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Entries in Harvard Student Studies (1)


A "Head On" View of ISIS

The Queen of Hearts screamed, "Off with their heads!" So is the Alice in Wonderland Queen's rampage driven more by her passionate uncontrolled anger or rather than from an arrogant omnipotent madness? How does it relate to the Middle East crisis? Unlike the Queen who angrily blows off steam, the Islamic State deliberately conducts planned beheading to incite more regional sectarian volatility. Its omniscient 'God-ordained' jihadi attacks encourage hatred and terror while inciting fear into anyone who challenges them.

For twenty something year old college students who were born a little before the 2001 9/11 NYC terrorist attack were five years olds, certainly too young to remember the biggest terrorist attack on American soil. It had left a lasting emotional and financial scar to many adults, but not those young kids that couldn't remember. Today they are college students who depend on their liberal, left-wing teachers, socialist professors and activist lecturers to recall past facts and present history with footnotes to educate young minds. Sadly, it exploits their ignorance of true U.S. patriotic values while allowing unethical, political agendas to then 'color' history taught--'brainwashed' is a better description. 

The actual carnage and deaths on the sands in the Middle East are not all the human tragedy. It woefully resides within the young minds of our American college students. A recent 2014 Harvard University study revealed shocking off-the-rails views indicating a true lack of any knowledge of U.S. or world history. Thanks to our liberal curriculum from grade school through high school and beyond core subjects, emphasis no longer includes learning about United States history, social studies or civics. It does include a global understanding of how wrong headed American ideals and Constitutional governance lead to wrongfully destroying the ecology of the whole planet and the economies of all its people. Of course, somehow greater redistribution of U.S. resources and wealth are to be shared by all poorer nations too.

An ISIS Muslim with Fence Heads.The uneducated Harvard student citizenry in the study attempted to explain the dynamics of the United States and ISIS roles in the world as they argued there was moral equivalence. While misunderstanding underlying facts, nothing could be farther from the truth as the stark reality of the brutal, ruthless actions by ISIS cannot be equated to U.S. military actions which closely follow the Geneva Conventions for wartime activities. Since ISIS is not recognized either as a country or a standing army it cannot sign the Geneva accords so they're outside the realm of U.N. Law in the World International Court of Justice, ICJ, in the Hague, Netherlands. ISIS may not be a JV team but is still a free agent able to professionally play on anyones' courts under its own set of open barbaric rules.

The Harvard students further blame the United States for how the Middle East has turned into such a volatile region today. However, these college students are totally bereft of biblical perspective due to many who have never read the bible. As a historical religious compendium, the anthologies contained present people, places and events that explain what transpired over the centuries in the Middle East.

In understanding the birth of Islam in 609 CE, God through the angel Jibril (Gabriel) talked to Muhammad who adopted beliefs and tenets from the torah and bible to include into the Quran's major narratives recounted in the Jewish and Christian scriptures. It summarizes some, dwells at length on others and, in some cases, presents alternative accounts and interpretations of events. This pivotal revelation of an interreligious amalgam of beliefs obviously shaped the core of Islam through the Quran, the only revealed book according to Muhammad that has been protected by God from distortion or corruption. How many Harvard students know that Jews' and Gentiles' scriptures were the basis for Islam?

This region of the world is steeped in long traditions, multicultural diversity, and includes the three major religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam that claim this area as the cradle of their religions. The ideological differences, dissensions and discords have existed as long as any Theo-political zeal has existed to control peoples. The Muslims have certainly expressed a militant posture to conquer and rule the world under Sharia Law over the centuries. So do any of those Harvard students really understand Islamic history? I highly doubt many Harvard students are aware of even the facts I have mentioned here or have any clue and instead just bark back liberal TV soundbites.