Uteybi, they believed that the Saudi royal family had become a craven servant of American infidels, and sought a return to the glory of uncompromising Islam. With nearly 100,000 worshippers trapped inside the holy compound, Mecca’s bloody siege lasted two weeks, inflaming Muslim rage against the United States and causing hundreds of deaths.

Despite U.S. assistance, the Saudi royal family proved haplessly incapable of dislodging the occupier, whose ranks included American converts to Islam. In Iran, Ayatollah Khomeini blamed the Great Satan—the United States —for defiling the shrine, prompting mobs to storm and torch American embassies in Pakistan and Libya. The desperate Saudis finally enlisted the help of French commandos led by tough-as-nails Captain Paul Barril, who prepared the final assault and supplied poison gas that knocked out the insurgents.

Though most captured gunmen were quickly beheaded, the Saudi royal family responded to this unprecedented challenge by compromising with the rebels’ supporters among the kingdom’s most senior clerics by deporting many rebels back to their countries of origin or Europe.  The Saudi royal family by these actions was helping them nurture and export Juhayman’s violent brand of Islam around the world - Wahabi Islam.

This dramatic and immensely consequential story was barely covered in the press in the pre-CNN, pre–Al Jazeera days, as Saudi Arabia imposed an information blackout and kept foreign correspondents away. Yaroslav Trofimov now penetrates this veil of silence, interviewing for the first time scores of direct participants in the siege, including former terrorists, and drawing on hundreds of documents that had been declassified on his request.

Written with the pacing, detail, and suspense of a real-life thriller, The Siege of Mecca reveals how Saudi reaction to the uprising in Mecca set free the forces that produced the attacks of 9/11, and the harrowing circumstances that surround us today.