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Entries in ISIS Terrorists (5)


Obama's Terrorist Plan: Nothing! - Just B.S.

Have you read between the front page news lines lately?--the real stories exposed through daily news leaks as they drip, drip, drip into a massive pool of undeniably chilling, revealing facts?

  • ISIS stands for the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria; but ISIL stands for the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. Which is it?

Why did President Obama and the White House change the name of ISIS, the terrorist group, to ISIL while others still call it ISIS?

Simply put, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the head of the ISIL terrorist organization felt ISIS was not an all-inclusive name for their non-statehood group; so, ISIL included the undefined region around Syria which is historically referred to as the Levant (an archaic French phrase for the “lands of the rising sun”), including modern-day Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine and Jordan. Importantly, it is an affirmation of submission by any Infidels to recognize the Islamist Terrorist group's claim as legitimate of their supreme authority, as a Caliphate, governing over all the territories of Israel and the adjoining lands comprising all Muslim territories--it is now Obama bowing down to recognize Islamic authority again.

  • Obama's policy is to not name ISIL or other factions as "Islamist terrorists" or "radical followers of Islam" instead focusing on "violent extremism" with "enemy combatants" or "armed insurgents" or other ambiguous names.   

In 2009, Fort Hood, Texas U.S. Army base shootings Nidal Malik Hasan, a U.S. Army major, psychiatrist and Muslim, during all of the shootings shouted, "Allah Akbar!" while he fatally shot 13 people while involved in the act of "workplace violence." 

In September, 2014 Jah’Keem Yisrael, a Muslim whose Facebook page was filled with criticism of American culture and dire warnings for those who do not follow that religion beheaded a co-worker while screaming, "Allah Akbar!," at a food processing company in Oklahoma. He recently had been fired and management declined to say if his religious actions were cause for dismissal. F.B.I. officials said, “So far, there is no nexus to terrorism we are aware of.”--another "workplace violence" case for sure?

In December, 2014 hostage siege at the Lindt Chocolate shop in  Sydney, Australia it was not a "radical Islamist" but Man Haron Monis, a Muslim, who was an "armed robber" who also wore a black headband with Arabic writing and shouting, "Allah Akbar!" while holding a flag saying, “There is no God but Allah; Mohammed is the Messenger of Allah,” a statement of Islamic faith that appears on the flag of extremist group ISIS as his shooting ended with two dead hostages and the "armed robber"--more "workplace violence?"

In January, 2015 a twenty-four year old Jordanian pilot, Muath al-Kaseasbeh, was burned inside a cage to the cheers of "Allah Akbar!" and loud Islamic chants.

  • Christians and Jews alike are not recognized as target groups by the Obama White House. 

In January, 2015 in France the Charlie Hebdo newspaper offices were attacked by Cherif and Said Kouachi, two Islamist terrorist brothers who murdered the cartoonists for drawing editorial cartoons critically depicting Muhammad that they said blasphemed the Prophet Muhammad. The gunmen were shouting "We have avenged the Prophet Muhammad" and "God is Great" in Arabic while calling out the names of the journalists. Another terrorist, Amedy Coulibaly, took over a Jewish kosher supermarket while killing four Jewish hostages during an attempted exchange to allow the Kouachi brothers surrounded by police to go free, but instead police killed all the terrorists. In total 12 people were killed in the attack on the Charlie Hebdo offices attack: eight journalists, two police officers, a caretaker and a visitor--more "workplace violence" here?

On February 15, 2015 twenty-one civilian Egyptian oil field workers who were Coptic Christians were beheaded just for their professed Christian beliefs by ISIS in Libya. Obama referred to them as Egyptian nationals working in Libyan refineries. 

On February 16, 2015 forty-five members of the Iraqi security forces were burned alive in cages by ISIS in the western town in Iraq, al-Baghdadi. Then, ISIS took another one hundred people in the town to butcher by beheading, dismembering or crucifying them too. 

On February 17, 2015 ISIS has gone beyond any respect of individual rights and the sanctity of life of infidels. Iraq Ambassador Mohamed Alhakim claimed that dozens of bodies with surgical incisions and missing body parts have been found in shallow mass graves near ISIS stronghold Mosul over the past few weeks. ISIS runs an extensive organ trafficking system from a hospital in Mosul. It has been reported that they are killing doctors and medical professionals who do not participate in the abhorrent practice of cannibalizing human beings for body organs for sale. They literally eviscerate the human carcase, toss the corpse into a mass grave and sell body their parts to finance ISIS. 

On February 18, 2015 President Obama made his feckless protest speech while his U.S. State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf, had pointed to jobs as a counter-ISIS strategy...Are you guys kidding??--Where are the U.S. ground troops to kill ISIS?
President Obama further whined about prejudice in the United States society against Muslims and how everyone must make them feel welcome here. Then, he went off on another tangent about how it's a generational struggle for everyone to work at changing the hearts and minds of the young people here and around the world. Obama does not mention all of the Mullahs, teachers in their Madrassas or religious schools, feverishly spewing out their veiled, hatred-filled lessons against infidels while perpetuating Islamist terrorism. Where are the guns and bombs for our war partners in the region?
Obama then alluded to how all countries should work toward democratic governments that are not corrupt and where hand-outs instead of bribes will lead everyone out of poverty.  How about the boots on the ground?-- not to win the hearts or for any nation building, just to bomb, shoot and kill ISIS and then leave. Period! 


A "Head On" View of ISIS

The Queen of Hearts screamed, "Off with their heads!" So is the Alice in Wonderland Queen's rampage driven more by her passionate uncontrolled anger or rather than from an arrogant omnipotent madness? How does it relate to the Middle East crisis? Unlike the Queen who angrily blows off steam, the Islamic State deliberately conducts planned beheading to incite more regional sectarian volatility. Its omniscient 'God-ordained' jihadi attacks encourage hatred and terror while inciting fear into anyone who challenges them.

For twenty something year old college students who were born a little before the 2001 9/11 NYC terrorist attack were five years olds, certainly too young to remember the biggest terrorist attack on American soil. It had left a lasting emotional and financial scar to many adults, but not those young kids that couldn't remember. Today they are college students who depend on their liberal, left-wing teachers, socialist professors and activist lecturers to recall past facts and present history with footnotes to educate young minds. Sadly, it exploits their ignorance of true U.S. patriotic values while allowing unethical, political agendas to then 'color' history taught--'brainwashed' is a better description. 

The actual carnage and deaths on the sands in the Middle East are not all the human tragedy. It woefully resides within the young minds of our American college students. A recent 2014 Harvard University study revealed shocking off-the-rails views indicating a true lack of any knowledge of U.S. or world history. Thanks to our liberal curriculum from grade school through high school and beyond core subjects, emphasis no longer includes learning about United States history, social studies or civics. It does include a global understanding of how wrong headed American ideals and Constitutional governance lead to wrongfully destroying the ecology of the whole planet and the economies of all its people. Of course, somehow greater redistribution of U.S. resources and wealth are to be shared by all poorer nations too.

An ISIS Muslim with Fence Heads.The uneducated Harvard student citizenry in the study attempted to explain the dynamics of the United States and ISIS roles in the world as they argued there was moral equivalence. While misunderstanding underlying facts, nothing could be farther from the truth as the stark reality of the brutal, ruthless actions by ISIS cannot be equated to U.S. military actions which closely follow the Geneva Conventions for wartime activities. Since ISIS is not recognized either as a country or a standing army it cannot sign the Geneva accords so they're outside the realm of U.N. Law in the World International Court of Justice, ICJ, in the Hague, Netherlands. ISIS may not be a JV team but is still a free agent able to professionally play on anyones' courts under its own set of open barbaric rules.

The Harvard students further blame the United States for how the Middle East has turned into such a volatile region today. However, these college students are totally bereft of biblical perspective due to many who have never read the bible. As a historical religious compendium, the anthologies contained present people, places and events that explain what transpired over the centuries in the Middle East.

In understanding the birth of Islam in 609 CE, God through the angel Jibril (Gabriel) talked to Muhammad who adopted beliefs and tenets from the torah and bible to include into the Quran's major narratives recounted in the Jewish and Christian scriptures. It summarizes some, dwells at length on others and, in some cases, presents alternative accounts and interpretations of events. This pivotal revelation of an interreligious amalgam of beliefs obviously shaped the core of Islam through the Quran, the only revealed book according to Muhammad that has been protected by God from distortion or corruption. How many Harvard students know that Jews' and Gentiles' scriptures were the basis for Islam?

This region of the world is steeped in long traditions, multicultural diversity, and includes the three major religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam that claim this area as the cradle of their religions. The ideological differences, dissensions and discords have existed as long as any Theo-political zeal has existed to control peoples. The Muslims have certainly expressed a militant posture to conquer and rule the world under Sharia Law over the centuries. So do any of those Harvard students really understand Islamic history? I highly doubt many Harvard students are aware of even the facts I have mentioned here or have any clue and instead just bark back liberal TV soundbites.


Time to Wake Up & Smell the ISIS Arabic Coffee!

So then who has ultimately released the truth here? ISIS terrorist's own propaganda machine. Why? It sure shows who's on top winning this war of Allah verses the Infidels. It really gives anybody in the region a sudden, serious moment of the stark reality - "We're really in deep yak doo-doo now!"

Up to 500 prisoners from the minority Yazidi faith are said to have been killed by ISIS ‘death squads’ of jihadi gunmen in recent days. Yazidi women were being raped while their husbands were tortured, slaughtered or beheaded. Little children were given no mercy as they were terrorized in same manner. Some 40 Yazidi children are reported to be among the dead, after being driven from their homes by the brutal Islamist terrorist offensive in northern Iraq.

Yazidi women in House of Parliament protest.

All image sizes have been reduced to minimize the visual shock value of the brutal murderous acts and the impact of terror in the graphics but still convey a picture of the ISIS Islamist terrorist travesties. 

So what was released to world-wide newspapers by the ISIS propaganda machine?

  • Sunni tribesmen made deals with ISIS to be left alone but their agreements had collapsed as tribesmen were marched into desert, made to kneel and shot in the head.

  • Yazidi prisoners were lined up and executed, their severed heads put on display as a warning to others and graphic photographs of ISIS atrocities. This ISIS terrorist appears smiling as he slits the throat of this young boy to behead him with a hunting knife.
  • Punishment for those who fight Allah and his Messengers is to be shot and crucified, head severed or have hands and feet cut off. The chilling images of those victims have now emerged and were released by the group’s expertly managed propaganda machine. 


I must say I was quite taken aback by the casualness of the crowds of onlookers surrounding those quite public executions sites. In all of the pictures you will notice that cell phones were out, videos running and pictures snapped as all these heinous crimes were going down. It's as if no one there witnessed any atrocities or even noticed or realized that these were human beings being tortured, mutilated and murdered as they were dying right before their eyes.

So what are those pictures telling us about these tolerent 'religious' Islamist followers, these Muslim people who are now living in Iraq and Syria under the protection of ISIS terrorists with their ultra-extremist 'Wahhabist' Islamic beliefs? (All 9/11 NYC terrorists were Saudia Arabian Wahhbist Muslims.)

It looks like the Mullahs, their teachers, will instruct them in their schools, madrassas, about the Quran, Sharia Laws and the Islamic Caliphate taking over the world too. (See their 'Introduction to the Fatwa' text book - English version for U.S. madrassas) The United States being the 'Big Satan', (Persian شيطان بزرگ Shaytân-e Bozorg), doesn't look like the U.S. is in their future except as an adversary.

Should we even care any more about this region? We can be concerned about campaigns to kill the Muslim terrorists plotting against us and forget about any more delusions of 'nation rebuilding' wars for freedom with our own 'blood and treasure.' However, we should offer countries or people ongoing U.S. aid for humanitarian activities and assistance.  

Otherwise, it's pretty much hopeless in the next one hundred years or so, it doesn't look like it'll be much better off than it is today. The Muslim masses will still be angry, uneducated, poor, hungry, jihadi terrorists fighting for the Islamic Caliphate guided by fanatical Imams.  


Obama Gets Bad Spanking in Middle East

Does ISIS have a De Facto Status of Forces Agreement?

 الدولة الاسلامية في العراق والشام

Iraq Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki did not sign a Status of Forces Agreement with Obama who insiders say would not push for it since that would have allowed the U.S. to stay to fight the al Qaeda; Obama wanted to leave. So did the terrorists, ISIS, the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria,  need an agreement instead? Appears it's not required, since a de facto, in fact, agreement has been established by the terrorist themselves without any threat of criminal prosecution by the opposition Iraqi authorities. Now we have the specter of a radical theocracy governed by sharia law wherever ISIS gains control. 

The execution of Iraqi soldiers by ISIS extremists in the Salaheddin province, Iraq.

As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton served from 2009 through 2013 as Obama's close advisor for International Affairs. On February 27, 2009 at Camp Lajeune, NC Obama announced to the marines his withdrawal of combat forces from Iraq by August 2010 and all remaining troops by December 2011. Since then, Obama announced in June, 2014 of a complete withdrawal as of 2015.

Nouri al-Maliki's Shiite government facing the upcoming U.S. troop withdrawals feverishly started shoring up strained domestic Shiite support. It was politically devastating as it further isolated Iraq's Sunni and Kurdish minorities by the oppressive, corrupt Iraqi military actions. 

Here are more facts: 

  • The Iraqi government actions lead to an entirely foreseeable sectarian war that boiled up for past two years and finally erupted now.
  • The ongoing U.S. troop reductions and withdrawal date of closing down boots-on-the-ground operations greatly diminished Iraqi resolve to fight for the al-Maliki government. 
  • A huge major flaw in the Iraqi defense troops was known by al-Maliki, Obama and Hillary Clinton too.  According to Colonel Peter Mansoor, Advisor to General David Petraeus, the Iraqi army had a 40% 'phantom soldier' rate, a no-show U.S. paid empty uniform subsidy, that the corrupt al-Maliki government stole for themselves. Iraq is not fighting with a full fighting force, only 60% as show-ups. 
  • The U.S. failed at Iraqi troop building due to the untimely Obama withdrawal dates. Colonel Peter Mansoor, Advisor to General David Petraeus, reported that our U.S. military exercises trained Iraqi soldiers to fight at a 'company level' of 200 and at a 'battalion level' of 1000 men. At the point of our own soldiers withdrawal this training was capped off at this battalion level and never went to the next level which was to combine several battalions together to form brigades. This level included supplies logistics as well as field personnel combat deployment for large army contigencies. This was the optimum fighting level that Iraqis needed to be at in protecting themselves to repell invaders or attack aggressers with like size brigades.

Why did Obama, his close advisors and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton turn a blind eye to all of these obvious warning signs and then further ignore the Iraqi ethnic divisiveness and the ultimate strategic military outcomes?

--How about Obama and Hillary just simply not knowing anything about anything except on how to be politicians running for office? 

With Knowledge Comes Wisdom


Copyright 2013 DoubledayMany people have seen the film classic, Lawrence 'OF' Arabia. Apparently no one has read the history book, "Lawrence 'IN' Arabia".  It's a very well written fact based history book about the tumultuous middle East evolving at the turn of the twentieth century, from 1890 through to the late 1920's. It is the quintessential Middle East primer about its geography, people, powers, politics, religions, wars and how their outcomes ultimately affected the world today, one hundred years later.

It reads like a spy thriller. All of the plot twists and turns of a real who-done-it with multiple intrigues turn into could-a, would-a, should-a, done-it scenarios that ultimately point to many decisions with consequences that doom the Middle-East to its present future in 2014 and beyond.  

The book is based on years of primary document research. It's written by Scott Anderson, a veteran war correspondent with the New York Times and other major publications. He has traveled from Bosnia, Sudan, Egypt, El Salvador, Lebanon, Israel, Northern Ireland, Chechnya and other strife-torn countries. Understand from a 'first-person' view point of the Middle East issues from all sides - Pick it up and read it!

To Order Your Book:  Click on the Amazon Store in left side-bar.



Is Obama Creating Another Cartoon?

Many a true word is spoken in jest


"Paul Conrad, mostly a liberal Democrat, was not partial to political parties as he also wentPresident Johnson says to V.P. Humphrey about Vietnam bombings, “We’re gonna’ make history, Hubert!” after the Democrats too. In the 1960s, he lampooned Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson and became quite critical of Johnson. Conrad believed Johnson’s policies during the Vietnam War were despicable, drawing one 1964 cartoon showing Congress supplying the president with a “blank check” to wage war on Vietnam. “I really detested Lyndon Johnson,” Conrad said.  “For the Vietnam thing, that’s the one you could really get your teeth into. That was wrong, man, from the word go.”

Another of Conrad’s LBJ cartoons from 1968, shown above right, came at the time Johnson was bombing North Vietnam. It has Slim Pickens riding the A-Bomb!Johnson with vice-president, Hubert Humphrey, riding a bomb similar to a scene from the 1964 movie, Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, in which the actor Slim Pickens rides a bomb in similar fashion. The caption reads: “We’re gonna’ make history, Hubert!”

I do remember the Presidential war of Washington, DC politics well in 1968. I was a twenty-two year old college student who had friends demonstrating there while the Chicago 7 were doing their incendiary, fiery violence at the National Democratic Convention Center that hot summer. The Vietnam Era instantly all went away five years later as the Vietnam War, like a supernova exploded and imploded into a black hole, it just disappeared.

As that era ended in a whimper, I remember Paul Conrad, a very liberal, left-wing editorial cartoonist in the Los Angeles Times newspaper, who did a political cartoon in the 1973 Vietnam Treaty peace accords edition. It pictured a military graveyard with a sea of white crosses awash over all the rolling hills. Two crosses in the foreground had helmets atop and below them a ticker tape is feverishly typing this: "Paris Peace Talks: Henry Kissinger now says that we should have never been in that war!". Then below that, the one helmet says to the other, "And now he tells us!" That said it all for me on how real war is, it's 100% political without regard to any combat participants and will always be that way--the Vietnam war killed more than 58,000 U.S. servicemen and disabled thousands by its end.

As of June, 2014 politicos like office holders, candidates, newsmen, pundits and hacks are now urging for a dramatic reduction in U.S. military combat troops since the total meltdown of Obama foreign policies of inactions leave no real options open. "My suggestion based upon the first rule of foreign policy is that if your enemies are killing each other, don’t step in to stop them. These radical insurgents, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, the Levant (ISIS), have blended into the Sunni, Shia and Kurd populations. The latest Iraq war is between Iraq’s pro-Iranian Shiite government and pro-Al Qaeda Sunni rebels. It boils down to Iran vs. Al Qaeda, radical Shiites versus radical Sunnis. 

ISIS the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) insurgent shooting people dead.

"What we’ve seen in Syria, and now in Iraq, is the early phase of a 30-year civil war between Shiites and Sunnis, which will go from region to region, country to country, tribe to tribe. Fighters will become increasingly radical and brutal, and they will be fueled by Arab oil money. For them, it is a fight about religion, power, geography and resources... And it could well be a fight to the finish!

America has a choice:

  • We can be caught in the middle of this generational war, propping up this side or that, sometimes switching sides. Or:
  • We can figure out what our underlying strategic interests in the region are and find a way to achieve them that doesn’t involve U.S. forces or military assistance."

First, enough already!  Let all sides stop bickering and arguing but instead just agree it’s everybody’s fault about Iraq: Bush shouldn’t have gone into Iraq and Obama shouldn’t have gotten out. There is plenty of blame to go around for past mistakes, but we are where we are and the question now is, what do we do?

"An important but often forgotten test for American foreign policy decisions is what is in our country’s national interest. It’s not about what is best for Iraq or Afghanistan or anyone else. The question is what’s best for America. We have three sustaining vital strategic interests in the Middle East: oil, terrorists and Israel. We want their oil, we don’t want their terrorists and we want Israel to survive in an increasingly dangerous neighborhood."

"If the president fails to do so, he cannot hide behind the excuse that Iraq was Bush’s war, and losing it was Bush’s failure. If he fails to take the steps available to him to develop American energy resources, to protect Americans from terrorist attacks and to offer full support to our ally Israel, it will be on his watch, and on his head."